Windows XP DLL File Information - odbcjt32.dll |
The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows XP, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.
General Information
File Description: | Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5 |
File Version: | 4.0.6305.0 |
Company: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product Name: | Microsoft Data Access Components |
DLL popularity | Very Low - 5 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file. |
File Size: | 272 KB |
Total Number of Exported Functions: | 523 |
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: | 76 |
Section Headers
Name | Virtual Address | Raw Data Size | % of File | Characteristics | Section Contains... |
.text | 0x00002000 | 192,512 Bytes | 69.1% | Read, Execute | Code |
.data | 0x00031000 | 28,672 Bytes | 10.3% | Write, Read | Initialized Data |
.rsrc | 0x00038000 | 36,864 Bytes | 13.2% | Read | Initialized Data |
.reloc | 0x00041000 | 12,288 Bytes | 4.4% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
Static Linking
odbcjt32.dll is statically linked to the following files:MSVCRT.dll
This means that when odbcjt32.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, odbcjt32.dll won't be loaded.
List of files that are statically linked to odbcjt32.dll
This means that when one of the above files is loaded, odbcjt32.dll will be loaded too. (The opposite of the previous 'Static Linking' section)
General Resources Information
Resource Type | Number of Items | Total Size | % of File |
Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Bitmaps | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
AVI Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Dialog-Boxes | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
HTML Related Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Menus | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Strings | 1,215 | 21,686 Bytes | 7.8% |
Type Libraries | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Manifest | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
All Others | 17 | 1,872 Bytes | 0.7% |
Total | 1,232 | 23,558 Bytes | 8.5% |
Icons in this file
No icons found in this file
Cursors in this file
No cursors found in this file
Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)
No dialog resources in this file.
String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)
String ID | String Text |
363 | S1000 |
364 | S1000 |
463 | S1000 |
464 | 00000 |
1468 | S1000 |
1470 | 01004 |
1471 | S1000 |
1472 | S1000 |
1473 | S1000 |
1503 | S1000 |
1513 | S1000 |
1519 | S1000 |
1522 | S1000 |
1672 | S1000 |
1765 | S1000 |
1777 | S1000 |
1976 | S1000 |
2074 | S1000 |
2163 | S1000 |
2487 | S1000 |
3490 | S1000 |
3496 | S1000 |
4164 | S1000 |
5467 | S1000 |
5471 | S1000 |
5475 | S1000 |
5567 | S1000 |
5574 | S1000 |
11830 | HY000 |
11831 | HY000 |
11832 | HY000 |
11833 | HY000 |
11834 | HY000 |
11835 | HY000 |
11836 | HY000 |
11837 | HY000 |
11838 | HY000 |
11839 | HY000 |
11840 | HY000 |
11841 | HY000 |
11842 | HY000 |
11843 | HY000 |
11844 | HY000 |
11845 | HY000 |
11846 | HY000 |
11847 | HY000 |
11848 | HY000 |
11849 | HY000 |
11850 | HY000 |
11851 | HY000 |
11852 | HY000 |
11853 | HY000 |
11854 | HY000 |
11855 | HY000 |
11856 | HY000 |
11861 | HY000 |
11862 | HY000 |
11863 | HY000 |
11864 | HY000 |
11865 | HY000 |
11866 | HY000 |
11867 | HY000 |
11868 | HY000 |
11869 | HY000 |
11870 | HY000 |
11871 | HY000 |
11872 | HY000 |
11873 | HY000 |
11874 | HY000 |
11875 | HY000 |
11876 | HY000 |
11877 | HY000 |
11878 | HY000 |
11879 | HY000 |
11880 | HY000 |
11881 | HY000 |
11882 | HY000 |
11883 | HY000 |
11884 | HY000 |
11885 | HY000 |
11886 | HY000 |
11887 | HY000 |
11888 | HY000 |
11889 | HY000 |
11890 | HY000 |
11891 | HY000 |
11892 | HY000 |
11893 | HY000 |
11894 | HY000 |
11895 | HY000 |
11896 | HY000 |
11897 | HY000 |
11898 | HY000 |
11899 | HY000 |
11900 | HY000 |
11901 | HY000 |
11902 | HY000 |
11903 | HY000 |
11904 | HY000 |
11905 | HY000 |
11906 | HY000 |
11907 | HY000 |
11908 | HY000 |
11909 | HY000 |
11910 | HY000 |
11911 | 42000 |
11912 | 42000 |
11913 | HY000 |
11914 | HY000 |
11915 | HY000 |
11916 | HY000 |
11917 | 42000 |
11918 | 42000 |
11920 | 42000 |
11921 | 42000 |
11922 | HY000 |
11923 | HY000 |
11924 | HY000 |
11925 | HY000 |
11926 | HY000 |
11927 | HY000 |
11928 | HY000 |
11931 | HY000 |
11932 | 42000 |
11933 | 42000 |
11934 | 42000 |
11935 | 42000 |
11936 | 42000 |
11937 | 42000 |
11938 | 42000 |
11939 | 42000 |
11940 | 42000 |
11941 | 42000 |
11942 | 42000 |
11943 | HY000 |
11945 | HY000 |
11946 | HY000 |
11947 | HY000 |
11948 | HY000 |
11949 | HY000 |
11950 | HY000 |
11951 | 42000 |
11953 | HY000 |
11954 | 42000 |
11955 | 42000 |
11956 | 42000 |
11957 | 42000 |
11958 | 42000 |
11959 | 42000 |
11960 | 42000 |
11961 | 42000 |
11962 | 42000 |
11963 | 42000 |
11964 | 42000 |
11965 | 42000 |
11966 | 42000 |
11967 | 42000 |
11968 | 42000 |
11969 | 42000 |
11970 | 42000 |
11971 | 42000 |
11972 | 42000 |
11973 | 42000 |
11974 | 42000 |
11975 | 42000 |
11976 | 42000 |
11977 | 42000 |
11978 | 42000 |
11979 | 42000 |
11980 | 42000 |
11981 | 42000 |
11982 | 42000 |
11983 | 42000 |
11984 | 42000 |
11985 | 42000 |
11986 | 42000 |
11987 | 42000 |
11988 | 42000 |
11989 | 42000 |
11990 | 42000 |
11991 | 42000 |
11992 | 42000 |
11993 | 42000 |
11994 | 42000 |
11995 | 42000 |
11996 | HY000 |
11997 | HY000 |
11998 | HY000 |
11999 | 42000 |
14795 | HY000 |
14796 | HY000 |
14797 | HY000 |
14798 | HY000 |
14800 | HY000 |
14889 | HYS12 |
14891 | HY000 |
14892 | HY000 |
14893 | HY000 |
14894 | HY000 |
14895 | HY000 |
COM Classes/Interfaces
There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information
Exported Functions List
The following functions are exported by this dll:AdvancedDialogProc | AssertSzFail | ConfigDSN | ConfigDSNExW |
ConfigDSNW | ConfigDialogProc | ConfigDriverW | DefTxtFmtDlgProc |
InitDialogAgain | InitializeLoginDialog | InvisibleSelectDb | LibMain |
LoadByOrdinal | LoginDialogProc | OpenDirHook | RepairCompactProc |
SQLAllocConnect | SQLAllocEnv | SQLAllocHandle | SQLAllocStmt |
SQLBindCol | SQLBindParameter | SQLBulkOperations | SQLCancel |
SQLCloseCursor | SQLColAttributeW | SQLColumnsW | SQLConnectW |
SQLCopyDesc | SQLDescribeColW | SQLDisconnect | SQLDriverConnectW |
SQLEndTran | SQLExecDirectW | SQLExecute | SQLExtendedFetch |
SQLFetch | SQLFetchScroll | SQLFreeConnect | SQLFreeEnv |
SQLFreeHandle | SQLFreeStmt | SQLGetConnectAttrW | SQLGetCursorNameW |
SQLGetData | SQLGetDescFieldW | SQLGetDescRecW | SQLGetDiagFieldW |
SQLGetDiagRecW | SQLGetFunctions | SQLGetInfoW | SQLGetStmtAttrW |
SQLGetTypeInfoW | SQLMoreResults | SQLNativeSqlW | SQLNumParams |
SQLNumResultCols | SQLParamData | SQLPrepareW | SQLProcedureColumnsW |
SQLProceduresW | SQLPutData | SQLRowCount | SQLSetConnectAttrW |
SQLSetCursorNameW | SQLSetDescFieldW | SQLSetDescRec | SQLSetEnvAttr |
SQLSetPos | SQLSetScrollOptions | SQLSetStmtAttrW | SQLSpecialColumnsW |
SQLStatisticsW | SQLTablesW | SelectIndexDlgProc | SelectUIdxDlgProc |
Imported Functions List
The following functions are imported by this dll:- MSVCRT.dll:
_chdir _ecvt _errno _except_handler3 _ftol _fullpath _getcwd _heapmin _itow _ltoa _ltow _mbsrev _snprintf _snwprintf _splitpath _stat _strnicmp _ultoa _wchdir _wcsicmp _wcsnicmp _wfullpath _wsplitpath _wstat _wtoi _wtol bsearch calloc floor free iswctype localtime malloc memmove modf sprintf strchr strncpy strtod swprintf swscanf time towlower towupper wcscat wcschr wcscmp wcscpy wcscspn wcslen wcsncat wcsncmp wcsncpy wcspbrk wcsrchr wcsstr wcstok wcstol - KERNEL32.dll:
CloseHandle CreateFileA CreateFileW DeleteFileA FindClose FindFirstFileA FindFirstFileW FindNextFileA FindNextFileW FindResourceA FreeLibrary FreeResource GetCurrencyFormatA GetCurrentDirectoryA GetCurrentDirectoryW GetCurrentProcessId GetCurrentThreadId GetDateFormatA GetDriveTypeW GetFileSize GetModuleFileNameA GetModuleHandleA GetNumberFormatA GetPrivateProfileStringA GetPrivateProfileStringW GetProcAddress GetProcessVersion GetSystemDefaultLCID GetSystemDirectoryA GetSystemDirectoryW GetTempFileNameA GetTempPathA GetTimeFormatA GetUserDefaultLCID GetVersionExA GetWindowsDirectoryW InitializeCriticalSection LoadLibraryA LoadLibraryExA LoadResource LocalAlloc LocalFree LocalLock LocalUnlock LockResource MoveFileA MoveFileExA MultiByteToWideChar OutputDebugStringW SetErrorMode WideCharToMultiByte WritePrivateProfileStringA WritePrivateProfileStringW lstrlenW ntdll!RtlDeleteCriticalSection ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection ntdll!RtlGetLastWin32Error ntdll!RtlLeaveCriticalSection - ADVAPI32.dll:
GetUserNameW RegCloseKey RegCreateKeyExA RegCreateKeyExW RegDeleteKeyA RegDeleteKeyW RegEnumKeyExA RegEnumKeyExW RegOpenKeyExA RegOpenKeyExW RegQueryValueExA RegQueryValueExW RegSetValueExA RegSetValueExW - USER32.dll:
CharLowerW CharToOemA CharUpperW ClientToScreen CreateDialogParamW DestroyWindow DialogBoxParamA DialogBoxParamW EnableWindow EndDialog GetClientRect GetDC GetDesktopWindow GetDlgCtrlID GetDlgItem GetParent GetWindow GetWindowLongA GetWindowRect GetWindowTextA GetWindowTextLengthA GetWindowTextLengthW GetWindowTextW IsWindowEnabled LoadCursorA LoadCursorW LoadStringA LoadStringW MessageBoxA MessageBoxW MoveWindow RegisterClipboardFormatA ReleaseDC SendMessageA SendMessageW SetCursor SetFocus SetWindowLongA SetWindowPos SetWindowTextA SetWindowTextW ShowWindow wsprintfA - GDI32.dll:
GetTextExtentPointW - msjet40.dll:
- mswstr10.dll:
- comdlg32.dll:
GetOpenFileNameA GetOpenFileNameW GetSaveFileNameA GetSaveFileNameW