Windows XP DLL File Information
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Welcome to DLL information site for Windows XP.
This site was built by scanning all DLL files located in system32 directory of Windows XP with SP3 and
creating (with automatic script) a Web page for each DLL with all found infromation.
Each DLL information page includes:
- Version information - product name, company, file desctiption, and so on.
- DLL popularity - Shows you how many DLLs are statically linked to this file.
- List of files that are statically linked to the specified file. Displayed only when the number of files in the list is 10 or less.
- Sections information - Shows you the code and data sections in the DLL.
- Resources information - Displays a summary of resources stored in the DLL (icons, bitmaps, cursors, dialog-boxes, and so on)
- Icons Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all icons stored in the DLL.
- Cursors Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all cursors stored in the DLL.
- Strings information - Displays a list of strings stored in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 strings)
- Diaogbox information - Displays a list of dialog-boxes captions in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 dialog-boxes)
- Static Linking - Displays the list of DLL files that are statically linked to the DLL. When a DLL is loaded the DLL in this Static Linking list are also loaded with it.
- Exports/Imports List - A list of all imported and exported functions.
In order to browse into the right DLL page, select the first letter of the DLL file, and then you'll get a list of all dll files begins with this letter:
Here's the list of all DLL files begin with 'M':
Filename | Description |
mag_hook.dll | Microsoft Magnifier hook library file |
mapi32.dll | Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT |
mapistub.dll | Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT |
mcastmib.dll | Microsoft Multicast subagent |
mcd32.dll | OpenGL MCD Client DLL |
mcdsrv32.dll | MCD Server |
mchgrcoi.dll | Medium Changer CoInstaller |
mciavi32.dll | Video For Windows MCI driver |
mcicda.dll | MCI driver for cdaudio devices |
mciole32.dll | MCI OLE DLL |
mciqtz32.dll | DirectShow MCI Driver |
mciseq.dll | MCI driver for MIDI sequencer |
mciwave.dll | MCI driver for waveform audio |
mdhcp.dll | Microsoft MDHCP Client COM Interface |
mdminst.dll | Modem Class Installer |
mf3216.dll | 32-bit to 16-bit Metafile Conversion DLL |
mfc40.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
mfc40u.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
mfc42.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
mfc42u.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version |
mfcsubs.dll | |
mgmtapi.dll | Microsoft SNMP Manager API (uses WinSNMP) |
microsoft.managementconsole.dll | MMCFx |
midimap.dll | Microsoft MIDI Mapper |
miglibnt.dll | NT migration dll support |
mimefilt.dll | Microsoft (R) IMimeFilter Persistent Handler DLL |
mlang.dll | Multi Language Support DLL |
mll_hp.dll | HP Media Label Library |
mll_mtf.dll | MTF (Microsoft Tape Format) Media Label Library |
mll_qic.dll | QIC113 Media Label Library |
mmcbase.dll | MMC Base DLL |
mmcex.dll | MMCEx |
mmcfxcommon.dll | MMCFxCommon |
mmcndmgr.dll | MMC Node Manager DLL |
mmcshext.dll | MMC Shell Extension DLL |
mmdrv.dll | MultiMedia Kernel support Driver |
mmfutil.dll | WMI Snapin Helpers |
mmutilse.dll | Microsoft Multimedia Controls Utilities |
mnmdd.dll | Application Sharing Display Driver |
mobsync.dll | Microsoft Synchronization Manager |
modemui.dll | Windows Modem Properties |
modex.dll | ModeX Display Driver |
moricons.dll | Windows NT Setup Icon Resources Library |
mp43dmod.dll | Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder |
mp4sdmod.dll | Corona Windows Media MPEG-4 S Video Decoder |
mpg4dmod.dll | Corona Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder |
mpr.dll | Multiple Provider Router DLL |
mprapi.dll | Windows NT MP Router Administration DLL |
mprddm.dll | Demand Dial Manager Supervisor |
mprdim.dll | Dynamic Interface Manager |
mprmsg.dll | Multi-Protocol Router Service Messages DLL |
mprui.dll | Multiple Provider |
mqad.dll | Windows NT MQ Client AD Access |
mqcertui.dll | Windows NT Certificate Dialogs |
mqdscli.dll | Windows NT MQ Client Directory Service |
mqgentr.dll | MSMQ Trigger Generic Object |
mqlogmgr.dll | MS DTC log manager DLL |
mqoa.dll | Message Queuing ActiveX Interface |
mqperf.dll | Windows NT MQ Performance Coutners |
mqqm.dll | Windows NT MQ Queue Manager |
mqrt.dll | Windows NT MQ Run time DLL |
mqrtdep.dll | Message Queueing Dependent Client |
mqsec.dll | Windows NT, MSMQ 2.0 Security |
mqsnap.dll | Windows NT MSMQ Admin |
mqtrig.dll | MSMQ Trigger Object Module |
mqupgrd.dll | MSMQ Upgrade |
mqutil.dll | Windows NT MQ Utility DLL |
msaatext.dll | Active Accessibility text support |
msacm32.dll | Microsoft ACM Audio Filter |
msafd.dll | Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider |
msapsspc.dll | DPA Client for 32 bit platforms |
msasn1.dll | ASN.1 Runtime APIs |
msaudite.dll | Security Audit Events DLL |
mscat32.dll | MSCAT32 Forwarder DLL |
mscms.dll | Microsoft Color Matching System DLL |
msconf.dll | Conferencing Utility Dll |
mscpx32r.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Code Page Translator Resources |
mscpxl32.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Code Page Translator |
msctf.dll | MSCTF Server DLL |
msctfp.dll | MSCTFP Server DLL |
msdadiag.dll | Microsoft Data Access - Built-In Diagnostics |
msdart.dll | Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Runtime Routines |
msdbg2.dll | Microsoft Visual Studio 7.0 Debugging Proxy/Stub |
msdmo.dll | DMO Runtime |
msdtclog.dll | MS DTC log manager DLL |
msdtcprx.dll | MS DTC OLE Transactions interface proxy DLL |
msdtctm.dll | MS DTC transaction manager DLL |
msdtcuiu.dll | MS DTC administrative component DLL |
msdxmlc.dll | Windows Media Player |
msencode.dll | Microsoft Character Encoder |
msexch40.dll | Microsoft Jet Exchange Isam |
msexcl40.dll | Microsoft Jet Excel Isam |
msfeeds.dll | Microsoft Feeds Manager |
msfeedsbs.dll | Microsoft Feeds Background Sync |
msftedit.dll | Rich Text Edit Control, v4.1 |
msgina.dll | Windows NT Logon GINA DLL |
msgsvc.dll | NT Messenger Service |
mshtml.dll | Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer |
mshtmled.dll | Microsoft HTML Editing Component |
mshtmler.dll | Microsoft HTML Editing Component's Resource DLL |
msi.dll | Windows Installer |
msident.dll | Microsoft Identity Manager |
msidle.dll | User Idle Monitor |
msidntld.dll | Microsoft Identity Manager |
msieftp.dll | Microsoft Internet Explorer FTP Folder Shell Extension |
msihnd.dll | Windows installer |
msimg32.dll | GDIEXT Client DLL |
msimsg.dll | Windows Installer International Messages |
msimtf.dll | Active IMM Server DLL |
msir3jp.dll | Japanese Wordbreaker and Stemmer |
msisip.dll | MSI Signature SIP Provider |
msjet40.dll | Microsoft Jet Engine Library |
msjetoledb40.dll | Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet |
msjint40.dll | Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL |
msjter40.dll | Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL |
msjtes40.dll | Microsoft Jet Expression Service |
mslbui.dll | LangageBar Add In |
msls31.dll | Microsoft Line Services library file |
msltus40.dll | Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam |
msnetobj.dll | DRM ActiveX Network Object |
msnsspc.dll | MSN Internet Access |
msobjs.dll | System object audit names |
msoeacct.dll | Microsoft Internet Account Manager |
msoert2.dll | Microsoft Outlook Express RT Lib |
msorc32r.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver for Oracle Resources |
msorcl32.dll | Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver for Oracle |
mspatcha.dll | Microsoft(R) Patch Engine |
mspbde40.dll | Microsoft Jet Paradox Isam |
mspmsnsv.dll | Microsoft Media Device Service Provider |
mspmsp.dll | Microsoft Media Device Service Provider |
msports.dll | Ports Class Installer |
msprivs.dll | Microsoft Privilege Translations |
msr2c.dll | Microsoft Forms DLL |
msr2cenu.dll | Microsoft Forms DLL |
msratelc.dll | Internet Ratings and Local User Management DLL |
msrating.dll | Internet Ratings and Local User Management DLL |
msrclr40.dll | Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Library |
msrd2x40.dll | Microsoft (R) Red ISAM |
msrd3x40.dll | Microsoft (R) Red ISAM |
msrecr40.dll | Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Resource Library |
msrepl40.dll | Microsoft Replication Library |
msrle32.dll | Microsoft RLE Compressor |
mssap.dll | DRM |
msscp.dll | Windows Media Secure Content Provider |
mssha.dll | Microsoft System Health Agent |
msshavmsg.dll | Microsoft System Health Agent Validator Message |
mssign32.dll | Microsoft Trust Signing APIs |
mssip32.dll | MSSIP32 Forwarder DLL |
msswch.dll | msswch |
mstask.dll | Task Scheduler interface DLL |
mstext40.dll | Microsoft Jet Text Isam |
mstime.dll | Microsoft (R) Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions to HTML |
mstlsapi.dll | Microsoft Terminal Server Licensing |
mstscax.dll | Terminal Services ActiveX Client |
msutb.dll | MSUTB Server DLL |
msv1_0.dll | Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0 |
msvbvm50.dll | Visual Basic Virtual Machine |
msvbvm60.dll | Visual Basic Virtual Machine |
msvcirt.dll | Windows NT IOStreams DLL |
msvcp50.dll | Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library |
msvcp60.dll | Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library |
msvcrt.dll | Windows NT CRT DLL |
msvcrt20.dll | Microsoft C Runtime Library |
msvcrt40.dll | VC 4.x CRT DLL (Forwarded to msvcrt.dll) |
msvfw32.dll | Microsoft Video for Windows DLL |
msvidc32.dll | Microsoft Video 1 Compressor |
msvidctl.dll | ActiveX control for streaming video |
msw3prt.dll | ISAPI dll for Web Printing |
mswdat10.dll | Microsoft Jet Sort Tables |
mswebdvd.dll | MSWebDVD Module |
mswmdm.dll | Windows Media Device Manager Core |
mswsock.dll | Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider |
mswstr10.dll | Microsoft Jet Sort Library |
msxbde40.dll | Microsoft Jet xBASE Isam |
msxml.dll | XML OM for Win32 |
msxml2.dll | XML OM for Win32 |
msxml2r.dll | XML Resources for Win32 |
msxml3.dll | MSXML 3.0 SP9 |
msxml3r.dll | XML Resources |
msxml6.dll | MSXML 6.0 SP2 |
msxml6r.dll | XML Resources |
msxmlr.dll | XML Resources for Win32 |
msyuv.dll | Microsoft UYVY Video Decompressor |
mtxclu.dll | MS DTC amd MTS clustering support DLL |
mtxdm.dll | |
mtxex.dll | |
mtxlegih.dll | |
mtxoci.dll | Microsoft database support DLL for Oracle |
mycomput.dll | Computer Management |
mydocs.dll | My Documents Folder UI |