Windows XP DLL File Information - wow32.dll |
The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows XP, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.
General Information
File Description: | 32-bit WOW Subsystem Library |
File Version: | 5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111) |
Company: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product Name: | Microsoft Windows Operating System |
DLL popularity | Very Low - 1 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file. |
File Size: | 258 KB |
Total Number of Exported Functions: | 28 |
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: | 28 |
Section Headers
Name | Virtual Address | Raw Data Size | % of File | Characteristics | Section Contains... |
.text | 0x00001000 | 223,744 Bytes | 84.7% | Read, Execute | Code |
.data | 0x00038000 | 15,872 Bytes | 6.0% | Write, Read | Initialized Data |
.rsrc | 0x0003e000 | 5,632 Bytes | 2.1% | Read | Initialized Data |
.reloc | 0x00040000 | 17,920 Bytes | 6.8% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
Static Linking
wow32.dll is statically linked to the following files:ntdll.dll
This means that when wow32.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, wow32.dll won't be loaded.
List of files that are statically linked to wow32.dll
This means that when one of the above files is loaded, wow32.dll will be loaded too. (The opposite of the previous 'Static Linking' section)
General Resources Information
Resource Type | Number of Items | Total Size | % of File |
Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Bitmaps | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
AVI Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Dialog-Boxes | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
HTML Related Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Menus | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Strings | 28 | 4,220 Bytes | 1.6% |
Type Libraries | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Manifest | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
All Others | 1 | 900 Bytes | 0.3% |
Total | 29 | 5,120 Bytes | 1.9% |
Icons in this file
No icons found in this file
Cursors in this file
No cursors found in this file
Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)
No dialog resources in this file.
String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)
String ID | String Text |
0 | Application Error |
1 | the Win16 Subsystem |
2 | Click on CLOSE to terminate the application |
3 | Click on CANCEL to debug the application |
4 | Click on IGNORE to continue, you should save your work in a new file. |
5 | %s caused an exception in %s at 0x%08x. The exception code was 0x%08x. |
6 | %s caused an access violation in %s at 0x%08x. |
7 | %s caused a stack overflow in %s at 0x%08x. |
8 | %s caused a datatype misalignment fault in %s at 0x%08x. If you choose Ignore, slower software emulation of misaligned accesses will be used. |
9 | %s caused an illegal instruction fault in %s at 0x%08x. |
10 | %s caused an in-page error in %s at 0x%08x. |
11 | %s caused an integer divide by zero in %s at 0x%08x. |
12 | %s caused a floating-point exception in %s at 0x%08x. |
13 | Click on IGNORE to enable emulation of misaligned data access in software. |
256 | The Win 16 Subsystem had an internal error. Close all your Win 16 applications and save your data. |
257 | System Error |
258 | The system cannot end the selected task because %s is not allowing it to run. Press OK to End Task %s or Cancel to leave it running. |
259 | The request to end the selected 16 bit task has timed out. The Win 16 Subsystem may be unstable. Press OK to terminate the Win 16 Subsystem or Cancel to leave it running. |
260 | The Win 16 Subsystem is not responding to your request to start an application. Choose RETRY to continue to wait or Cancel to Terminate the Win 16 Subsystem. |
261 | An application has attempted to access the keyboard or mouse hardware as a 16 bit Windows program, which cannot be supported. This may cause the application to function incorrectly. |
262 | Application: |
263 | The Win 16 Subsystem failed to start due to low memory. Close other applications or increase your pagefile and try again. |
264 | The Win 16 Subsystem was unable to allocate memory for this DDE transaction, shutting down the conversation. |
265 | The Win 16 Subsystem was unable to allocate memory for this DDE transaction. |
266 | Local Port |
267 | Module %s was not intended to run on this machine. |
268 | Binary does not match processor |
269 | The Win 16 Subsystem has insufficent resources to continue running. Click on OK, close your applications, and restart your machine. |
COM Classes/Interfaces
There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information
Exported Functions List
The following functions are exported by this dll:CopyDropFilesFrom16 | CopyDropFilesFrom32 | GetCommHandle | GetCommShadowMSR |
W32Dispatch | W32HungAppNotifyThread | W32Init | WOW32DriverCallback |
WOW32ResolveHandle | WOW32ResolveMemory | WOWCallback16 | WOWCallback16Ex |
WOWDirectedYield16 | WOWFreeMetafile | WOWGetVDMPointer | WOWGetVDMPointerFix |
WOWGetVDMPointerUnfix | WOWGlobalAlloc16 | WOWGlobalAllocLock16 | WOWGlobalFree16 |
WOWGlobalLock16 | WOWGlobalLockSize16 | WOWGlobalUnlock16 | WOWGlobalUnlockFree16 |
WOWHandle16 | WOWHandle32 | WOWUseMciavi16 | WOWYield16 |
Imported Functions List
The following functions are imported by this dll:- ntdll.dll:
CsrIdentifyAlertableThread DbgBreakPoint NlsMbOemCodePageTag NtAllocateVirtualMemory NtClose NtOpenThread NtProtectVirtualMemory NtQueryInformationProcess NtQueryInformationThread NtQueryPerformanceCounter NtQuerySystemInformation NtQueryVirtualMemory NtTerminateProcess NtWaitForSingleObject RtlAcquirePebLock RtlAllocateHeap RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString RtlCharToInteger RtlCreateEnvironment RtlDeleteCriticalSection RtlDestroyEnvironment RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U RtlEnterCriticalSection RtlEqualUnicodeString RtlFillMemoryUlong RtlFreeAnsiString RtlFreeAnsiString RtlFreeHeap RtlFreeOemString RtlGetCurrentDirectory_U RtlGetFullPathName_U RtlImageNtHeader RtlInitAnsiString RtlInitString RtlInitUnicodeString RtlInitializeCriticalSection RtlIntegerToChar RtlLeaveCriticalSection RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN RtlNtStatusToDosError RtlOemStringToUnicodeString RtlOemToUnicodeN RtlPcToFileHeader RtlReleasePebLock RtlSetCurrentDirectory_U RtlSetEnvironmentVariable RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString RtlUnicodeStringToOemString RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN RtlUnwind _alloca_probe _splitpath _strcmpi _strcmpi _strlwr _strnicmp _strupr atoi isalpha memmove sprintf strchr strncmp strncpy strrchr strstr strtoul toupper wcslen - KERNEL32.dll:
BuildCommDCBA ClearCommBreak ClearCommError CloseHandle CopyFileA CreateDirectoryA CreateEventA CreateFileA CreateFileMappingA CreateFileW CreateProcessA CreateThread DebugBreak DeleteFileA DeleteFileW DosDateTimeToFileTime DuplicateHandle EscapeCommFunction ExitProcess ExitThread ExitVDM ExpandEnvironmentStringsA FileTimeToLocalFileTime FindFirstFileA FindNextFileA FindResourceExA FreeLibrary FreeResource GetACP GetAtomNameA GetCommModemStatus GetCommState GetCurrentDirectoryA GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId GetCurrentThreadId GetDiskFreeSpaceA GetDriveTypeA GetEnvironmentVariableA GetExitCodeProcess GetFileAttributesA GetFileAttributesW GetFileSize GetFullPathNameA GetLocalTime GetModuleFileNameA GetModuleHandleA GetNextVDMCommand GetOverlappedResult GetPrivateProfileIntA GetPrivateProfileSectionA GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA GetPrivateProfileStringA GetPrivateProfileStructA GetProcAddress GetProcessShutdownParameters GetProfileIntA GetProfileSectionA GetProfileStringA GetShortPathNameA GetSystemDefaultLCID GetSystemDefaultLangID GetSystemDirectoryA GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA GetTempFileNameA GetTempPathA GetThreadTimes GetTickCount GetVersionExA GetVolumeInformationW GetWindowsDirectoryA GlobalAddAtomA GlobalAlloc GlobalDeleteAtom GlobalFindAtomA GlobalFree GlobalGetAtomNameA GlobalLock GlobalMemoryStatus GlobalSize GlobalUnlock HeapCreate HeapDestroy InitializeCriticalSection IsDBCSLeadByte LoadLibraryA LoadLibraryExA LoadResource LocalAlloc LocalFileTimeToFileTime LocalFree LocalLock LocalReAlloc LocalSize LocalUnlock LockFile LockResource MapViewOfFile MultiByteToWideChar OpenFileMappingA OpenProcess OutputDebugStringA PurgeComm ReadFile RegisterWowBaseHandlers RegisterWowExec RemoveDirectoryA ResetEvent ResumeThread SearchPathA SetCommBreak SetCommMask SetCommState SetCommTimeouts SetCurrentDirectoryA SetEndOfFile SetEnvironmentVariableA SetErrorMode SetEvent SetFileAttributesA SetFileAttributesW SetFilePointer SetFileTime SetPriorityClass SetProcessShutdownParameters SetProcessWorkingSetSize SetupComm SizeofResource Sleep TlsAlloc TlsGetValue TlsSetValue TransmitCommChar UnlockFile UnmapViewOfFile VirtualAlloc VirtualFree WaitCommEvent WaitForMultipleObjects WaitForSingleObject WideCharToMultiByte WriteFile WritePrivateProfileSectionA WritePrivateProfileStringA WritePrivateProfileStructA WriteProfileSectionA WriteProfileStringA lstrcat lstrcmp lstrcmpi lstrcpy lstrcpyn lstrlen lstrlenW ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap ntdll!RtlDeleteCriticalSection ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection ntdll!RtlFreeHeap ntdll!RtlGetLastWin32Error ntdll!RtlLeaveCriticalSection ntdll!RtlRestoreLastWin32Error ntdll!RtlSizeHeap - GDI32.dll:
AbortDoc AbortPath AddFontResourceA AddFontResourceExA AddFontResourceTracking AnimatePalette Arc BeginPath BitBlt Chord CloseEnhMetaFile CloseFigure CloseMetaFile CombineRgn CopyEnhMetaFileA CopyMetaFileA CreateBitmap CreateBitmapIndirect CreateBrushIndirect CreateCompatibleBitmap CreateCompatibleDC CreateDCA CreateDIBSection CreateDIBitmap CreateDiscardableBitmap CreateEllipticRgn CreateEllipticRgnIndirect CreateEnhMetaFileA CreateFontA CreateFontIndirectA CreateHalftonePalette CreateHatchBrush CreateICA CreateMetaFileA CreatePalette CreatePen CreatePenIndirect CreatePolyPolygonRgn CreatePolygonRgn CreateRectRgn CreateRectRgnIndirect CreateRoundRectRgn CreateScalableFontResourceA CreateSolidBrush DPtoLP DeleteDC DeleteEnhMetaFile DeleteMetaFile DeleteObject DrawEscape Ellipse EndDoc EndPage EndPath EnumFontFamiliesA EnumFontsA EnumMetaFile EnumObjects EqualRgn Escape ExcludeClipRect ExtCreatePen ExtCreateRegion ExtEscape ExtFloodFill ExtSelectClipRgn ExtTextOutA FillPath FillRgn FlattenPath FloodFill FrameRgn GdiCleanCacheDC GdiComment GdiFlush GdiQueryTable GdiSetBatchLimit GetArcDirection GetAspectRatioFilterEx GetBitmapBits GetBitmapDimensionEx GetBkColor GetBkMode GetBoundsRect GetBrushOrgEx GetCharABCWidthsA GetCharWidthA GetCharacterPlacementA GetClipBox GetClipRgn GetCurrentObject GetCurrentPositionEx GetDCOrgEx GetDIBColorTable GetDIBits GetDeviceCaps GetETM GetEnhMetaFileA GetEnhMetaFileBits GetEnhMetaFileDescriptionA GetEnhMetaFileHeader GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries GetFontAssocStatus GetFontData GetFontLanguageInfo GetGlyphOutlineWow GetHFONT GetKerningPairs GetMapMode GetMetaFileA GetMetaFileBitsEx GetMiterLimit GetNearestColor GetNearestPaletteIndex GetObjectA GetObjectType GetOutlineTextMetricsA GetPaletteEntries GetPath GetPixel GetPolyFillMode GetROP2 GetRandomRgn GetRasterizerCaps GetRegionData GetRelAbs GetRgnBox GetStockObject GetStretchBltMode GetSystemPaletteEntries GetSystemPaletteUse GetTextAlign GetTextCharacterExtra GetTextCharset GetTextColor GetTextExtentPointA GetTextFaceA GetTextMetricsA GetViewportExtEx GetViewportOrgEx GetWindowExtEx GetWindowOrgEx IntersectClipRect InvertRgn LPtoDP LineDDA LineTo MoveToEx OffsetClipRgn OffsetRgn OffsetViewportOrgEx OffsetWindowOrgEx PaintRgn PatBlt PathToRegion Pie PlayEnhMetaFileRecord PlayMetaFile PlayMetaFileRecord PolyPolygon PolyPolyline Polygon Polyline PtInRegion PtVisible RealizePalette RectInRegion RectVisible Rectangle RemoveFontResourceA RemoveFontResourceTracking RemoveFontResourceW ResetDCA ResizePalette RestoreDC RoundRect SaveDC ScaleViewportExtEx ScaleWindowExtEx SelectClipPath SelectClipRgn SelectObject SelectPalette SetAbortProc SetArcDirection SetBitmapBits SetBitmapDimensionEx SetBkColor SetBkMode SetBoundsRect SetBrushOrgEx SetDIBColorTable SetDIBits SetDIBitsToDevice SetEnhMetaFileBits SetMagicColors SetMapMode SetMapperFlags SetMetaFileBitsEx SetMetaRgn SetMiterLimit SetPaletteEntries SetPixel SetPolyFillMode SetROP2 SetRectRgn SetRelAbs SetStretchBltMode SetSystemPaletteUse SetTextAlign SetTextCharacterExtra SetTextColor SetTextJustification SetViewportExtEx SetViewportOrgEx SetWindowExtEx SetWindowOrgEx StartDocA StartPage StretchBlt StretchDIBits StrokeAndFillPath StrokePath TextOutA UnloadNetworkFonts UnrealizeObject UpdateColors WidenPath - USER32.dll:
ActivateKeyboardLayout AdjustWindowRect AdjustWindowRectEx AnyPopup AppendMenuA ArrangeIconicWindows BeginDeferWindowPos BeginPaint BringWindowToTop CallMsgFilter CallNextHookEx CallWindowProcA CascadeWindows ChangeClipboardChain ChangeDisplaySettingsA ChangeMenuA CharLowerA CharLowerBuffA CharNextA CharPrevA CharToOemA CharToOemBuffA CharUpperA CharUpperBuffA CheckDlgButton CheckMenuItem CheckMenuRadioItem CheckRadioButton ChildWindowFromPoint ChildWindowFromPointEx ClientToScreen ClipCursor CloseClipboard CloseWindow CopyAcceleratorTableA CopyImage CountClipboardFormats CreateAcceleratorTableA CreateCaret CreateCursor CreateIcon CreateIconFromResourceEx CreateMenu CreatePopupMenu DefDlgProcA DefFrameProcA DefMDIChildProcA DefWindowProcA DeferWindowPos DeleteMenu DestroyAcceleratorTable DestroyCaret DestroyCursor DestroyCursor DestroyMenu DestroyWindow DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW DispatchMessageA DlgDirListA DlgDirListComboBoxA DlgDirSelectComboBoxExA DlgDirSelectExA DragDetect DragObject DrawAnimatedRects DrawCaption DrawEdge DrawFocusRect DrawFrameControl DrawIcon DrawIconEx DrawMenuBar DrawStateA DrawTextA DrawTextExA EmptyClipboard EnableMenuItem EnableScrollBar EnableWindow EndDeferWindowPos EndDialog EndPaint EnumChildWindows EnumClipboardFormats EnumDisplaySettingsA EnumPropsA EnumThreadWindows EnumWindows ExcludeUpdateRgn ExitWindowsEx FillRect FindWindowA FindWindowExA FlashWindow FrameRect FreeDDElParam GetActiveWindow GetAsyncKeyState GetCapture GetCaretBlinkTime GetCaretPos GetClassInfoA GetClassLongA GetClassNameA GetClassWord GetClientRect GetClipCursor GetClipboardData GetClipboardFormatNameA GetClipboardOwner GetClipboardViewer GetCursor GetCursorPos GetDC GetDCEx GetDesktopWindow GetDialogBaseUnits GetDlgCtrlID GetDlgItem GetDlgItemInt GetDlgItemTextA GetDoubleClickTime GetFocus GetForegroundWindow GetIconInfo GetInputState GetKBCodePage GetKeyNameTextA GetKeyState GetKeyboardLayout GetKeyboardLayoutList GetKeyboardLayoutNameA GetKeyboardState GetKeyboardType GetLastActivePopup GetMenu GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions GetMenuContextHelpId GetMenuDefaultItem GetMenuItemCount GetMenuItemID GetMenuItemInfoA GetMenuItemRect GetMenuState GetMenuStringA GetMessageA GetMessageExtraInfo GetMessagePos GetMessageTime GetNextDlgGroupItem GetNextDlgTabItem GetOpenClipboardWindow GetParent GetPriorityClipboardFormat GetPropA GetQueueStatus GetScrollInfo GetScrollPos GetScrollRange GetShellWindow GetSubMenu GetSysColor GetSysColorBrush GetSystemMenu GetSystemMetrics GetTabbedTextExtentA GetTopWindow GetUpdateRect GetUpdateRgn GetWindow GetWindowContextHelpId GetWindowDC GetWindowLongA GetWindowPlacement GetWindowRect GetWindowRgn GetWindowTextA GetWindowTextLengthA GetWindowThreadProcessId GetWindowWord GrayStringA HideCaret HiliteMenuItem IMPGetIMEA IMPQueryIMEA IMPSetIMEA InSendMessage InsertMenuA InsertMenuItemA InvalidateRect InvalidateRgn InvertRect IsCharAlphaA IsCharAlphaNumericA IsCharLowerA IsCharUpperA IsChild IsClipboardFormatAvailable IsDialogMessage IsDlgButtonChecked IsIconic IsMenu IsWindow IsWindowEnabled IsWindowVisible IsZoomed KillTimer LoadCursorA LoadImageA LoadKeyboardLayoutA LoadMenuIndirectA LoadStringA LockWindowUpdate LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx MBToWCSEx MapDialogRect MapVirtualKeyA MapWindowPoints MenuItemFromPoint MessageBeep MessageBoxA MessageBoxIndirectA ModifyMenuA MoveWindow MsgWaitForMultipleObjects OemKeyScan OemToCharA OemToCharBuffA OpenClipboard OpenIcon PackDDElParam PeekMessageA PostMessageA PostQuitMessage PostThreadMessageA RealGetWindowClass RedrawWindow RegisterClipboardFormatA RegisterClipboardFormatA ReleaseCapture ReleaseDC RemoveMenu RemovePropA ReplyMessage ScreenToClient ScrollDC ScrollWindow ScrollWindowEx SendIMEMessageExA SendMessageA SendMessageTimeoutA SetActiveWindow SetCapture SetCaretBlinkTime SetCaretPos SetClassLongA SetClassWord SetClipboardData SetClipboardViewer SetCursor SetCursorContents SetCursorPos SetDlgItemInt SetDlgItemTextA SetDoubleClickTime SetFocus SetForegroundWindow SetKeyboardState SetMenu SetMenuContextHelpId SetMenuDefaultItem SetMenuItemBitmaps SetMenuItemInfoA SetMessageExtraInfo SetParent SetPropA SetScrollInfo SetScrollPos SetScrollRange SetSysColors SetTimer SetWindowContextHelpId SetWindowLongA SetWindowPlacement SetWindowPos SetWindowRgn SetWindowTextA SetWindowWord SetWindowsHookExA ShowCaret ShowCursor ShowOwnedPopups ShowScrollBar ShowStartGlass ShowWindow SwapMouseButton SystemParametersInfoA TabbedTextOutA TileWindows ToAscii TrackPopupMenu TrackPopupMenuEx TranslateAccelerator TranslateMDISysAccel TranslateMessage UnhookWindowsHookEx UnloadKeyboardLayout UnpackDDElParam UnregisterClassA UpdateWindow UserRegisterWowHandlers ValidateRect ValidateRgn VkKeyScanA WINNLSEnableIME WINNLSGetEnableStatus WINNLSGetIMEHotkey WaitForInputIdle WaitMessage WinHelpA WindowFromDC WindowFromPoint keybd_event mouse_event wsprintfA - appHelp.dll:
ApphelpGetNTVDMInfo ApphelpShowDialog - ADVAPI32.dll:
RegCloseKey RegCreateKeyA RegDeleteKeyA RegDeleteValueA RegEnumKeyA RegEnumValueA RegFlushKey RegLoadKeyA RegOpenKeyA RegOpenKeyExA RegQueryInfoKeyA RegQueryValueA RegQueryValueExA RegSaveKeyA RegSetValueA RegSetValueExA RegUnLoadKeyA - SHELL32.dll:
DragAcceptFiles DragFinish DragQueryFileAorW ExtractIconA FindExecutableA SHGetSpecialFolderPathA ShellAboutA WOWShellExecute - ntvdm.exe:
BlockWOWIdle CurrentMonitorTeb DBGNotifyDebugged DBGNotifyNewTask DBGNotifyRemoteThreadAddress DispatchInterrupts Dos_Flag_Addr DpmiSetIncrementalAlloc ExpLdt FlatAddress RegisterWOWIdle ResumeTimerThread SuspendTimerThread VDDAllocateDosHandle VDDAssociateNtHandle VDDRetrieveNtHandle WOWSysErrorBox call_ica_hw_interrupt cmdCheckTemp cmdCheckTempInit cpu_createthread demClientErrorEx demFileDelete demFileFindFirst demFileFindNext demGetFileTimeByHandle_WOW demIsShortPathName demLFNCleanup demLFNGetCurrentDirectory demSetCurrentDirectoryGetDrive demSetCurrentDirectoryLCDS demWOWLFNAllocateSearchHandle demWOWLFNCloseSearchHandle demWOWLFNEntry demWOWLFNGetSearchHandle demWOWLFNInit fSeparateWow getAX getBP getBX getCS getCX getDI getDS getDX getES getIP getMSW getSI getSP getSS host_CreateThread host_ExitThread host_com_close pDeviceChain setAX setBP setBX setCS setCX setDI setDS setDX setES setIP setSI setSP setSS - comdlg32.dll:
ChooseColorA ChooseFontA CommDlgExtendedError FindTextA GetOpenFileNameA GetSaveFileNameA PrintDlgA ReplaceTextA Ssync_ANSI_UNICODE_Struct_For_WOW - VERSION.dll:
GetFileVersionInfoA GetFileVersionInfoSizeA VerQueryValueA - USERENV.dll: