Windows XP DLL File Information
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Welcome to DLL information site for Windows XP.
This site was built by scanning all DLL files located in system32 directory of Windows XP with SP3 and
creating (with automatic script) a Web page for each DLL with all found information.
Each DLL information page includes:
- Version information - product name, company, file desctiption, and so on.
- DLL popularity - Shows you how many DLLs are statically linked to this file.
- List of files that are statically linked to the specified file. Displayed only when the number of files in the list is 10 or less.
- Sections information - Shows you the code and data sections in the DLL.
- Resources information - Displays a summary of resources stored in the DLL (icons, bitmaps, cursors, dialog-boxes, and so on)
- Icons Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all icons stored in the DLL.
- Cursors Thumbnail - A Thumbnail with all cursors stored in the DLL.
- Strings information - Displays a list of strings stored in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 strings)
- Diaogbox information - Displays a list of dialog-boxes captions in this DLL (Currently the list is limited to 200 dialog-boxes)
- Static Linking - Displays the list of DLL files that are statically linked to the DLL. When a DLL is loaded the DLL in this Static Linking list are also loaded with it.
- Exports/Imports List - A list of all imported and exported functions.
In order to browse into the right DLL page, select the first letter of the DLL file, and then you'll get a list of all dll files begins with this letter:
You can also locate a DLL according to the following "TOP DLL" statistics:
Top 10 DLL files with largest number of icons
Filename | Description | Number of icons |
shell32.dll | Windows Shell Common Dll | 238 |
netshell.dll | Network Connections Shell | 157 |
mmcndmgr.dll | MMC Node Manager DLL | 129 |
moricons.dll | Windows NT Setup Icon Resources Library | 114 |
ieframe.dll | Internet Explorer | 105 |
compstui.dll | Common Property Sheet User Interface DLL | 99 |
xpsp2res.dll | Service Pack 2 Messages | 81 |
wmploc.dll | Windows Media Player | 60 |
comres.dll | 38 | |
pifmgr.dll | Windows NT PIF Manager Icon Resources Library | 38 |
Top 10 DLL files with largest number of cursors
Filename | Description | Number of cursors |
user32.dll | Windows XP USER API Client DLL | 28 |
msftedit.dll | Rich Text Edit Control, v4.1 | 19 |
comctl32.dll | Common Controls Library | 18 |
mshtml.dll | Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer | 18 |
riched20.dll | Rich Text Edit Control, v3.0 | 17 |
mfc42u.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version | 12 |
mfc40.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version | 12 |
mfc42.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version | 12 |
mfc40u.dll | MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version | 12 |
ieframe.dll | Internet Explorer | 8 |
Top 10 DLL files with largest number of bitmaps
Filename | Description | Number of bitmaps |
wmploc.dll | Windows Media Player | 480 |
ieframe.dll | Internet Explorer | 219 |
cards.dll | Entertainment Pack Cardplaying Helper DLL | 74 |
browseui.dll | Shell Browser UI Library | 56 |
winbrand.dll | Windows Branding Resources | 50 |
shell32.dll | Windows Shell Common Dll | 46 |
comres.dll | 34 | |
msgina.dll | Windows NT Logon GINA DLL | 31 |
mprui.dll | Multiple Provider | 31 |
mmcndmgr.dll | MMC Node Manager DLL | 29 |
Top 10 DLL files with largest number of dialog-boxes
Filename | Description | Number of dialog-boxes |
xpsp2res.dll | Service Pack 2 Messages | 185 |
shell32.dll | Windows Shell Common Dll | 137 |
rasdlg.dll | Remote Access Common Dialog API | 126 |
comres.dll | 118 | |
wmploc.dll | Windows Media Player | 84 |
cryptui.dll | Microsoft Trust UI Provider | 75 |
setupdll.dll | Windows 2000 Setup Dynlink | 75 |
mqutil.dll | Windows NT MQ Utility DLL | 65 |
wsecedit.dll | Security Configuration UI Module | 59 |
netcfgx.dll | Network Configuration Objects | 49 |
Top 10 DLL files with largest number of string resources
Filename | Description | Number of strings |
getuname.dll | Unicode name Dll for UCE | 10,685 |
shell32.dll | Windows Shell Common Dll | 2,326 |
wmploc.dll | Windows Media Player | 1,861 |
xpob2res.dll | Service Pack 2 OOB Messages | 1,763 |
xpsp2res.dll | Service Pack 2 Messages | 1,509 |
msjint40.dll | Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL | 1,424 |
comres.dll | 1,271 | |
odbcjt32.dll | Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5 | 1,215 |
mqutil.dll | Windows NT MQ Utility DLL | 1,214 |
dinput8.dll | Microsoft DirectInput | 968 |
Top 10 DLL files with largest type library
Filename | Description | Type library size |
dx8vb.dll | Microsoft DirectX for Visual Basic | 460 KB |
dx7vb.dll | Microsoft DirectX for Visual Basic | 365 KB |
msvidctl.dll | ActiveX control for streaming video | 170 KB |
wmp.dll | Windows Media Player Core | 151 KB |
msvbvm60.dll | Visual Basic Virtual Machine | 145 KB |
msvbvm50.dll | Visual Basic Virtual Machine | 120 KB |
tapi3.dll | Microsoft TAPI3 | 113 KB |
danim.dll | DirectX Media -- DirectAnimation | 113 KB |
comsvcs.dll | 112 KB | |
msxml3.dll | MSXML 3.0 SP9 | 98 KB |
Top 25 popular DLL files in System32 directory
In the following table, you can find the DLL files that are commonly used by other DLL files. The 'Number of DLLs' column represents the number of DLL files that use the specified DLL. For example: The first DLL file in this table - kernel32.dll, is loaded by other 934 DLL files in the system32 directory. This statistics is based on static link (import tables) between the DLL files.Filename | Description | Number of DLLs |
kernel32.dll | Windows NT BASE API Client DLL | 934 |
msvcrt.dll | Windows NT CRT DLL | 756 |
advapi32.dll | Advanced Windows 32 Base API | 713 |
user32.dll | Windows XP USER API Client DLL | 650 |
ole32.dll | Microsoft OLE for Windows | 448 |
ntdll.dll | NT Layer DLL | 380 |
oleaut32.dll | 320 | |
gdi32.dll | GDI Client DLL | 247 |
rpcrt4.dll | Remote Procedure Call Runtime | 217 |
shlwapi.dll | Shell Light-weight Utility Library | 178 |
shell32.dll | Windows Shell Common Dll | 142 |
netapi32.dll | Net Win32 API DLL | 101 |
ws2_32.dll | Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL | 98 |
version.dll | Version Checking and File Installation Libraries | 80 |
crypt32.dll | Crypto API32 | 74 |
atl.dll | ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode) | 71 |
msvcp60.dll | Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library | 69 |
comctl32.dll | Common Controls Library | 66 |
winmm.dll | MCI API DLL | 61 |
setupapi.dll | Windows Setup API | 59 |
rtutils.dll | Routing Utilities | 53 |
secur32.dll | Security Support Provider Interface | 49 |
userenv.dll | Userenv | 43 |
wininet.dll | Internet Extensions for Win32 | 39 |
iphlpapi.dll | IP Helper API | 34 |