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Windows XP DLL File Information - netui0.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows XP, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: NT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes  
File Version: 5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2108)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System  
DLL popularity Low - 6 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file.
File Size: 79 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 555
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 555

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 64,512 Bytes 79.7% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00011000 512 Bytes 0.6% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00012000 13,312 Bytes 16.5% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00016000 1,536 Bytes 1.9% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

netui0.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when netui0.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, netui0.dll won't be loaded.


List of files that are statically linked to netui0.dll


This means that when one of the above files is loaded, netui0.dll will be loaded too. (The opposite of the previous 'Static Linking' section)


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 156 11,134 Bytes 13.8%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 1 928 Bytes 1.1%
Total 157 12,062 Bytes 14.9%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)

String ID String Text
4001 There is no configuration for this device.
4002 The device loader for this device failed to load.
4003 Insufficient memory.
4004 General device error.
4005 There is no arbitrator for this resource type.
4006 There was a conflict with this device's boot configuration.
4007 The resource requirements for this device could not be filtered.
4008 The device loader for this device could not be found.
4009 The data for this device is invalid.
4010 This device failed to start.
4011 General device error.
4012 A conflict was found with this device's configuration.
4013 This device has not been verified.
4014 This device needs to be restarted.
4015 This device needs to be re-enumerated.
4016 This device has an incomplete configuration.
4017 This device requires a resource type that is unknown.
4018 This device needs to be installed.
4019 The registry data for this device has been corrupted.
4020 An error occurred with the VxD Loader.
4021 This device will be removed.
4022 This device is disabled.
4023 The device loader is not ready.
4024 This device is not present.
4025 This device has been moved.
4026 General device error.
4027 The configuration for this device is invalid.
4028 The installation of this device has failed.
4029 This device is disabled.
4030 This IRQ isn't sharable.
4031 Driver failed AddDevice.
7002 Read
7003 Write
7004 Create
7005 Execute
7006 Delete
7007 Change Attributes
7008 Change Permissions
7010 Unknown
7011 None
7012 Error
7013 Warning
7014 Information
7015 Success Audit
7016 Failure Audit
7017 The description for Event ID ( %2 ) in Source ( %1 ) could not be found. It contains the following insertion string(s):
7500 Forcing %1 to close %2 may result in loss of data. Do you want to continue?
7501 Forcing all files on %1 to close may result in loss of data. Do you want to continue?
7502 The user %1 has opened this resource for %2. Are you sure you want to close %3?
7503 Some of the users have resources open for %1, closing these open resources may result in loss of data. Are you sure you want to close all open resources?
7504 The event log record is misformed.
10524 Sunday
10525 Monday
10526 Tuesday
10527 Wednesday
10528 Thursday
10529 Friday
10530 Saturday
10540 January
10541 Feburary
10542 March
10543 April
10545 June
10546 July
10547 August
10548 September
10549 October
10550 November
10551 December
10568 %1D %2H %3M
16900 Account Unknown
16901 Account Deleted
16902 This system has no network adapters.
16903 Error
16910 Configuration Manager: The operation completed successfully.
16911 Configuration Manager: 0x1
16912 Configuration Manager: Not enough memory is available to process this command.
16913 Configuration Manager: A required pointer parameter is invalid.
16914 Configuration Manager: The ulFlags parameter specified is invalid for this operation.
16915 Configuration Manager: The device instance handle parameter is not valid.
16916 Configuration Manager: The supplied resource descriptor parameter is invalid.
16917 Configuration Manager: The supplied logical configuration parameter is invalid.
16918 Configuration Manager: 0x8
16919 Configuration Manager: 0x9
16920 Configuration Manager: 0xA
16921 Configuration Manager: The RESOURCEID parameter does not contain a valid RESOURCEID.
16922 Configuration Manager: 0xC
16923 Configuration Manager: The specified device instance handle does not correspond to a present device.
16924 Configuration Manager: There are no more logical configurations available.
16925 Configuration Manager: There are no more resource descriptions available.
16926 Configuration Manager: This device instance already exists.
16927 Configuration Manager: The supplied range list parameter is invalid.
16928 Configuration Manager: 0x12
16929 Configuration Manager: A general internal error occurred.
16930 Configuration Manager: 0x14
16931 Configuration Manager: The device is disabled for this configuration.
16932 Configuration Manager: 0x16
16933 Configuration Manager: A service or application refused to allow removal of this device.
16934 Configuration Manager: 0x18
16935 Configuration Manager: 0x19
16936 Configuration Manager: An output parameter was too small to hold all the data available.
16937 Configuration Manager: 0x1B
16938 Configuration Manager: 0x1C
16939 Configuration Manager: A required entry in the registry is missing or an attempt to write to the registry failed.
16940 Configuration Manager: The specified Device ID is not a valid Device ID.
16941 Configuration Manager: One or more parameters were invalid.
16942 Configuration Manager: 0x20
16943 Configuration Manager: 0x21
16944 Configuration Manager: 0x22
16945 Configuration Manager: There are no more hardware profiles available.
16946 Configuration Manager: 0x24
16947 Configuration Manager: The specified value does not exist in the registry.
16948 Configuration Manager: 0x26
16949 Configuration Manager: The specified priority is invalid for this operation.
16950 Configuration Manager: This device cannot be disabled.
16951 Configuration Manager: 0x29
16952 Configuration Manager: 0x2A
16953 Configuration Manager: 0x2B
16956 Configuration Manager: The specified key does not exist in the registry.
16957 Configuration Manager: The specified machine name does not meet the UNC naming conventions.
16958 Configuration Manager: A general remote communication error occurred.
16959 Configuration Manager: The machine selected for remote communication is not available at this time.
16960 Configuration Manager: The Plug and Play service or another required service is not available.
16961 Configuration Manager: Access denied.
16962 Configuration Manager: This routine is not implemented in this version of the operating system.
16963 Configuration Manager: The specified property type is invalid for this operation.
16964 Configuration Manager: Device interface is active.
16965 Configuration Manager: No such device interface.
16966 Configuration Manager: Invalid reference string.
16967 Configuration Manager: Invalid conflict list.
16968 Configuration Manager: Invalid index.
16969 Configuration Manager: Invalid structure size.

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
long __stdcall CheckLocalComm(unsigned short const *)
long __stdcall CheckLocalDrive(unsigned short const *)
long __stdcall CheckLocalLpt(unsigned short const *)
long __stdcall CheckUnavailDevice(unsigned short const *,unsigned short *,int *)
long __stdcall GetSelItem(struct HWND__ *,class NLS_STR *,int,int *)
long __stdcall GetSelItem(struct HWND__ *,unsigned int,class NLS_STR *,int *)
private: __thiscall UATOM_MANAGER::UATOM_MANAGER(void)
private: __thiscall UATOM_MANAGER::~UATOM_MANAGER(void)
private: class NLS_STR * __thiscall NLS_STR::QuerySubStr(class ISTR const &,unsigned int)const
private: class NLS_STR const * __thiscall ISTR::QueryString(void)const
private: class REG_KEY * __thiscall REG_KEY::OpenParent(unsigned long)
private: class UATOM * __thiscall UATOM_MANAGER::Tokenize(unsigned short const *,int)
private: int __thiscall ISTR::QueryIch(void)const
private: int __thiscall NLS_STR::Alloc(unsigned int)
private: int __thiscall NLS_STR::Realloc(unsigned int)
private: long __thiscall BUFFER::GetNewStorage(unsigned int)
private: long __thiscall BUFFER::ReallocStorage(unsigned int)
private: long __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::ScanLongDate(class NLS_STR *)const
private: long __thiscall NLS_STR::InsertParamsAux(class NLS_STR const * *,unsigned int,int,unsigned int *)
private: long __thiscall REG_KEY::Close(void)
private: long __thiscall REG_KEY::CreateChild(class REG_KEY *,class NLS_STR const &,class REG_KEY_CREATE_STRUCT *)const
private: long __thiscall REG_KEY::NameChild(class REG_KEY *,class NLS_STR const &)const
private: long __thiscall REG_KEY::OpenByName(class NLS_STR const &,unsigned long)
private: long __thiscall REG_KEY::OpenChild(class REG_KEY *,class NLS_STR const &,unsigned long,unsigned long)
private: long __thiscall REG_KEY::ParentName(class NLS_STR *)const
private: long __thiscall REG_KEY::QueryKeyValueBinary(unsigned short const *,unsigned char * *,long *,long,unsigned long *,unsigned long)
private: long __thiscall REG_KEY::QueryKeyValueLong(unsigned short const *,long *,unsigned long *)
private: long __thiscall REG_KEY::QueryKeyValueString(unsigned short const *,unsigned short * *,class NLS_STR *,unsigned long *,long,long *,unsigned long)
private: long __thiscall REG_KEY::SetKeyValueBinary(unsigned short const *,unsigned char const *,long,unsigned long,unsigned long)
private: long __thiscall REG_KEY::SetKeyValueLong(unsigned short const *,long,unsigned long)
private: long __thiscall REG_KEY::SetKeyValueString(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,unsigned long,long,unsigned long)
private: static int __stdcall REG_KEY::HandlePrefix(class NLS_STR const &,struct HKEY__ * *,class NLS_STR *,class NLS_STR *)
private: static unsigned int __stdcall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::QueryByteCount(unsigned int)
private: unsigned int __thiscall BUFFER::QueryActualSize(void)
private: unsigned long __thiscall FMX::Command(unsigned int,unsigned int,long)const
private: unsigned short const * __thiscall REG_KEY::LeafKeyName(void)const
private: virtual void __thiscall OUTPUT_TO_NUL::EndOfLine(void)
private: virtual void __thiscall OUTPUT_TO_NUL::Render(unsigned short const *)
private: virtual void __thiscall OUTPUT_TO_NUL::Render(unsigned short const *,unsigned int)
private: void __thiscall DFSITER_TREE::SetCurDepth(unsigned int)
private: void __thiscall DFSITER_TREE::SetMaxDepth(unsigned int)
private: void __thiscall DFSITER_TREE::SetNode(class TREE const *)
private: void __thiscall DFSITER_TREE::SetStartNode(class TREE const *)
private: void __thiscall ISTR::SetIch(int)
private: void __thiscall NLS_STR::CheckIstr(class ISTR const &)const
private: void __thiscall NLS_STR::DelSubStr(class ISTR &,unsigned int)
private: void __thiscall NLS_STR::ReplSubStr(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR &,unsigned int)
private: void __thiscall NLS_STR::UpdateIstr(class ISTR *)const
private: void __thiscall STRLIST::CreateList(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *)
private: void __thiscall TREE::SetFirstSubtree(class TREE *)
private: void __thiscall TREE::SetLeft(class TREE *)
private: void __thiscall TREE::SetParent(class TREE *)
private: void __thiscall TREE::SetRight(class TREE *)
protected: __thiscall BASE::BASE(void)
protected: __thiscall FORWARDING_BASE::FORWARDING_BASE(class BASE *)
protected: __thiscall FS_ENUM::FS_ENUM(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,enum FILE_TYPE,int,unsigned int)
protected: __thiscall HEAP_BASE::HEAP_BASE(int,int)
protected: __thiscall HEAP_BASE::~HEAP_BASE(void)
protected: __thiscall NLS_STR::NLS_STR(unsigned short *,unsigned int,int)
protected: class SL_NODE * __thiscall SLIST::FindPrev(class SL_NODE *)
protected: class TREE const * __thiscall DFSITER_TREE::QueryNode(void)const
protected: class TREE const * __thiscall DFSITER_TREE::QueryStartNode(void)const
protected: int __thiscall BITFIELD::IsAllocated(void)const
protected: int __thiscall DLIST::CheckIter(class ITER_L *)
protected: int __thiscall FS_ENUM::NextBreadthFirst(void)
protected: int __thiscall FS_ENUM::NextDepthFirst(void)
protected: int __thiscall FS_ENUM::ShouldThisFileBeIncluded(unsigned int)const
protected: int __thiscall SLIST::CheckIter(class ITER_SL *)
protected: long __thiscall BITFIELD::AllocBitfield(unsigned int)
protected: long __thiscall FS_ENUM::PopDir(void)
protected: long __thiscall FS_ENUM::PushDir(unsigned short const *)
protected: long __thiscall HEAP_BASE::I_AddItem(void *)
protected: unsigned char * __thiscall BITFIELD::QueryBitPos(unsigned int,unsigned int)const
protected: unsigned int __thiscall BITFIELD::QueryMaxNonAllocBitCount(void)const
protected: unsigned int __thiscall DFSITER_TREE::QueryCurDepth(void)const
protected: unsigned int __thiscall DFSITER_TREE::QueryMaxDepth(void)const
protected: unsigned int __thiscall FS_ENUM::QuerySearchAttr(void)const
protected: virtual class DIR_BLOCK * __thiscall W32_FS_ENUM::CreateDirBlock(void)
protected: virtual long __thiscall W32_FS_ENUM::FindFirst(class DIR_BLOCK *,class NLS_STR const &,unsigned int)
protected: virtual long __thiscall W32_FS_ENUM::FindNext(class DIR_BLOCK *,unsigned int)
protected: void * __thiscall DLIST::Unlink(class DL_NODE *)
protected: void * __thiscall HEAP_BASE::I_RemoveTopItem(void)
protected: void * __thiscall HEAP_BASE::PeekItem(int)const
protected: void __thiscall BASE::ReportError(long)
protected: void __thiscall BASE::ResetError(void)
protected: void __thiscall BASE::_ReportError(long)
protected: void __thiscall DLIST::BumpIters(class DL_NODE *)
protected: void __thiscall DLIST::Deregister(class ITER_L *)
protected: void __thiscall DLIST::Register(class ITER_L *)
protected: void __thiscall DLIST::SetIters(class DL_NODE *)
protected: void __thiscall FS_ENUM::ReportLastError(long)
protected: void __thiscall FS_ENUM::SetCurrentDirBlock(class DIR_BLOCK *)
protected: void __thiscall HEAP_BASE::SetItem(int,void *)
protected: void __thiscall NLS_STR::IncVers(void)
protected: void __thiscall NLS_STR::InitializeVers(void)
protected: void __thiscall SLIST::BumpIters(class SL_NODE *)
protected: void __thiscall SLIST::Deregister(class ITER_SL *)
protected: void __thiscall SLIST::Register(class ITER_SL *)
protected: void __thiscall SLIST::SetIters(class SL_NODE *)
protected: void __thiscall SLIST::SetIters(class SL_NODE *,class SL_NODE *)
protected: void __thiscall TREE::Unlink(void)
public: __thiscall ALIAS_STR::ALIAS_STR(unsigned short const *)
public: __thiscall ALIAS_STR::~ALIAS_STR(void)
public: __thiscall ALLOC_STR::ALLOC_STR(unsigned short *,unsigned int,unsigned short const *)
public: __thiscall BITFIELD::BITFIELD(class BITFIELD const &)
public: __thiscall BITFIELD::BITFIELD(unsigned char const *,unsigned int,unsigned int)
public: __thiscall BITFIELD::BITFIELD(unsigned int,enum BITVALUES)
public: __thiscall BITFIELD::BITFIELD(unsigned long)
public: __thiscall BITFIELD::BITFIELD(unsigned short)
public: __thiscall BITFIELD::operator unsigned long(void)
public: __thiscall BITFIELD::operator unsigned short(void)
public: __thiscall BITFIELD::~BITFIELD(void)
public: __thiscall BUFFER::BUFFER(unsigned int)
public: __thiscall BUFFER::~BUFFER(void)
public: __thiscall CHAR_STRING::CHAR_STRING(unsigned short const *,unsigned int)
public: __thiscall CHAR_STRING::~CHAR_STRING(void)
public: __thiscall DBGSTREAM::DBGSTREAM(class OUTPUTSINK *)
public: __thiscall DBGSTREAM::~DBGSTREAM(void)
public: __thiscall DEC_STR::DEC_STR(unsigned long,unsigned int)
public: __thiscall DEC_STR::~DEC_STR(void)
public: __thiscall DFSITER_TREE::DFSITER_TREE(class DFSITER_TREE const *)
public: __thiscall DFSITER_TREE::DFSITER_TREE(class TREE const *,unsigned int)
public: __thiscall DFSITER_TREE::~DFSITER_TREE(void)
public: __thiscall DIR_BLOCK::DIR_BLOCK(void)
public: __thiscall DLIST::DLIST(void)
public: __thiscall DLIST::~DLIST(void)
public: __thiscall DL_NODE::DL_NODE(class DL_NODE *,class DL_NODE *,void *)
public: __thiscall ELAPSED_TIME_STR::ELAPSED_TIME_STR(unsigned long,unsigned short,int)
public: __thiscall ELAPSED_TIME_STR::~ELAPSED_TIME_STR(void)
public: __thiscall FMX::FMX(struct HWND__ *)
public: __thiscall HEX_STR::HEX_STR(unsigned long,unsigned int)
public: __thiscall HUATOM::HUATOM(unsigned short const *,int)
public: __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::INTL_PROFILE(void)
public: __thiscall ISTR::ISTR(class ISTR const &)
public: __thiscall ISTR::ISTR(class NLS_STR const &)
public: __thiscall ITER_DL::ITER_DL(class DLIST *)
public: __thiscall ITER_DL::ITER_DL(class ITER_DL const &)
public: __thiscall ITER_DL::~ITER_DL(void)
public: __thiscall ITER_L::ITER_L(void)
public: __thiscall ITER_SL::ITER_SL(class ITER_SL const &)
public: __thiscall ITER_SL::ITER_SL(class SLIST *)
public: __thiscall ITER_SL::~ITER_SL(void)
public: __thiscall ITER_SL_DIR_BLOCK::ITER_SL_DIR_BLOCK(class SLIST &)
public: __thiscall ITER_SL_DIR_BLOCK::~ITER_SL_DIR_BLOCK(void)
public: __thiscall ITER_SL_NLS_STR::ITER_SL_NLS_STR(class ITER_SL_NLS_STR const &)
public: __thiscall ITER_SL_NLS_STR::ITER_SL_NLS_STR(class SLIST &)
public: __thiscall ITER_SL_NLS_STR::~ITER_SL_NLS_STR(void)
public: __thiscall ITER_STRLIST::ITER_STRLIST(class ITER_STRLIST const &)
public: __thiscall ITER_STRLIST::ITER_STRLIST(class STRLIST &)
public: __thiscall ITER_STRLIST::~ITER_STRLIST(void)
public: __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::LOGON_HOURS_SETTING(unsigned char const *,unsigned int)
public: __thiscall NLS_STR::NLS_STR(class NLS_STR const &)
public: __thiscall NLS_STR::NLS_STR(unsigned int)
public: __thiscall NLS_STR::NLS_STR(unsigned short const *)
public: __thiscall NLS_STR::NLS_STR(unsigned short const *,unsigned short)
public: __thiscall NLS_STR::NLS_STR(void)
public: __thiscall NLS_STR::operator unsigned short const *(void)const
public: __thiscall NLS_STR::~NLS_STR(void)
public: __thiscall NUM_NLS_STR::NUM_NLS_STR(unsigned long)
public: __thiscall ONE_SHOT_HEAP::ONE_SHOT_HEAP(unsigned int,int)
public: __thiscall REG_ENUM::REG_ENUM(class REG_KEY &)
public: __thiscall REG_ENUM::~REG_ENUM(void)
public: __thiscall REG_KEY::REG_KEY(class NLS_STR const &,unsigned long)
public: __thiscall REG_KEY::REG_KEY(class REG_KEY &)
public: __thiscall REG_KEY::REG_KEY(class REG_KEY &,class NLS_STR const &,class REG_KEY_CREATE_STRUCT *)
public: __thiscall REG_KEY::REG_KEY(class REG_KEY &,class NLS_STR const &,unsigned long)
public: __thiscall REG_KEY::REG_KEY(struct HKEY__ *,unsigned long)
public: __thiscall REG_KEY::REG_KEY(struct HKEY__ *,unsigned short const *,unsigned long)
public: __thiscall REG_KEY::operator struct HKEY__ *(void)const
public: __thiscall REG_KEY::~REG_KEY(void)
public: __thiscall REG_KEY_INFO_STRUCT::REG_KEY_INFO_STRUCT(void)
public: __thiscall REG_KEY_INFO_STRUCT::~REG_KEY_INFO_STRUCT(void)
public: __thiscall RESOURCE_STR::RESOURCE_STR(long,struct HINSTANCE__ *)
public: __thiscall RITER_DL::RITER_DL(class DLIST *)
public: __thiscall RITER_DL::RITER_DL(class RITER_DL const &)
public: __thiscall RITER_DL::~RITER_DL(void)
public: __thiscall SLIST::SLIST(void)
public: __thiscall SLIST::~SLIST(void)
public: __thiscall SLIST_OF_DIR_BLOCK::SLIST_OF_DIR_BLOCK(int)
public: __thiscall SLIST_OF_DIR_BLOCK::~SLIST_OF_DIR_BLOCK(void)
public: __thiscall SLIST_OF_NLS_STR::SLIST_OF_NLS_STR(int)
public: __thiscall SLIST_OF_NLS_STR::~SLIST_OF_NLS_STR(void)
public: __thiscall SL_NODE::SL_NODE(class SL_NODE *,void *)
public: __thiscall STRLIST::STRLIST(class NLS_STR const &,class NLS_STR const &,int)
public: __thiscall STRLIST::STRLIST(int)
public: __thiscall STRLIST::STRLIST(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,int)
public: __thiscall STRLIST::~STRLIST(void)
public: __thiscall TCHAR_STR::TCHAR_STR(unsigned short)
public: __thiscall TCHAR_STR::operator class ALIAS_STR const &(void)
public: __thiscall TCHAR_STR::~TCHAR_STR(void)
public: __thiscall TCHAR_STR_IMPL::TCHAR_STR_IMPL(unsigned short)
public: __thiscall TREE::TREE(void *)
public: __thiscall TREE::~TREE(void)
public: __thiscall UATOM::UATOM(class NLS_STR &)
public: __thiscall UATOM::~UATOM(void)
public: __thiscall UATOM_LINKAGE::UATOM_LINKAGE(void)
public: __thiscall UATOM_LINKAGE::~UATOM_LINKAGE(void)
public: __thiscall UATOM_REGION::UATOM_REGION(void)
public: __thiscall UATOM_REGION::~UATOM_REGION(void)
public: __thiscall W32_DIR_BLOCK::W32_DIR_BLOCK(void)
public: __thiscall W32_FS_ENUM::W32_FS_ENUM(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,enum FILE_TYPE,int,unsigned int)
public: __thiscall WCHAR_STRING::WCHAR_STRING(char const *,unsigned int)
public: __thiscall WCHAR_STRING::~WCHAR_STRING(void)
public: __thiscall WIN_TIME::WIN_TIME(int)
public: __thiscall WIN_TIME::WIN_TIME(struct _FILETIME,int)
public: __thiscall WIN_TIME::WIN_TIME(unsigned long,int)
public: char const * __thiscall CHAR_STRING::QueryData(void)const
public: class ALIAS_STR const & __thiscall ALIAS_STR::operator=(class NLS_STR const &)
public: class ALIAS_STR const & __thiscall ALIAS_STR::operator=(unsigned short const *)
public: class ALLOC_STR & __thiscall ALLOC_STR::operator=(unsigned short const *)
public: class BITFIELD & __thiscall BITFIELD::operator=(class BITFIELD const &)
public: class BITFIELD & __thiscall BITFIELD::operator=(unsigned long)
public: class BITFIELD & __thiscall BITFIELD::operator=(unsigned short)
public: class DBGSTREAM & __thiscall DBGSTREAM::operator<<(__int64)
public: class DBGSTREAM & __thiscall DBGSTREAM::operator<<(char const *)
public: class DBGSTREAM & __thiscall DBGSTREAM::operator<<(char)
public: class DBGSTREAM & __thiscall DBGSTREAM::operator<<(enum DBGSTR_SPECIAL)
public: class DBGSTREAM & __thiscall DBGSTREAM::operator<<(int)
public: class DBGSTREAM & __thiscall DBGSTREAM::operator<<(long)
public: class DBGSTREAM & __thiscall DBGSTREAM::operator<<(short)
public: class DBGSTREAM & __thiscall DBGSTREAM::operator<<(unsigned __int64)
public: class DBGSTREAM & __thiscall DBGSTREAM::operator<<(unsigned int)
public: class DBGSTREAM & __thiscall DBGSTREAM::operator<<(unsigned long)
public: class DBGSTREAM & __thiscall DBGSTREAM::operator<<(unsigned short const *)
public: class DBGSTREAM & __thiscall DBGSTREAM::operator<<(unsigned short)
public: class DIR_BLOCK * __thiscall FS_ENUM::QueryCurrentDirBlock(void)const
public: class DIR_BLOCK * __thiscall ITER_SL_DIR_BLOCK::Next(void)
public: class DIR_BLOCK * __thiscall SLIST_OF_DIR_BLOCK::Remove(class ITER_SL_DIR_BLOCK &)
public: class ISTR & __thiscall ISTR::operator++(void)
public: class ISTR & __thiscall ISTR::operator=(class ISTR const &)
public: class ITER_STRLIST * __thiscall DIR_BLOCK::QueryDirsIter(void)
public: class NLS_STR & __thiscall NLS_STR::_strupr(void)
public: class NLS_STR & __thiscall NLS_STR::operator+=(class NLS_STR const &)
public: class NLS_STR & __thiscall NLS_STR::operator=(class NLS_STR const &)
public: class NLS_STR & __thiscall NLS_STR::operator=(unsigned short const *)
public: class NLS_STR & __thiscall NLS_STR::strcat(class NLS_STR const &)
public: class NLS_STR * __thiscall ITER_SL_NLS_STR::Next(void)
public: class NLS_STR * __thiscall ITER_SL_NLS_STR::operator()(void)
public: class NLS_STR * __thiscall NLS_STR::QuerySubStr(class ISTR const &)const
public: class NLS_STR * __thiscall NLS_STR::QuerySubStr(class ISTR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: class NLS_STR * __thiscall SLIST_OF_NLS_STR::Remove(class NLS_STR &)
public: class NLS_STR const * __thiscall HUATOM::QueryNls(void)const
public: class STRLIST * __thiscall DIR_BLOCK::QueryDirs(void)
public: class TREE * __thiscall TREE::BreakOut(void)
public: class TREE * __thiscall TREE::QueryFirstSubtree(void)const
public: class TREE * __thiscall TREE::QueryLastSubtree(void)const
public: class TREE * __thiscall TREE::QueryLeft(void)const
public: class TREE * __thiscall TREE::QueryParent(void)const
public: class TREE * __thiscall TREE::QueryRight(void)const
public: class UATOM * __thiscall UATOM_LINKAGE::Fwd(void)
public: int __cdecl NLS_STR::Compare(class NLS_STR const *)const
public: int __thiscall BASE::operator!(void)const
public: int __thiscall BITFIELD::IsBitSet(unsigned int)const
public: int __thiscall BITFIELD::operator&(class BITFIELD const &)
public: int __thiscall BITFIELD::operator==(class BITFIELD &)
public: int __thiscall BITFIELD::operator==(unsigned long)const
public: int __thiscall BITFIELD::operator==(unsigned short)const
public: int __thiscall DIR_BLOCK::DoBreadthFirstDirs(void)const
public: int __thiscall DIR_BLOCK::HasFindFirstBeenCalled(void)
public: int __thiscall DIR_BLOCK::IsDir(void)
public: int __thiscall FMX::IsHeterogeneousSelection(int *)
public: int __thiscall FS_ENUM::Next(void)
public: int __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::Is24Hour(void)const
public: int __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::IsDayLZero(void)const
public: int __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::IsHourLZero(void)const
public: int __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::IsMonthLZero(void)const
public: int __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::IsTimePrefix(void)const
public: int __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::IsYrCentury(void)const
public: int __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::QueryDayPos(void)const
public: int __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::QueryMonthPos(void)const
public: int __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::QueryYearPos(void)const
public: int __thiscall ISTR::IsLastPos(void)const
public: int __thiscall ISTR::operator-(class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall ISTR::operator<(class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall ISTR::operator==(class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall ISTR::operator>(class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::ConvertFromGMT(void)
public: int __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::ConvertToGMT(void)
public: int __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::IsIdenticalToBits(unsigned char const *,unsigned int)const
public: int __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::QueryHourInDay(unsigned int,unsigned int)const
public: int __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::QueryHourInWeek(unsigned int)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::InsertStr(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR &)
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::IsOwnerAlloc(void)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::Reset(void)
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::_IsOwnerAlloc(void)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::_stricmp(class NLS_STR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::_stricmp(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::_stricmp(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::_strnicmp(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::_strnicmp(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::_strnicmp(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR const &,class ISTR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::atoi(class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::atoi(void)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::operator!=(class NLS_STR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::operator==(class NLS_STR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strchr(class ISTR *,unsigned short)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strchr(class ISTR *,unsigned short,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strcmp(class NLS_STR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strcmp(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strcmp(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strcspn(class ISTR *,class NLS_STR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strcspn(class ISTR *,class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strncmp(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strncmp(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strncmp(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR const &,class ISTR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strrchr(class ISTR *,unsigned short)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strrchr(class ISTR *,unsigned short,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strspn(class ISTR *,class NLS_STR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strspn(class ISTR *,class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strstr(class ISTR *,class NLS_STR const &)const
public: int __thiscall NLS_STR::strstr(class ISTR *,class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR const &)const
public: int __thiscall SLIST_OF_NLS_STR::IsMember(class NLS_STR const &)
public: int __thiscall STRLIST::QueryBufferSize(unsigned short *)
public: int __thiscall STRLIST::WriteToBuffer(unsigned short *,int,unsigned short *)
public: int __thiscall UATOM_LINKAGE::QueryLinked(void)
public: int __thiscall WIN_TIME::QueryDay(void)const
public: int __thiscall WIN_TIME::QueryDayOfWeek(void)const
public: int __thiscall WIN_TIME::QueryHour(void)const
public: int __thiscall WIN_TIME::QueryMinute(void)const
public: int __thiscall WIN_TIME::QueryMonth(void)const
public: int __thiscall WIN_TIME::QuerySecond(void)const
public: int __thiscall WIN_TIME::QueryYear(void)const
public: long __cdecl NLS_STR::InsertParams(unsigned int,class NLS_STR const *,...)
public: long __thiscall BASE::QueryError(void)const
public: long __thiscall BITFIELD::Resize(unsigned int)
public: long __thiscall BUFFER::Resize(unsigned int)
public: long __thiscall DLIST::Add(void *)
public: long __thiscall DLIST::Append(void *)
public: long __thiscall DLIST::Insert(void *,class ITER_DL &)
public: long __thiscall DLIST::Insert(void *,class RITER_DL &)
public: long __thiscall FMX::QueryDriveInfo(struct _FMS_GETDRIVEINFOW *)
public: long __thiscall FMX::QuerySelection(int,struct _FMS_GETFILESELW *,int)
public: long __thiscall FORWARDING_BASE::QueryError(void)const
public: long __thiscall FS_ENUM::QueryName(class NLS_STR *)const
public: long __thiscall HEAP_BASE::SetAllocCount(int)
public: long __thiscall HUATOM::QueryError(void)const
public: long __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::QueryAMStr(class NLS_STR *)const
public: long __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::QueryDateSeparator(class NLS_STR *)const
public: long __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::QueryDurationStr(int,int,int,int,class NLS_STR *)const
public: long __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::QueryLongDateString(class WIN_TIME const &,class NLS_STR *)const
public: long __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::QueryPMStr(class NLS_STR *)const
public: long __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::QueryShortDateString(class WIN_TIME const &,class NLS_STR *)const
public: long __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::QueryTimeSeparator(class NLS_STR *)const
public: long __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::QueryTimeString(class WIN_TIME const &,class NLS_STR *)const
public: long __thiscall INTL_PROFILE::Refresh(void)
public: long __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::ConvertToHoursPerWeek(void)
public: long __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::MakeDefault(void)
public: long __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::PermitAll(void)
public: long __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::Set(class LOGON_HOURS_SETTING const &)
public: long __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::SetFromBits(unsigned char const *,unsigned int)
public: long __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::SetHourInDay(int,unsigned int,unsigned int)
public: long __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::SetHourInWeek(int,unsigned int)
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::Append(class NLS_STR const &)
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::AppendChar(unsigned short)
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::CopyFrom(class NLS_STR const &)
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::CopyFrom(unsigned short const *,unsigned int)
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::CopyTo(unsigned short *,unsigned int)const
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::InsertParams(class NLS_STR const &,class NLS_STR const &,class NLS_STR const &)
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::InsertParams(class NLS_STR const * *)
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::Load(long,struct HINSTANCE__ *)
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::LoadSystem(long)
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::MapCopyFrom(char const *,unsigned int)
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::MapCopyFrom(unsigned short const *,unsigned int)
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::MapCopyTo(char *,unsigned int)const
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::MapCopyTo(unsigned short *,unsigned int)const
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::RtlOemUpcase(void)
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::atol(class ISTR const &)const
public: long __thiscall NLS_STR::atol(void)const
public: long __thiscall REG_ENUM::NextSubKey(class REG_KEY_INFO_STRUCT *)
public: long __thiscall REG_ENUM::NextValue(class REG_VALUE_INFO_STRUCT *)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::Copy(class REG_KEY &)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::Delete(void)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::DeleteTree(void)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::DeleteValue(class NLS_STR const &)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::Flush(void)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::QueryInfo(class REG_KEY_INFO_STRUCT *)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::QueryKeyName(class NLS_STR *)const
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::QueryName(class NLS_STR *,int)const
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::QueryValue(class REG_VALUE_INFO_STRUCT *)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::QueryValue(unsigned short const *,class NLS_STR *,unsigned long,unsigned long *,int)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::QueryValue(unsigned short const *,class STRLIST * *,unsigned long *)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::QueryValue(unsigned short const *,unsigned char * *,long *,long,unsigned long *)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::QueryValue(unsigned short const *,unsigned long *,unsigned long *)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::QueryValue(unsigned short const *,unsigned short * *,unsigned long,unsigned long *,int)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::SetValue(class REG_VALUE_INFO_STRUCT *)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::SetValue(unsigned short const *,class NLS_STR const *,unsigned long const *,int)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::SetValue(unsigned short const *,class STRLIST const *,unsigned long const *)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::SetValue(unsigned short const *,unsigned char const *,long,unsigned long const *)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::SetValue(unsigned short const *,unsigned long,unsigned long const *)
public: long __thiscall REG_KEY::SetValue(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *,unsigned long,unsigned long const *,int)
public: long __thiscall SLIST::Add(void *)
public: long __thiscall SLIST::Append(void *)
public: long __thiscall SLIST::Insert(void *,class ITER_SL &)
public: long __thiscall SLIST_OF_DIR_BLOCK::Add(class DIR_BLOCK const *)
public: long __thiscall SLIST_OF_NLS_STR::Add(class NLS_STR const *)
public: long __thiscall SLIST_OF_NLS_STR::Append(class NLS_STR const *)
public: long __thiscall WIN_TIME::Normalize(void)
public: long __thiscall WIN_TIME::QueryFileTime(struct _FILETIME *)const
public: long __thiscall WIN_TIME::QueryFileTimeLocal(struct _FILETIME *)const
public: long __thiscall WIN_TIME::QueryTime(unsigned long *)const
public: long __thiscall WIN_TIME::QueryTimeLocal(unsigned long *)const
public: long __thiscall WIN_TIME::SetCurrentTime(void)
public: long __thiscall WIN_TIME::SetGMT(int)
public: long __thiscall WIN_TIME::SetTime(struct _FILETIME)
public: long __thiscall WIN_TIME::SetTime(unsigned long)
public: long __thiscall WIN_TIME::SetTimeLocal(struct _FILETIME)
public: long __thiscall WIN_TIME::SetTimeLocal(unsigned long)
public: static class DBGSTREAM & __stdcall DBGSTREAM::QueryCurrent(void)
public: static class REG_KEY * __stdcall REG_KEY::QueryCurrentUser(unsigned long)
public: static class REG_KEY * __stdcall REG_KEY::QueryLocalMachine(unsigned long)
public: static long __stdcall ERRMAP::MapNTStatus(long,int *,long)
public: static long __stdcall UATOM_MANAGER::Initialize(void)
public: static long __stdcall UATOM_MANAGER::Terminate(void)
public: static void * __stdcall ALLOC_BASE::operator new(unsigned int)
public: static void * __stdcall ALLOC_BASE::operator new(unsigned int,void *)
public: static void __stdcall ALLOC_BASE::operator delete(void *)
public: static void __stdcall DBGSTREAM::SetCurrent(class DBGSTREAM *)
public: static void __stdcall NUM_NLS_STR::Init(void)
public: unsigned char * __thiscall BUFFER::QueryPtr(void)const
public: unsigned char * __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::QueryHoursBlock(void)const
public: unsigned char * __thiscall ONE_SHOT_HEAP::Alloc(unsigned int)
public: unsigned int __thiscall BITFIELD::QueryAllocSize(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall BITFIELD::QueryCount(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall BITFIELD::QueryOffset(unsigned int)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall BUFFER::QuerySize(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall DLIST::QueryNumElem(void)
public: unsigned int __thiscall FMX::QueryFocus(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall FMX::QuerySelCount(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall FS_ENUM::QueryCurrentDepth(void)
public: unsigned int __thiscall FS_ENUM::QueryMaxDepth(void)
public: unsigned int __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::QueryByteCount(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall LOGON_HOURS_SETTING::QueryUnitsPerWeek(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall NLS_STR::QueryAllocSize(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall NLS_STR::QueryAnsiTextLength(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall NLS_STR::QueryNumChar(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall NLS_STR::QueryTextLength(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall NLS_STR::QueryTextSize(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall NLS_STR::_QueryAllocSize(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall NLS_STR::_QueryTextLength(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall NLS_STR::strlen(void)const
public: unsigned int __thiscall SLIST::QueryNumElem(void)
public: unsigned int __thiscall TREE::QueryNumElem(void)const
public: unsigned long __thiscall NLS_STR::atoul(class ISTR const &)const
public: unsigned long __thiscall NLS_STR::atoul(void)const
public: unsigned short __thiscall NLS_STR::QueryChar(class ISTR const &)const
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall HUATOM::QueryText(void)const
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NLS_STR::QueryPch(class ISTR const &)const
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NLS_STR::QueryPch(void)const
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NLS_STR::_QueryPch(void)const
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall WCHAR_STRING::QueryData(void)const
public: virtual __thiscall DIR_BLOCK::~DIR_BLOCK(void)
public: virtual __thiscall FS_ENUM::~FS_ENUM(void)
public: virtual __thiscall W32_DIR_BLOCK::~W32_DIR_BLOCK(void)
public: virtual __thiscall W32_FS_ENUM::~W32_FS_ENUM(void)
public: virtual unsigned int __thiscall W32_DIR_BLOCK::QueryAttr(void)
public: virtual unsigned short const * __thiscall W32_DIR_BLOCK::QueryFileName(void)
public: virtual void * __thiscall ITER_DL::vNext(void)
public: virtual void * __thiscall RITER_DL::vNext(void)
public: virtual void __thiscall OUTPUT_TO_AUX::EndOfLine(void)
public: virtual void __thiscall OUTPUT_TO_AUX::Render(unsigned short const *)
public: virtual void __thiscall OUTPUT_TO_AUX::Render(unsigned short const *,unsigned int)
public: virtual void __thiscall OUTPUT_TO_STDERR::EndOfLine(void)
public: virtual void __thiscall OUTPUT_TO_STDERR::Render(unsigned short const *)
public: virtual void __thiscall OUTPUT_TO_STDERR::Render(unsigned short const *,unsigned int)
public: virtual void __thiscall OUTPUT_TO_STDOUT::EndOfLine(void)
public: virtual void __thiscall OUTPUT_TO_STDOUT::Render(unsigned short const *)
public: virtual void __thiscall OUTPUT_TO_STDOUT::Render(unsigned short const *,unsigned int)
public: void * __thiscall DFSITER_TREE::Next(void)
public: void * __thiscall DLIST::Remove(class ITER_DL &)
public: void * __thiscall DLIST::Remove(class RITER_DL &)
public: void * __thiscall ITER_SL::Next(void)
public: void * __thiscall ITER_SL::QueryProp(void)
public: void * __thiscall SLIST::Remove(class ITER_SL &)
public: void * __thiscall TREE::QueryProp(void)const
public: void __thiscall BITFIELD::Not(void)
public: void __thiscall BITFIELD::SetAllBits(enum BITVALUES)
public: void __thiscall BITFIELD::SetBit(unsigned int,enum BITVALUES)
public: void __thiscall BITFIELD::operator&=(class BITFIELD const &)
public: void __thiscall BITFIELD::operator&=(unsigned long)
public: void __thiscall BITFIELD::operator&=(unsigned short)
public: void __thiscall BITFIELD::operator|=(class BITFIELD const &)
public: void __thiscall BITFIELD::operator|=(unsigned long)
public: void __thiscall BITFIELD::operator|=(unsigned short)
public: void __thiscall BUFFER::FillOut(void)
public: void __thiscall BUFFER::Trim(void)
public: void __thiscall DBGSTREAM::SetSink(class OUTPUTSINK *)
public: void __thiscall DFSITER_TREE::Reset(void)
public: void __thiscall DIR_BLOCK::SetDoBreadthFirstDirs(int)
public: void __thiscall DIR_BLOCK::SetFindFirstFlag(int)
public: void __thiscall DLIST::_DebugPrint(void)const
public: void __thiscall DL_NODE::Set(class DL_NODE *,class DL_NODE *,void *)
public: void __thiscall FMX::Refresh(void)
public: void __thiscall FMX::Reload(void)
public: void __thiscall HEAP_BASE::Trim(void)
public: void __thiscall ISTR::Reset(void)
public: void __thiscall ISTR::operator+=(int)
public: void __thiscall ITER_DL::Reset(void)
public: void __thiscall ITER_SL::Reset(void)
public: void __thiscall NLS_STR::DelSubStr(class ISTR &)
public: void __thiscall NLS_STR::DelSubStr(class ISTR &,class ISTR const &)
public: void __thiscall NLS_STR::ReplSubStr(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR &)
public: void __thiscall NLS_STR::ReplSubStr(class NLS_STR const &,class ISTR &,class ISTR const &)
public: void __thiscall REG_ENUM::Reset(void)
public: void __thiscall RITER_DL::Reset(void)
public: void __thiscall SLIST::_DebugPrint(void)const
public: void __thiscall SLIST_OF_DIR_BLOCK::Clear(void)
public: void __thiscall SLIST_OF_NLS_STR::Clear(void)
public: void __thiscall SL_NODE::Set(class SL_NODE *,void *)
public: void __thiscall TREE::JoinSiblingLeft(class TREE *)
public: void __thiscall TREE::JoinSiblingRight(class TREE *)
public: void __thiscall TREE::JoinSubtreeLeft(class TREE *)
public: void __thiscall TREE::JoinSubtreeRight(class TREE *)
public: void __thiscall TREE::SetProp(void * const)
public: void __thiscall TREE::_DebugPrint(void)const
public: void __thiscall UATOM_LINKAGE::Init(void)
public: void __thiscall UATOM_LINKAGE::Link(class UATOM_LINKAGE *)
public: void __thiscall UATOM_LINKAGE::Unlink(void)
unsigned long __stdcall QueryCurrentTimeStamp(void)
unsigned short * __stdcall strcpy(unsigned short *,class NLS_STR const &)
void __stdcall HeapResidueIter(unsigned int,int)
void __stdcall UIAssertCommand(char const *)
void __stdcall UIAssertHlp(char const *,char const *,unsigned int)
void __stdcall UIAssertHlp(char const *,unsigned int)
void __stdcall `vector constructor iterator'(void *,unsigned int,int,void * (__thiscall*)(void *))
void __stdcall `vector destructor iterator'(void *,unsigned int,int,void (__thiscall*)(void *))
void __stdcall `vector vbase constructor iterator'(void *,unsigned int,int,void * (__thiscall*)(void *))


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: