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Windows XP DLL File Information - rasmontr.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows XP, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: RAS Monitor DLL  
File Version: 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 140 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 13
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 13

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 31,744 Bytes 22.1% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00009000 4,096 Bytes 2.9% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x0000a000 103,936 Bytes 72.5% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00024000 2,560 Bytes 1.8% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

rasmontr.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when rasmontr.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, rasmontr.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 215 100,500 Bytes 70.1%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 1 892 Bytes 0.6%
Total 216 101,392 Bytes 70.7%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)

String ID String Text
2300 Displays help.
2301 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Displays help.
2302 Sets or clears a RAS server flag.
2303 %1!s! [flag = ] flag [ [state = ] ENABLED|DISABLED ] Enables the RAS server flag. For a list of available flags, see the help for 'show rasflag' command. If no state is provided, ENABLED is assumed.
2342 Displays the state of a RAS server flag.
2343 %1!s! [ [flag = ] flag ] Displays the state of the RAS server flag. If no flag is given, the state of all flags will be displayed. flag - The server flag to show which can be one of the following: UseCallbackDelay: Delay before calling back a client. UseSwCompression: Enable software compression. NegotiateSPAP: Allow SPAP authentication. RequireEncryption: Require clients to employ data encryption. NegotiateMSCHAP: Allow MSCHAP authentication. UseLcpExtensions: Use LCP extensions. NegotiateMultilink: Allow multilinked calls. AuthenticatePeer: Enable mutual auth. for router interfaces. RequireStrongEncryption: Require clients to employ strong encryption. NegotiateBacp: Allow BACP negotiation. NegotiateEAP: Allow EAP authentication. NegotiatePAP: Allow PAP authentication. NegotiateMD5CHAP: Allow MD5CHAP authentication. RequireIPSEC: Require IPSEC when L2TP call is requested. DisableEncryption: Do not negotiate data encryption. Require56BitEncryption: Require clients to employ 56 bit encryption. UseLmPassword: Use LM password. NegotiateStrongMSCHAP: Allow MSCHAP version 2 authentication. NoCallback: Never callback
2344 Shows the authentication mode.
2345 %1!s! Shows the authentication mode.
2346 Sets the authentication mode.
2347 %1!s! [mode = ] STANDARD|NODCC|BYPASS Sets the mode that determines whether and when dialin clients should be authenticated. mode - The mode STANDARD - All devices need to be authenticated. NODCC - Direct-connect devices are not authenticated. BYPASS - Authentication is not required for any device.
2348 Adds types of authentication the RAS server will negotiate.
2349 %1!s! [type = ] PAP|SPAP|MD5CHAP|MSCHAP|MSCHAPv2|EAP Selects the types of authentication which this RAS server will attempt to negotiate. Negotiation will be in the order most-secure to least-secure. Once both client and server agree upon an authentication type, the PPP negotiation will follow the appropriate RFCs. type - the type PAP - Password Authentication Protocol (clear text). SPAP - Shiva Password Authentication Protocol. MD5CHAP - Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol using Message Digest 5 hashing scheme to encrypt the response. MSCHAP - Microsoft Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol. MSCHAPv2 - Version 2 of MSCHAP. EAP - Extensible Authentication Protocol.
2350 Deletes an authentication type from the RAS server.
2351 %1!s! [type = ] PAP|SPAP|MD5CHAP|MSCHAP|MSCHAPv2|EAP Deletes an authentication type from the list of types that the RAS server will negotiate. type - the type PAP - Password Authentication Protocol (clear text). SPAP - Shiva Password Authentication Protocol. MD5CHAP - Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol using Message Digest 5 hashing scheme to encrypt the response. MSCHAP - Microsoft Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol. MSCHAPv2 - Version 2 of MSCHAP. EAP - Extensible Authentication Protocol.
2352 Displays the authentication types currently enabled.
2353 %1!s! Displays the authentication type(s) currently enabled.
2354 Adds to the list of link properties PPP will negotiate
2355 %1!s! [type = ] SWC|LCP Adds to the list of link properties PPP will negotiate. type - the type SWC - Provides software compression (MPPC) LCP - Provides Link Control Protocol extensions from the PPP suite of protocols.
2356 Deletes from the list of link properties PPP will negotiate
2357 %1!s! [type = ] SWC|LCP Deletes from the list of link properties PPP will negotiate. type - the type SWC - Provides software compression (MPPC) LCP - Provides Link Control Protocol extensions from the PPP suite of protocols.
2358 Shows the link properties PPP will negotiate
2359 %1!s! Shows the link properties PPP will negotiate.
2360 Adds to the list of multilink types PPP will negotiate
2361 %1!s! [type = ] MULTI|BACP Adds to the list of multilink types PPP will negotiate. type - the type MULTI - Provides mutlilink PPP sessions. BACP - Provides Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol.
2362 Deletes from the list of multilink types PPP will negotiate
2363 %1!s! [type = ] MULTI|BACP Deletes from the list of multilink types PPP will negotiate. type - the type MULTI - Provides mutlilink PPP sessions. BACP - Provides Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol.
2364 Shows the multilink types PPP will negotiate
2365 %1!s! Shows the multilink types PPP will negotiate.
2402 Displays RAS properties for a user(s).
2403 %1!s! [ [name = ] username [mode = ] PERMIT|REPORT ] Displays user RAS properties. username - the user's logon name. If none is supplied, all users will be displayed. mode - the mode for showing information. If no mode is specified, REPORT is assumed. REPORT - show all users. PERMIT - show only users whose dial in permission is PERMIT
2421 Sets the RAS properties of a user.
2422 %1!s! [name = ] username [dialin = ] PERMIT|DENY|POLICY [ [cbpolicy = ] NONE|CALLER|ADMIN [cbnumber = ] callback number ] Sets user RAS properties. username - the user's logon name. dialin - whether the user will be allowed to dial in PERMIT - allow the user to dial in. DENY - do not allow the user to dial in. POLICY - use remote access policies to determine dialin. cbpolicy - the callback policy of the user. The callback feature is used to save the caller the cost of the phone call. NONE - callback is not allowed for the user CALLER - user can specify callback number at call time ADMIN - always call the user at the callback number cbnumber - the number to use when cbpolicy is ADMIN NOTE: The 'POLICY' option is not available for users that belong to a mixed-mode domain. For these users, 'POLICY' is assumed to mean 'DENY'.
2461 Registers the given Windows 2000 computer as a RAS server in the Active Directory of the given domain.
2462 %1!s! [ [domain = ] domain [server = ] server ] Registers the given Windows 2000 computer as a RAS server in the Active Directory of the given domain. server - the computer name of the computer to be registered as a RAS server. If no server is specified the computer from which the command is issued is assumed. domain - the domain in which the given server should be registered. If no domain is provided, the primary domain of the computer from which the command is issued is assumed.
2481 Un-registers the given Windows 2000 computer as a RAS server in the Active Directory of the given domain.
2482 %1!s! [ [domain = ] domain [server = ] server ] Un-registers the given Windows 2000 computer as a RAS server in the Active Directory of the given domain. server - the computer name of the computer to be unregistered as a RAS server. If no server is specified the computer from which the command is issued is assumed. domain - the domain in which the given server should be unregistered. If no domain is provided, the primary domain of the computer from which the command is issued is assumed.
2541 Displays whether a computer is registered as a RAS server in the Active Directory of the given domain.
2542 %1!s! [ [domain = ] domain [server = ] server ] Displays whether the given computer is registered as a RAS server in the given domain. server - the computer name of the computer in question. If no server is specified the computer from which the command is issued is assumed. domain - the domain. If no domain is provided, the primary domain of the computer from which the command is issued is assumed.
3201 Dumps RAS configuration info in script form.
3202 %1!s! Dumps RAS configuration information in script form.
3292 Sets configuration information.
3293 Displays information.
3294 Enables options.
3295 Disables options.
3298 Adds items to a table.
3299 Removes items from a table.
3301 Listens for RAS server advertisements.
3302 %1!s! Listens for RAS server advertisements.
