Windows XP DLL File Information - ntlanui.dll |
The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows XP, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.
General Information
File Description: | Lanman Control dll |
File Version: | 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148) |
Company: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product Name: | Microsoft Windows Operating System |
DLL popularity | Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file. |
File Size: | 56 KB |
Total Number of Exported Functions: | 10 |
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: | 10 |
Section Headers
Name | Virtual Address | Raw Data Size | % of File | Characteristics | Section Contains... |
.text | 0x00001000 | 40,448 Bytes | 69.9% | Read, Execute | Code |
.data | 0x0000b000 | 512 Bytes | 0.9% | Write, Read | Initialized Data |
.rsrc | 0x0000c000 | 13,824 Bytes | 23.9% | Read | Initialized Data |
.reloc | 0x00010000 | 2,048 Bytes | 3.5% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
Static Linking
ntlanui.dll is statically linked to the following files:msvcrt.dll
This means that when ntlanui.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, ntlanui.dll won't be loaded.
General Resources Information
Resource Type | Number of Items | Total Size | % of File |
Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Bitmaps | 3 | 696 Bytes | 1.2% |
AVI Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Dialog-Boxes | 8 | 4,956 Bytes | 8.6% |
HTML Related Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Menus | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Strings | 38 | 5,768 Bytes | 10.0% |
Type Libraries | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Manifest | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
All Others | 2 | 904 Bytes | 1.6% |
Total | 51 | 12,324 Bytes | 21.3% |
Icons in this file
No icons found in this file
Cursors in this file
No cursors found in this file
Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)
In the following section, you can find the captions of dialog-boxes stored in this DLL. The list is currently limited to 200 dialogs.ID | Dialog Caption |
8002 | Network Properties |
8101 | New Share |
8102 | Shared Directory |
8103 | Share Properties |
8104 | Shared Directories |
8105 | Share Permissions |
8106 | Windows NT |
8107 | Stop Sharing Directory |
String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)
String ID | String Text |
15101 | winfile.hlp |
15102 | srvmgr.hlp |
15103 | network.hlp |
15119 | Full API support was not loaded. |
15120 | Installed network software is not Microsoft LAN Manager. |
15150 | Your network driver is designed for the previous version of LAN Manager. In order to get full functionality supported by the current version of LAN Manager. Please run LAN Manager's installer to upgrade. |
15151 | Your network driver is NOT compatible with your network. Please run Windows setup program to get the correct driver or consult your network administrator. |
15501 | The selected server does not support remote administration. You can only manage shares on this server when working locally. |
15502 | The drive is not ready. |
15503 | The specified permissions are not valid. You must specify a combination of the letters 'RWCXDAP' with no duplicates. |
15504 | The comment you specified is not valid. You must enter a valid comment. |
15505 | The path you specified is not valid. You must type either a full UNC path ( \\server\share\.... ) or a full local/redirected path ( x:\path\... ) on which to create the share. |
15506 | The path you specified is not valid. You must type a path local to the selected server on which to create the share. |
15507 | The share name you specified is not valid. You must type a valid share name to create the share. |
15508 | The user limit is invalid for the selected server. You must enter a valid user limit. |
15509 | The path should be empty when trying to create the ADMIN$ or IPC$ share on the server. |
15510 | The comment should be empty when trying to create the ADMIN$ or IPC$ share on the server. |
15511 | The directory you selected is currently not shared. |
15512 | There are no shares to stop sharing on the selected server. |
15513 | The sharename %1 is not accessible from some MS-DOS workstations. Are you sure you want to use this sharename? |
15514 | Permissions cannot be set for the shares on LAN Manager 2.x user-level servers. |
15516 | You cannot change the path of ADMIN$ or IPC$. Do you want to continue on with changing the other properties of the share? |
15517 | The shared resource <%1> does not exist. |
15518 | This has been shared for administrative purposes. The permissions cannot be set. |
15519 | This network request is not supported on remote drives that are not shared by Windows NT/LAN Manager computers. |
15550 | Shared &Directories on %1: |
15551 | These users are currently using files on the share <%1>: |
15552 | Users trying to reconnect to this share (%1\%2) will need to supply the correct new password to succeed. Failure to do so may result in loss of data. Are you sure you want to continue? |
15553 | This is an Administrative Share. Only Administrators and Server Operators can connect to this share. |
15554 | The directory <%1> is already shared with the name <%2>. Would you like to stop sharing directory <%1> in order to share <%3> with the name <%4>? |
15555 | Access Through &Share |
15556 | Read |
15557 | Change |
15558 | Full Control |
15559 | No Access |
15560 | S&hare |
15562 | &Open By... |
15600 | This operation is not supported for a local file. |
COM Classes/Interfaces
There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information
Exported Functions List
The following functions are exported by this dll:DllMain | I_SystemFocusDialog | NPGetPropertyText | NPPropertyDialog |
ServerBrowseDialogA0 | ShareAsDialogA0 | ShareCreate | ShareManage |
ShareStop | StopShareDialogA0 |
Imported Functions List
The following functions are imported by this dll:- msvcrt.dll:
_adjust_fdiv _initterm _purecall free malloc void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int) void __cdecl operator delete(void *) wcscpy wcsrchr - NETUI0.dll:
NETUI_stricmp long __stdcall GetSelItem(struct HWND__ *,class NLS_STR *,int,int *) protected: __thiscall NLS_STR::NLS_STR(unsigned short *,unsigned int,int) public: __thiscall DBGSTREAM::DBGSTREAM(class OUTPUTSINK *) public: __thiscall DEC_STR::DEC_STR(unsigned long,unsigned int) public: __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::INTL_PROFILE(void) public: __thiscall ISTR::ISTR(class NLS_STR const &) public: __thiscall NLS_STR::NLS_STR(class NLS_STR const &) public: __thiscall NLS_STR::NLS_STR(unsigned int) public: __thiscall NLS_STR::NLS_STR(unsigned short const *) public: __thiscall NLS_STR::NLS_STR(void) public: __thiscall NLS_STR::~NLS_STR(void) public: __thiscall STRLIST::STRLIST(int) public: __thiscall STRLIST::~STRLIST(void) public: class ISTR & __thiscall ISTR::operator++(void) public: class NLS_STR & __thiscall NLS_STR::_strupr(void) public: class NLS_STR & __thiscall NLS_STR::operator=(unsigned short const *) public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::_stricmp(class NLS_STR const &)const public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::operator==(class NLS_STR const &)const public: long __cdecl NLS_STR::InsertParams(unsigned int,class NLS_STR const *,...) public: long __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::QueryDurationStr(int,int,int,int,class NLS_STR *)const public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::Append(class NLS_STR const &) public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::AppendChar(unsigned short) public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::CopyFrom(unsigned short const *,unsigned int) public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::InsertParams(class NLS_STR const * *) public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::MapCopyFrom(char const *,unsigned int) public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::MapCopyTo(char *,unsigned int)const public: long __thiscall SLIST::Add(void *) public: static void * __stdcall ALLOC_BASE::operator new(unsigned int) public: static void __stdcall ALLOC_BASE::operator delete(void *) public: unsigned int __thiscall NLS_STR::QueryTextSize(void)const public: unsigned short __thiscall NLS_STR::QueryChar(class ISTR const &)const public: void __thiscall FMX::Refresh(void) public: void __thiscall ISTR::operator+=(int) public: void __thiscall NLS_STR::DelSubStr(class ISTR &) unsigned short * __stdcall strcpy(unsigned short *,class NLS_STR const &) - NETUI1.dll:
I_MNetComputerNameCompare I_MNetNameValidate I_MNetPathType MNetShareDelSticky private: unsigned short const * __thiscall ITER_DEVICE::EnumComms(void) private: unsigned short const * __thiscall ITER_DEVICE::EnumComms(void) protected: __thiscall LM_ENUM_ITER::~LM_ENUM_ITER(void) protected: long __thiscall SHARE_1::SetResourceType(unsigned int) protected: virtual long __thiscall NEW_LM_OBJ::I_ChangeToNew(void) protected: virtual long __thiscall NEW_LM_OBJ::I_ChangeToNew(void) protected: virtual long __thiscall NEW_LM_OBJ::I_ChangeToNew(void) protected: virtual long __thiscall NEW_LM_OBJ::I_Delete(unsigned int) protected: virtual long __thiscall SERVER_2::I_GetInfo(void) protected: virtual long __thiscall SERVER_2::I_WriteInfo(void) public: __thiscall CHARDEVQ1_ENUM_ITER::CHARDEVQ1_ENUM_ITER(class CHARDEVQ1_ENUM &) public: __thiscall CHARDEVQ1_ENUM_ITER::CHARDEVQ1_ENUM_ITER(class CHARDEVQ1_ENUM &) public: __thiscall CONN1_ENUM::CONN1_ENUM(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *) public: __thiscall LOCATION::LOCATION(unsigned short const *,int) public: __thiscall LOCATION::~LOCATION(void) public: __thiscall LOC_LM_ENUM::~LOC_LM_ENUM(void) public: __thiscall LOC_LM_RESUME_ENUM::~LOC_LM_RESUME_ENUM(void) public: __thiscall NET_NAME::NET_NAME(unsigned short const *,enum NETNAME_TYPE) public: __thiscall NET_NAME::~NET_NAME(void) public: __thiscall OS_ACE::OS_ACE(void *) public: __thiscall OS_ACE::~OS_ACE(void) public: __thiscall OS_ACL::OS_ACL(struct _ACL *,int,class OS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) public: __thiscall OS_ACL::~OS_ACL(void) public: __thiscall OS_ACL::~OS_ACL(void) public: __thiscall OS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR::OS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(void *,int) public: __thiscall OS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR::~OS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR(void) public: __thiscall OS_SID::OS_SID(void *,int,class OS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) public: __thiscall SERVER_2::SERVER_2(unsigned short const *) public: __thiscall SERVER_2::~SERVER_2(void) public: __thiscall SHARE2_ENUM::SHARE2_ENUM(unsigned short const *,int) public: __thiscall SHARE_2::SHARE_2(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,int) public: __thiscall SHARE_2::~SHARE_2(void) public: __thiscall USER0_ENUM::USER0_ENUM(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,int) public: class CONN1_ENUM_OBJ const * __thiscall CONN1_ENUM_ITER::operator()(void) public: class SHARE2_ENUM_OBJ const * __thiscall SHARE2_ENUM_ITER::operator()(void) public: int __thiscall NET_NAME::IsLocal(long *) public: int __thiscall NET_NAME::IsSharable(long *) public: long __thiscall LM_ENUM::GetInfo(void) public: long __thiscall LM_RESUME_ENUM::GetInfo(int) public: long __thiscall LOCATION::CheckIfNT(int *) public: long __thiscall LOCATION::QueryDisplayName(class NLS_STR *)const public: long __thiscall NET_NAME::QueryComputerName(class NLS_STR *) public: long __thiscall NET_NAME::QueryLastComponent(class NLS_STR *) public: long __thiscall NET_NAME::QueryLocalPath(class NLS_STR *) public: long __thiscall NET_NAME::QueryUNCPath(class NLS_STR *) public: long __thiscall NEW_LM_OBJ::CreateNew(void) public: long __thiscall NEW_LM_OBJ::Delete(unsigned int) public: long __thiscall NEW_LM_OBJ::GetInfo(void) public: long __thiscall NEW_LM_OBJ::WriteInfo(void) public: long __thiscall NEW_LM_OBJ::WriteNew(void) public: long __thiscall OS_ACE::SetSID(class OS_SID const &) public: long __thiscall OS_ACL::AddACE(unsigned long,class OS_ACE const &) public: long __thiscall OS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR::Copy(class OS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR const &) public: long __thiscall OS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR::QueryDACL(int *,class OS_ACL * *,int *)const public: long __thiscall OS_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR::SetDACL(int,class OS_ACL const *,int) public: long __thiscall SHARE_1::SetComment(unsigned short const *) public: long __thiscall SHARE_2::SetMaxUses(unsigned int) public: long __thiscall SHARE_2::SetPassword(unsigned short const *) public: long __thiscall SHARE_2::SetPath(unsigned short const *) public: long __thiscall SHARE_2::SetPermissions(unsigned int) public: static long __stdcall NT_ACCOUNTS_UTILITY::QuerySystemSid(enum UI_SystemSid,class OS_SID *,unsigned short const *) public: unsigned int __thiscall SERVER_1::QueryMajorVer(void)const public: unsigned int __thiscall SERVER_2::QuerySecurity(void)const public: unsigned long __thiscall REPL_EDIR_1::QueryExtent(void)const public: unsigned short const * __thiscall LOCATION::QueryServer(void)const public: void __thiscall OS_ACE::SetAccessMask(unsigned long) - NETUI2.dll:
int __stdcall MsgPopup(class OWNINGWND const &,long,enum MSG_SEVERITY) int __stdcall MsgPopup(class OWNINGWND const &,long,enum MSG_SEVERITY,unsigned int,unsigned int) int __stdcall MsgPopup(class OWNINGWND const &,long,enum MSG_SEVERITY,unsigned int,unsigned short const *,unsigned int) int __stdcall MsgPopup(class OWNINGWND const &,long,enum MSG_SEVERITY,unsigned int,unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,unsigned int) int __stdcall MsgPopup(class OWNINGWND const &,long,enum MSG_SEVERITY,unsigned long,unsigned int,class NLS_STR * * const,unsigned int) private: static unsigned int __stdcall METALLIC_STR_DTE::CalcBottomTextMargin(void) private: virtual class LBI * __thiscall BLT_LISTBOX::RequestLBI(struct tagDRAWITEMSTRUCT const *) protected: __thiscall LIST_CONTROL::~LIST_CONTROL(void) protected: class PUSH_BUTTON * __thiscall SLE_STRLB_GROUP::QueryAddButton(void)const protected: unsigned char const * __thiscall ENUM_OBJ_BASE::QueryBufferPtr(void)const protected: virtual int __thiscall BLT_LISTBOX::CD_Char(unsigned short,unsigned short) protected: virtual int __thiscall BLT_LISTBOX::CD_Measure(struct tagMEASUREITEMSTRUCT *) protected: virtual int __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::FilterMessage(struct tagMSG *) protected: virtual int __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::IsPumpFinished(void) protected: virtual int __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::IsValid(void) protected: virtual int __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::OnCancel(void) protected: virtual int __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::OnOK(void) protected: virtual int __thiscall HAS_MESSAGE_PUMP::IsPumpFinished(void) protected: virtual int __thiscall HAS_MESSAGE_PUMP::IsPumpFinished(void) protected: virtual int __thiscall LISTBOX::CD_Draw(struct tagDRAWITEMSTRUCT *) protected: virtual int __thiscall LISTBOX::CD_VKey(unsigned short,unsigned short) protected: virtual int __thiscall OPEN_DIALOG_BASE::OnCommand(class CONTROL_EVENT const &) protected: virtual long __thiscall BLT_LISTBOX::CD_Guiltt(int,class NLS_STR *) protected: virtual long __thiscall CONTROL_GROUP::OnUserAction(class CONTROL_WINDOW *,class CONTROL_EVENT const &) protected: virtual long __thiscall HIER_LISTBOX::AddChildren(class HIER_LBI *) protected: virtual long __thiscall HIER_LISTBOX::AddChildren(class HIER_LBI *) protected: virtual long __thiscall HIER_LISTBOX::AddChildren(class HIER_LBI *) protected: virtual long __thiscall HIER_LISTBOX::AddChildren(class HIER_LBI *) protected: virtual long __thiscall HIER_LISTBOX::AddChildren(class HIER_LBI *) protected: virtual long __thiscall HIER_LISTBOX::AddChildren(class HIER_LBI *) protected: virtual long __thiscall HIER_LISTBOX::AddChildren(class HIER_LBI *) protected: virtual long __thiscall HIER_LISTBOX::AddChildren(class HIER_LBI *) protected: virtual long __thiscall HIER_LISTBOX::AddChildren(class HIER_LBI *) protected: virtual long __thiscall HIER_LISTBOX::AddChildren(class HIER_LBI *) protected: virtual long __thiscall HIER_LISTBOX::AddChildren(class HIER_LBI *) protected: virtual struct HBRUSH__ * __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::OnCtlColor(struct HDC__ *,struct HWND__ *,unsigned int *) protected: virtual unsigned int __thiscall LIST_CONTROL::QueryEventEffects(class CONTROL_EVENT const &) protected: virtual unsigned short __thiscall OPEN_LBI_BASE::QueryLeadingChar(void)const protected: virtual unsigned short const * __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::QueryHelpFile(unsigned long) protected: virtual void __thiscall CONTROL_WINDOW::SetTabStop(int) protected: virtual void __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::OnControlError(unsigned int,long) protected: virtual void __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::OnValidationError(unsigned int,long) protected: virtual void __thiscall LIST_CONTROL::RestoreValue(int) protected: virtual void __thiscall LIST_CONTROL::SaveValue(int) protected: virtual void __thiscall USER_BROWSER_LB::OnDeleteItem(class LBI *) protected: virtual void __thiscall USER_BROWSER_LB::OnDeleteItem(class LBI *) protected: virtual void __thiscall USER_BROWSER_LB::OnDeleteItem(class LBI *) protected: virtual void __thiscall USER_BROWSER_LB::OnDeleteItem(class LBI *) protected: void __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::Dismiss(unsigned int) protected: void __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::DismissMsg(long,unsigned int) protected: void __thiscall OPEN_DIALOG_BASE::Refresh(void) public: __thiscall ARRAY_CONTROLVAL_CID_PAIR::~ARRAY_CONTROLVAL_CID_PAIR(void) public: __thiscall AUTO_CURSOR::AUTO_CURSOR(unsigned short const *) public: __thiscall AUTO_CURSOR::~AUTO_CURSOR(void) public: __thiscall BASE_SET_FOCUS_DLG::~BASE_SET_FOCUS_DLG(void) public: __thiscall BIT_MAP::~BIT_MAP(void) public: __thiscall BLT_LISTBOX::BLT_LISTBOX(class OWNER_WINDOW *,unsigned int,int,enum FontType,int) public: __thiscall COMBOBOX::COMBOBOX(class OWNER_WINDOW *,unsigned int,unsigned int) public: __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::DIALOG_WINDOW(class IDRESOURCE const &,class PWND2HWND const &,int) public: __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::~DIALOG_WINDOW(void) public: __thiscall DISPLAY_MAP::~DISPLAY_MAP(void) public: __thiscall DISPLAY_TABLE::DISPLAY_TABLE(unsigned int,unsigned int const *) public: __thiscall DMID_DTE::DMID_DTE(unsigned int) public: __thiscall LBI::LBI(void) public: __thiscall MAGIC_GROUP::MAGIC_GROUP(class OWNER_WINDOW *,unsigned int,int,unsigned int,class CONTROL_GROUP *) public: __thiscall OPEN_DIALOG_BASE::OPEN_DIALOG_BASE(struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,class OPEN_LBOX_BASE *) public: __thiscall OPEN_DIALOG_BASE::~OPEN_DIALOG_BASE(void) public: __thiscall OPEN_LBI_BASE::OPEN_LBI_BASE(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long) public: __thiscall OPEN_LBOX_BASE::OPEN_LBOX_BASE(class OWNER_WINDOW *,unsigned int,class NLS_STR const &,class NLS_STR const &) public: __thiscall OPEN_LBOX_BASE::~OPEN_LBOX_BASE(void) public: __thiscall PROC_INSTANCE::~PROC_INSTANCE(void) public: __thiscall PROC_INSTANCE::~PROC_INSTANCE(void) public: __thiscall PROC_INSTANCE::~PROC_INSTANCE(void) public: __thiscall PROMPT_AND_CONNECT::PROMPT_AND_CONNECT(struct HWND__ *,unsigned short const *,unsigned long,unsigned int,unsigned short const *) public: __thiscall PROMPT_AND_CONNECT::~PROMPT_AND_CONNECT(void) public: __thiscall PUSH_BUTTON::PUSH_BUTTON(class OWNER_WINDOW *,unsigned int) public: __thiscall RADIO_GROUP::~RADIO_GROUP(void) public: __thiscall RESOURCE_STR::RESOURCE_STR(long) public: __thiscall SLE::SLE(class OWNER_WINDOW *,unsigned int,unsigned int) public: __thiscall SLE_STRIP::SLE_STRIP(class OWNER_WINDOW *,unsigned int,unsigned int,int) public: __thiscall SLT::SLT(class OWNER_WINDOW *,unsigned int) public: __thiscall SPIN_GROUP::SPIN_GROUP(class OWNER_WINDOW *,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,int) public: __thiscall SPIN_GROUP::~SPIN_GROUP(void) public: __thiscall SPIN_SLE_NUM::SPIN_SLE_NUM(class OWNER_WINDOW *,unsigned int,unsigned long,unsigned long,unsigned long,int,unsigned int) public: __thiscall SPIN_SLE_NUM::~SPIN_SLE_NUM(void) public: __thiscall STANDALONE_SET_FOCUS_DLG::STANDALONE_SET_FOCUS_DLG(struct HWND__ *,class NLS_STR *,unsigned long,enum SELECTION_TYPE,unsigned long,unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,unsigned long) public: __thiscall WINDOW::~WINDOW(void) public: class DTE * & __thiscall DISPLAY_TABLE::operator[](unsigned int) public: class LBI * __thiscall BLT_LISTBOX::QueryItem(int)const public: int __thiscall BLT_LISTBOX::AddItem(class LBI *) public: int __thiscall BLT_LISTBOX::AddItemIdemp(class LBI *) public: int __thiscall LIST_CONTROL::QueryCount(void)const public: int __thiscall LIST_CONTROL::QueryCurrentItem(void)const public: int __thiscall LIST_CONTROL::QuerySelCount(void)const public: int __thiscall STRING_LIST_CONTROL::AddItem(unsigned short const *) public: int __thiscall STRING_LIST_CONTROL::FindItemExact(unsigned short const *)const public: int __thiscall WINDOW::QueryTextLength(void)const public: long __thiscall BASE_SET_FOCUS_DLG::Process(int *) public: long __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::Process(int *) public: long __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::Process(unsigned int *) public: long __thiscall LIST_CONTROL::QuerySelItems(int *,int)const public: long __thiscall MAGIC_GROUP::AddAssociation(unsigned int,class CONTROL_VALUE *) public: long __thiscall PROMPT_AND_CONNECT::Connect(void) public: long __thiscall SLE_STRIP::QueryText(class NLS_STR *,unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *)const public: long __thiscall SPIN_GROUP::AddAssociation(class SPIN_ITEM *) public: long __thiscall SPIN_SLE_NUM::SetSaveValue(unsigned long) public: long __thiscall STRING_LIST_CONTROL::QueryItemText(class NLS_STR *,int)const public: long __thiscall WINDOW::QueryText(class NLS_STR *)const public: static long __stdcall BLT::Init(struct HINSTANCE__ *,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int) public: static long __stdcall BLTIMP::AddHelpAssoc(struct HINSTANCE__ *,long,unsigned long,unsigned long) public: static long __stdcall DISPLAY_TABLE::CalcColumnWidths(unsigned int *,unsigned int,class OWNER_WINDOW *,unsigned int,int) public: static unsigned long __stdcall POPUP::SetHelpContextBase(unsigned long) public: static unsigned short const * __stdcall SLE_STRIP::QueryWhiteSpace(void) public: static void __stdcall BLT::DeregisterHelpFile(struct HINSTANCE__ *,unsigned long) public: static void __stdcall BLT::Term(struct HINSTANCE__ *) public: struct HWND__ * __thiscall WINDOW::QueryOwnerHwnd(void)const public: virtual __thiscall LBI::~LBI(void) public: virtual __thiscall OPEN_LBI_BASE::~OPEN_LBI_BASE(void) public: virtual int __thiscall CHANGEABLE_SPIN_ITEM::CheckValid(void) public: virtual int __thiscall CHANGEABLE_SPIN_ITEM::CheckValid(void) public: virtual long __thiscall STR_DTE::AppendDataTo(class NLS_STR *)const public: virtual struct HBRUSH__ * __thiscall CONTROL_WINDOW::OnCtlColor(struct HDC__ *,struct HWND__ *,unsigned int *) public: virtual struct HWND__ * __thiscall DIALOG_WINDOW::QueryRobustHwnd(void)const public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall LBI::CalcHeight(unsigned int) public: virtual unsigned short __thiscall LBI::QueryLeadingChar(void)const public: virtual void __thiscall CONTROL_WINDOW::IndicateError(long) public: virtual void __thiscall CONTROL_WINDOW::SetControlValueFocus(void) public: virtual void __thiscall STR_DTE::Paint(struct HDC__ *,struct tagRECT const *)const public: void __thiscall CHANGEABLE_SPIN_ITEM::SetValue(unsigned long) public: void __thiscall CONTROL_WINDOW::ClaimFocus(void) public: void __thiscall DISPLAY_TABLE::Paint(class LISTBOX *,struct HDC__ *,struct tagRECT const *,struct GUILTT_INFO *)const public: void __thiscall EDIT_CONTROL::SelectString(void) public: void __thiscall LIST_CONTROL::DeleteAllItems(void) public: void __thiscall LIST_CONTROL::SelectItem(int,int) public: void __thiscall LIST_CONTROL::SetTopIndex(int) public: void __thiscall OWNER_WINDOW::SetFocus(unsigned int) public: void __thiscall PUSH_BUTTON::MakeDefault(void) public: void __thiscall RADIO_GROUP::SetSelection(unsigned int) public: void __thiscall SPIN_SLE_NUM::SetRange(unsigned long) public: void __thiscall WINDOW::Enable(int) public: void __thiscall WINDOW::Invalidate(int) public: void __thiscall WINDOW::SetRedraw(int) public: void __thiscall WINDOW::SetText(class NLS_STR const &) public: void __thiscall WINDOW::SetText(unsigned short const *) - NETAPI32.dll:
NetApiBufferFree NetShareGetInfo NetShareSetInfo - KERNEL32.dll:
DisableThreadLibraryCalls FreeLibrary GetProcAddress LoadLibraryExW ntdll!RtlGetLastWin32Error