3325 Shows RAS clients connected to this machine.
3326 %1!s! Displays the RAS clients connected to this machine.
3350 Shows whether extended tracing is enabled for components.
3351 %1!s! [ [component = ] component ] Shows whether tracing for the given component is enabled. If no component is specified, shows the state of all components. component - the component
3352 Enables/disables extended tracing for a component.
3353 %1!s! [component = ] component [state = ] ENABLED|DISABLED Enables or disables extended tracing for the given component. component - the component (use '*' to denote all components)
4501 # ----------------------------------------- # RAS Configuration # -----------------------------------------
4502 # End of RAS configuration.
4503 Timestamp Sender ------------------------ ----------------------------------
5001 User name: %1!s! Dialin: %2!s! Callback policy: %3!s! Callback number: %4!s!
5003 %1!s! %2!s! %3!s! %4!s! %5!s!
5200 Registration completed successfully: RAS Server: %1!s! Domain: %2!s!
5201 Registration FAILED: RAS Server: %1!s! Domain: %2!s!
5202 Un-registration completed successfully: RAS Server: %1!s! Domain: %2!s! Since user accounts are cached by the 'IAS' and 'Routing and Remote Access' services, this un-registration will not take effect until these services are restarted.
5203 Un-registration FAILED: RAS Server: %1!s! Domain: %2!s!
5208 The following RAS server is registered: RAS Server: %1!s! Domain: %2!s!
5209 The following RAS server is not registered: RAS Server: %1!s! Domain: %2!s!
5211 Unable to determine the registration: RAS Server: %1!s! Domain: %2!s!
5401 %1!s! %2!s! %3!s!
5402 %1!s! %2!s!
5407 authentication mode = standard
5408 authentication mode = nodcc
5410 authentication mode = bypass
5411 Enabled Authentication Types: Code Meaning ------------------------------------------
5412 PAP Password Authentication Protocol.
5413 SPAP Shiva Password Authentication Protocol.
5414 MD5CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MD5).
5415 MSCHAP Microsoft Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol.
5416 MSCHAPv2 Microsoft Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol version 2.
5417 EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol.
5418 Enabled Link Options: Code Meaning ------------------------------------------
5419 SWC Provides software compression (MPPC).
5420 LCP Provides Link Control Protocol extensions from the PPP suite of protocols.
5421 Enabled Multilink Options: Code Meaning ------------------------------------------
5422 MULTI Provides mutlilink PPP sessions.
5423 BACP Provides Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol.
5450 User: %1!s! Domain: %2!s! Connected from: %3!s! Duration: %4!d! days %5!d! hours %6!d! mins %7!d! secs
5600 %1!-40s! %2!s!
5601 %1!s! %2!s! %3!s!
10002 One or more essential parameters not specified
10003 %1!s! is not an acceptable value for %2!s!.
10004 Unable to enumerate the users:
10008 In order to set administrative callback mode, either you must specify a callback number or the user must already have a callback number set.
20001 Displays help.
20002 Usage: %1!s! Displays help.
20003 Dumps RAS IP configuration info in script form.
20004 %1!s! Dumps RAS configuration information in script form.
20005 Sets the method by which the RAS server assigns IP addresses to its clients.
20006 %1!s! [method = ] AUTO|POOL Sets the method by which the RAS server assigns IP addresses to its clients. method - the method to use AUTO - automatically assigns IP addresses using DHCP. If no DHCP server is available, a random, private address is assigned. POOL - assigns IP address from the RAS server's pool.
20011 Sets whether clients can request their own IP addresses.
20012 %1!s! [mode = ] ALLOW|DENY Specifies whether dialin clients are permitted to request their own IP addresses. mode - the mode ALLOW - allow clients to request their own IP addresses. DENY - don't allow clients to request their own IP addresses.
20013 Sets whether clients are given access beyond the remote access server.
20014 Usage: %1!s! [mode = ] ALL|SERVERONLY Parameters: mode - what type of access to grant ALL - clients are able to reach the remote access server and any networks to which it is connected. SERVERONLY - clients are able to reach the remote access server only. Remarks: Specifies whether IP network traffic from any client is forwarded to the network(s) to which the remote access server is connected.
20015 Displays current RAS IP configuration.
20016 %1!s! Displays current RAS IP configuration.
20017 Sets whether IP is negotiated for client RAS connections.
20018 %1!s! [mode = ] ALLOW|DENY Specifies whether the RAS server will allow IP to be configured for any client connections it accepts. mode - the mode ALLOW - permit IP over client connections. DENY - do not permit IP over client connections.
20019 Adds a range to the static IP address pool.
20020 %1!s! [from = ] from [to = ] to Adds a range to the static IP address pool that the RAS server uses. from - the starting IP address in the range in the form 'x.x.x.x' to - the ending IP address in the range in the form 'x.x.x.x'
20021 Deletes a range from the static IP address pool.
20022 %1!s! [from = ] from [to = ] to Deletes a range from the static IP address pool that the RAS server uses. from - the starting IP address in the range in the form 'x.x.x.x' to - the ending IP address in the range in the form 'x.x.x.x'
20023 Deletes all ranges from the static IP address pool.
20024 %1!s! Deletes all ranges from the static IP address pool.
20025 Sets whether to enable or disable broadcast name resolution using NetBIOS over TCP/IP.
20026 %1!s! [mode = ] ENABLED|DISABLED Specifies whether to enable or disable broadcast name resolution using NetBIOS over TCP/IP. mode - the mode ENABLED - enables broadcast name resolution using NetBIOS over TCP/IP. DISABLED - disables broadcast name resolution using NetBIOS over TCP/IP.
21000 RAS IP config Negotiation mode: %2!s! Access mode: %3!s! Address request mode: %5!s! Broadcast name resolution: %6!s! Assignment method: %4!s! Pool:
21001 %1!s! %2!s!
21002 %1!s! %2!s! %3!s!
21003 # ----------------------------------------- # RAS IP Configuration # -----------------------------------------
21004 # End of RAS IP configuration.
21005 %1!11s! to %2!11s!
21050 An IP address entered was invalid.
21053 Before you can switch to pool assignment mode, you must specify a valid IP address pool using the '%1!s!' command.
21054 An IP address entered was in the form 127.x.x.x
21055 The range is not large enough.
21056 No reason given
21057 The IP address range entered is invalid for the following reason: %1!s! The following constraints apply to IP address ranges: 1. The addresses must be specified in standard dotted notation and must lie between and 2. The addresses must not be in the form the form 127.x.x.x. 3. The 'from' IP address must be at least 1 address less than the 'to' address.
21058 The range you entered can not be assigned to the system since it overlaps an existing range.
22001 Displays help.
22002 Usage: %1!s! Displays help.
22003 Dumps RAS IPX configuration info in script form.
22004 %1!s! Dumps RAS IPX configuration information in script form.
22005 Sets the method by which the RAS server assigns IPX addresses to its clients.
22006 %1!s! [method = ] AUTO|POOL|AUTOSAME|POOLSAME Sets the method by which the RAS server assigns IPX addresses to its clients. method - the method to use AUTO - assigns a different random IPX network number to all clients. POOL - assigns IPX addresses from the RAS server's pool. AUTOSAME - generates a random IPX network number as assigns it to all clients. POOLSAME - chooses a number from the RAS server's pool and assigns it to all clients. Notes: For most configurations, either the AUTOSAME or POOLSAME method is recommended as these conserve network numbers and reduce network traffic. Before a network number is assigned to a client, it is verified to not be in use on the RAS server's intranet. As a result some addresses in the address pool may not be assigned.
22007 Sets the RAS IPX address pool.
22008 %1!s! [firstnet = ] address [size = ] size Sets RAS server's IPX address pool firstnet - the first IPX network number in the pool. (hexadecimal) size - the total number of IPX addresses in the pool. If zero is specified, then the pool will grow dynamically as needed. (decimal)
22011 Sets whether clients can request their own IPX node numbers.
22012 %1!s! [mode = ] ALLOW|DENY Specifies whether dialin clients are permitted to request their own IPX node numbers. mode - the mode ALLOW - allow clients to request their own IPX node numbers. DENY - don't allow clients to request their own IPX node numbers.
22013 Sets whether clients will be given access beyond the RAS server.
22014 %1!s! [mode = ] ALL|SERVERONLY Specifies whether IPX network traffic from any client will be forwarded to the network(s) to which the RAS server is connected. mode - what type of access to grant ALL - clients will be able to reach the RAS server and any networks to which it is connected. SERVERONLY - clients will be able to reach the RAS server only.
22015 Displays current RAS IPX configuration.
22016 %1!s! Displays current RAS IPX configuration.
22017 Sets whether IPX is negotiated for client RAS connections.
22018 %1!s! [mode = ] ALLOW|DENY Specifies whether the RAS server will allow IPX to be configured for any client connections it accepts. mode - the mode ALLOW - permit IPX over client connections. DENY - do not permit IPX over client connections.
23000 RAS IPX config Negotiation mode: %2!s! Access mode: %3!s! Node number request mode: %5!s! Assignment method: %4!s! IPX address pool base: %6!s! IPX address pool size: %7!s!
23001 %1!s! %2!s!
23002 %1!s! %2!s! %3!s!
23003 # ----------------------------------------- # RAS IPX Configuration # -----------------------------------------
23004 # End of RAS IPX configuration.
23050 The IPX network number is invalid. It must be specified as a string with at most ten characters representing a four-byte hexadecimal value. Also, the values 0, 1, and 0xffffffff are not permitted. Examples: ABCDEF 0x1234 00A1C2E3
23051 The pool size is invalid. It can be at most 64000. If zero is specified, then the pool will dynamically grow as needed.
24001 Displays help.
24002 Usage: %1!s! Displays help.
24003 Dumps RAS NBF configuration info in script form.
24004 %1!s! Dumps RAS NBF configuration information in script form.
24005 Sets whether NBF is negotiated for client RAS connections.
24006 %1!s! [mode = ] ALLOW|DENY Specifies whether the RAS server will allow NBF to be configured for any client connections it accepts. mode - the mode ALLOW - permit NBF over client connections. DENY - do not permit NBF over client connections.
24007 Sets whether clients will be given access beyond the RAS server.
24008 %1!s! [mode = ] ALL|SERVERONLY Specifies whether NBF network traffic from any client will be forwarded to the network(s) to which the RAS server is connected. mode - what type of access to grant ALL - clients will be able to reach the RAS server and any networks to which it is connected. SERVERONLY - clients will be able to reach the RAS server only.
24009 Displays current RAS NBF configuration.
24010 %1!s! Displays current RAS NBF configuration.
24500 RAS NBF config Negotiation mode: %2!s! Access mode: %3!s!
24501 %1!s! %2!s!
24503 # ----------------------------------------- # RAS NBF Configuration # -----------------------------------------
24504 # End of RAS NBF configuration.
25001 Displays help.
25002 Usage: %1!s! Displays help.
25003 Dumps remote access AppleTalk configuration info in script form.
25004 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Dumps remote access AppleTalk configuration information in script form.
25005 Sets whether AppleTalk is negotiated for client remote access connections.
25006 Usage: %1!s! [mode = ] ALLOW|DENY Parameters: mode - the mode ALLOW - permit AppleTalk over client connections. DENY - do not permit AppleTalk over client connections. Remarks: Specifies whether the remote access server allows AppleTalk to be configured for any client connections it accepts.
25007 Sets whether clients will be given access beyond the RAS server.
25008 %1!s! [mode = ] ALL|SERVERONLY Specifies whether AppleTalk network traffic from any client will be forwarded to the network(s) to which the RAS server is connected. mode - what type of access to grant ALL - clients will be able to reach the RAS server and any networks to which it is connected. SERVERONLY - clients will be able to reach the RAS server only.
25009 Displays current remote access AppleTalk configuration.
25010 Usage: %1!s! Remarks: Displays current remote access AppleTalk configuration.
25500 Remote Access AppleTalk config Negotiation mode: %2!s! Access mode: %3!s!
25501 %1!s! %2!s!
25503 # ----------------------------------------- # RemoteAccess AppleTalk Configuration # -----------------------------------------
25504 # End of RemoteAccess AppleTalk configuration.
26000 Adds a RADIUS authentication server.
26002 Adds a RADIUS accounting server.
26003 Deletes a RADIUS server.
26004 Deletes a RADIUS accounting server.
26005 Sets the authentication provider.
26006 Sets the accounting provider.
26007 Sets properties of an authentication server.
26008 Sets properties of an accounting server.
26010 Displays the current authentication provider.
26011 Displays the RADIUS server(s) used for authentication.
26013 Displays the current accounting provider.
26014 Displays the RADIUS server(s) used for accounting.
26016 %1!s! [ name = ] server [ [secret =] secret [init-score =] InitialScore [port =] port [timeout =] timeout [signature = ] ENABLED|DISABLED ] Provides an IP address or name of a RADIUS server to pass authentication requests. name The DNS name or IP address of the RADIUS server secret The shared secret init-score Initial score (server priority) port Sets the port on which to send the authentication requests. timeout The timeout period before the RADIUS server is marked unavailable (seconds) signature whether to use digital signatures
26018 %1!s! [ name = ] server [ [secret =] secret [init-score =] InitialScore [port =] port [timeout = ] timeout [messages = ] ENABLED|DISABLED ] Provides an IP address or name of a RADIUS server to use for accounting. name The DNS name or IP address of the RADIUS server secret The shared secret init-score Initial score (server priority) port Sets the port on which to send the authentication requests. timeout The timeout period before the RADIUS server is marked unavailable (seconds) messages whether to send accounting on/off messages.
26020 %1!s! [name = ] server Deletes a RADIUS authentication server.
26022 %1!s! [ [name = ] server ] Deletes a RADIUS accounting server.
26024 %1!s! [provider =] WINDOWS|RADIUS Sets the authentication provider. windows Authentication via Windows security radius Authentication against a RADIUS server
26025 %1!s! [provider =] WINDOWS|RADIUS|NONE Sets the accounting provider. windows Accounting via the Windows logging facility radius Accounting via a RADIUS accounting server none Do not perform accounting
26026 %1!s! [ name = ] server [ [secret =] secret [init-score =] InitialScore [port =] port [timeout =] timeout [signature = ] ENABLED|DISABLED ] Provides an IP address or name of a RADIUS server to pass authentication requests. name The DNS name or IP address of the RADIUS server secret The shared secret init-score Initial score (server priority) port Sets the port on which to send the authentication requests. timeout The timeout period before the RADIUS server is marked unavailable (seconds) signature whether to use digital signatures
26027 %1!s! [ name = ] server [ [secret =] secret [init-score =] InitialScore [port =] port [timeout = ] timeout [messages = ] ENABLED|DISABLED ] Provides an IP address or name of a RADIUS server to use for accounting. name The DNS name or IP address of the RADIUS server secret The shared secret init-score Initial score (server priority) port Sets the port on which to send the authentication requests. timeout The timeout period before the RADIUS server is marked unavailable (seconds) messages whether to send accounting on/off messages.
26028 %1!s! Displays the authentication provider
26029 %1!s! Displays the accounting provider
26030 %1!s! [ [name = ] server ] Displays detailed information about an authentication server. name The DNS name or IP address of the RADIUS server If no server name is provided, all configured authentication servers will be displayed.

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
InitHelperDll RutlAlloc RutlAssignmentFromTokenAndDword
RutlAssignmentFromTokens RutlCloseDumpFile RutlCreateDumpFile
RutlDwordDup RutlFree RutlGetOsVersion
RutlGetTagToken RutlIsHelpToken RutlParse


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: