Windows XP DLL File Information - ntmsdba.dll |
The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows XP, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.
General Information
File Description: | Removable Storage Manager DB Object APIs |
File Version: | 5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2108) |
Company: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product Name: | Microsoft Windows Operating System |
DLL popularity | Very Low - 1 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file. |
File Size: | 175 KB |
Total Number of Exported Functions: | 1,210 |
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: | 1,210 |
Section Headers
Name | Virtual Address | Raw Data Size | % of File | Characteristics | Section Contains... |
.text | 0x00001000 | 167,424 Bytes | 93.4% | Read, Execute | Code |
.data | 0x0002a000 | 2,560 Bytes | 1.4% | Write, Read | Initialized Data |
.rsrc | 0x0002b000 | 4,608 Bytes | 2.6% | Read | Initialized Data |
.reloc | 0x0002d000 | 3,584 Bytes | 2.0% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
Static Linking
ntmsdba.dll is statically linked to the following files:ADVAPI32.dll
This means that when ntmsdba.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, ntmsdba.dll won't be loaded.
List of files that are statically linked to ntmsdba.dll
This means that when one of the above files is loaded, ntmsdba.dll will be loaded too. (The opposite of the previous 'Static Linking' section)
General Resources Information
Resource Type | Number of Items | Total Size | % of File |
Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Bitmaps | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
AVI Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Dialog-Boxes | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
HTML Related Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Menus | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Strings | 89 | 3,196 Bytes | 1.8% |
Type Libraries | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Manifest | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
All Others | 1 | 940 Bytes | 0.5% |
Total | 90 | 4,136 Bytes | 2.3% |
Icons in this file
No icons found in this file
Cursors in this file
No cursors found in this file
Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)
No dialog resources in this file.
String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)
String ID | String Text |
1000 | Free |
1001 | Import |
1002 | Unrecognized |
1200 | Unknown |
1201 | 5.25", 1.2Mb, 512Bps floppy |
1202 | 3.5", 1.44MB, 512Bps floppy |
1203 | 3.5", 2.88MB, 512Bps floppy |
1204 | 3.5", 20.8MB, 512Bps floppy |
1205 | 3.5", 720KB, 512Bps floppy |
1206 | 5.25", 360KB, 512Bps floppy |
1207 | 5.25", 320KB, 512Bps floppy |
1208 | 5.25", 320KB, 1024Bps floppy |
1209 | 5.25", 180KB, 512Bps floppy |
1210 | 5.25", 160KB, 512Bps floppy |
1211 | Removable media |
1212 | Fixed media |
1213 | 3.5", 120MB, 512Bps floppy |
1214 | 3.5", 640KB, 512Bps floppy |
1215 | 5.25", 640KB, 512Bps floppy |
1216 | 5.25", 720KB, 512Bps floppy |
1217 | 3.5", 1.2MB, 512Bps floppy |
1218 | 3.5", 1.23MB, 1024Bps floppy |
1219 | 5.25", 1.23, 1024Bps floppy |
1220 | 3.5", 128MB, 512Bps MO |
1221 | 3.5", 230MB, 512Bps MO |
1222 | 8", 256MB, 128Bps |
1223 | 4mm DDS |
1224 | miniQIC |
1225 | Travan |
1227 | 8mm MP |
1228 | 8mm AME |
1229 | 8mm AIT1 |
1231 | NCTP |
1232 | IBM 3480 |
1233 | IBM 3490E |
1234 | IBM Magstar 3590 |
1235 | IBM Magstar MP |
1236 | STK Data D3 |
1237 | Sony DTF |
1238 | 6mm Digital Video |
1239 | Exabyte DMI |
1240 | Sony D2 |
1241 | Cleaner Cartridge |
1242 | CD-ROM |
1243 | CD-R |
1244 | CD-RW |
1245 | DVD-ROM 1 sided |
1246 | DVD-ROM 2 sided |
1247 | DVD-R 1 sided |
1248 | DVD-R 2 sided |
1249 | DVD-RAM 1 sided |
1250 | DVD-RAM 2 sided |
1251 | 3.5" REWRITABLE MO Disk |
1252 | 5.25" Write Once MO Disk |
1253 | 5.25" REWRITABLE Disk |
1254 | 5.25" REWRITABLE LIMDOW Disk |
1255 | Phase Change 5.25" Write Once Optical |
1256 | Phase Change 5.25" REWRITABLE Optical |
1257 | Phase Change Dual 5.25" REWRITABLE |
1258 | Ablative 5.25" Write Once Optical |
1259 | Pinnacle Apex 4.6GB REWRITABLE Optical |
1260 | Sony 12" Write Once |
1261 | Philips/LMS 12" Write Once |
1262 | Hitachi 12" Write Once |
1263 | Cygnet/ATG 12" Write Once |
1264 | Kodak 14" Write Once |
1265 | Near Field Recording |
1266 | Nikon 12" REWRITABLE |
1267 | Iomega Zip |
1268 | Iomega Jaz |
1269 | Syquest EZ135 |
1270 | Syquest EzFlyer |
1271 | Syquest SyJet |
1272 | 2.5" Avatar Floppy |
1273 | Hitachi 8mm MP |
1274 | Ampex DST Small |
1275 | Ampex DST Medium |
1276 | Ampex DST Large |
1277 | Ecrix VXA-1 |
1278 | Ecrix VXA-2 |
1279 | STK 9840 |
1280 | LTO Ultrium |
1281 | LTO Accelis |
1282 | DVD RAM |
1283 | 8mm AIT |
1284 | ADR 1 |
1285 | ADR 2 |
COM Classes/Interfaces
There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information
Exported Functions List
The following functions are exported by this dll:const NtmsDatabase::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbChanger::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbChangerType::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbComputer::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbDrive::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbDriveType::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbFile::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbIEDoor::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbIEPort::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbLibWorkItem::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbLibrary::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbList::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbLogicalMedia::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbMediaPool::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbMediaType::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbObject::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbOpRequest::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbPartition::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbPropertyValue::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbRecordKeyList::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbSelectionSet::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbStorageSlot::`vftable' |
const NtmsDbUIDestination::`vftable' |
const NtmsTransaction::`vftable' |
private: class NtmsDbRecordKeyList * __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::List(void) |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbChanger::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbChangerType::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbComputer::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbDrive::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbDriveType::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbIEDoor::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbIEPort::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbLibWorkItem::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbLibrary::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbLogicalMedia::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbMediaPool::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbMediaType::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbObject::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbOpRequest::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbPartition::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbStorageSlot::m_Type |
private: static class NtmsDbRecordType NtmsDbUIDestination::m_Type |
private: static int NtmsDbDataCtxt::m_locked |
private: static unsigned long * NtmsDbDataCtxt::m_activity_counter |
private: static void * NtmsDbDataCtxt::m_ChangeMutex |
private: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDatabase::FileEnd(void) |
private: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDatabase::FilePosition(unsigned long) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::ReCount(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::InitDefaults(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbTypeGuid::Fill(struct _GUID &,char *) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::BuildPropertyList(void) |
private: void __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::InitDefaults(void) |
protected: class NtmsDbRecordProp & __thiscall NtmsDbObject::GetProperty(class NtmsDbRecordPropList *,long) |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbObject::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::GetDbProperty(long)const |
protected: virtual unsigned int __thiscall NtmsDbObject::ValueIsNotNull(long)const |
protected: virtual unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::InitializeObject(unsigned long) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::ModifyValueToNull(long) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::DeleteDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::GetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::InitDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::SetDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
protected: void __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::RegisterObMeta(void) |
protected: void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::DeleteReferences(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbRecordPropList *) |
protected: void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::ReadObjectRecord(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbRecordKey &,class NtmsDbRecordRev &,class NtmsDbRecordPropList *) |
protected: void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::RegisterObjectRecord(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbRecordType &,char *) |
protected: void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::WriteObjectRecord(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbRecordKey &,class NtmsDbRecordRev &,class NtmsDbRecordPropList *) |
protected: void __thiscall NtmsDbString::ConcatString(char const *) |
protected: void __thiscall NtmsDbString::ConvertMBString(unsigned short const *,unsigned long,char * &,unsigned int &) |
protected: void __thiscall NtmsDbString::ReplaceString(char const *) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDatabase::NtmsDatabase(class NtmsDatabase const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::NtmsDbChanger(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::NtmsDbChanger(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::NtmsDbChangerType(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::NtmsDbChangerType(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::NtmsDbComputer(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::NtmsDbComputer(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::NtmsDbDataCtxt(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::~NtmsDbDataCtxt(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::NtmsDbDrive(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::NtmsDbDrive(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::NtmsDbDriveType(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::NtmsDbDriveType(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbError::NtmsDbError(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbError::operator unsigned long(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbFile::NtmsDbFile(class NtmsDbFile const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::NtmsDbGuid(char const *) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::NtmsDbGuid(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::NtmsDbGuid(struct _GUID const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::NtmsDbGuid(struct _GUID const *) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::NtmsDbGuid(unsigned char const *) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::NtmsDbGuid(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::operator struct _GUID *(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::NtmsDbIEDoor(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::NtmsDbIEDoor(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::NtmsDbIEPort(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::NtmsDbIEPort(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::NtmsDbLibWorkItem(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::NtmsDbLibWorkItem(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::NtmsDbLibrary(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::NtmsDbLibrary(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbLinkedGuid::NtmsDbLinkedGuid(class NtmsDbLinkedGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbLinkedGuid::NtmsDbLinkedGuid(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbLinkedGuid::~NtmsDbLinkedGuid(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::Map(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::~Map(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbList::NtmsDbList(class NtmsDbList const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbList::NtmsDbList(int) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::NtmsDbLogicalMedia(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::NtmsDbLogicalMedia(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::NtmsDbMediaPool(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::NtmsDbMediaPool(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::NtmsDbMediaType(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::NtmsDbMediaType(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbObjTypeDef::NtmsDbObjTypeDef(char *,char *,unsigned long,unsigned long,class NtmsDbRecordType *,class NtmsPropInfo *) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbObject::NtmsDbObject(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,unsigned long,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbObject::NtmsDbObject(class NtmsDbObject const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbObject::NtmsDbObject(unsigned long) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbObject::NtmsDbObject(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::NtmsDbOpRequest(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::NtmsDbOpRequest(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::NtmsDbPartition(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::NtmsDbPartition(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::NtmsDbPhysicalMedia(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::NtmsDbPhysicalMedia(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropBinary::NtmsDbPropBinary(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropBinary::~NtmsDbPropBinary(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropChar::NtmsDbPropChar(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropChar::~NtmsDbPropChar(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropDataType::NtmsDbPropDataType(short) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropDataType::NtmsDbPropDataType(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropDataType::operator short(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropDouble::NtmsDbPropDouble(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropDouble::~NtmsDbPropDouble(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::NtmsDbPropGuid(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::operator class NtmsDbGuid &(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::~NtmsDbPropGuid(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::NtmsDbPropHeader(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::~NtmsDbPropHeader(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropLargeInt::NtmsDbPropLargeInt(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropLargeInt::~NtmsDbPropLargeInt(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropLong::NtmsDbPropLong(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropLong::~NtmsDbPropLong(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropRecordClass::~NtmsDbPropRecordClass(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropRelation::NtmsDbPropRelation(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropRelation::operator class NtmsDbRecordKeyList *(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropRelation::~NtmsDbPropRelation(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropShort::NtmsDbPropShort(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropShort::~NtmsDbPropShort(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropTimeDate::NtmsDbPropTimeDate(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropTimeDate::~NtmsDbPropTimeDate(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbProperty::NtmsDbProperty(class NtmsDbRecordProp *) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbProperty::NtmsDbProperty(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::NtmsDbPropertyValue(class NtmsDbRecordPropList *,long) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::NtmsDbPropertyValue(long) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::NtmsDbRecordKey(class NtmsDbRecordKey const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::NtmsDbRecordKey(class NtmsDbRecordType const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::NtmsDbRecordKey(short,unsigned long) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::NtmsDbRecordKey(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKeyList::NtmsDbRecordKeyList(class NtmsDbRecordKeyList const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKeyList::NtmsDbRecordKeyList(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::NtmsDbRecordProp(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator char const *(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator class NtmsDbGuid(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator double(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator float(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator long(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator short(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator struct _SYSTEMTIME(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator union _LARGE_INTEGER(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator unsigned long(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator unsigned short *(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator unsigned short(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::~NtmsDbRecordProp(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NtmsDbRecordPropList(class NtmsDbRecordPropList const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NtmsDbRecordPropList(long) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NtmsDbRecordPropList(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::~NtmsDbRecordPropList(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordRev::NtmsDbRecordRev(unsigned long) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordRev::NtmsDbRecordRev(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordRev::operator unsigned long(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordType::NtmsDbRecordType(short) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordType::NtmsDbRecordType(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordType::operator short(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey::NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey::NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey(class NtmsDbRecordKey const &,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey::NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey(class NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey::NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey::operator class NtmsDbGuid &(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey::operator class NtmsDbGuid *(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey::operator class NtmsDbRecordKey *(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::NtmsDbSelectionSet(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,unsigned long) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::NtmsDbSelectionSet(class NtmsDbSelectionSet const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::NtmsDbSelectionSet(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::NtmsDbStorageSlot(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::NtmsDbStorageSlot(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbString::NtmsDbString(char const *) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbString::NtmsDbString(class NtmsDbString const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbString::NtmsDbString(unsigned int) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbString::NtmsDbString(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbString::operator char const *(void)const |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbString::~NtmsDbString(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbTypeGuid::NtmsDbTypeGuid(char const *) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbTypeGuid::NtmsDbTypeGuid(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbTypeGuid::NtmsDbTypeGuid(class NtmsDbTypeGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbTypeGuid::NtmsDbTypeGuid(struct _GUID const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbTypeGuid::NtmsDbTypeGuid(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbTypeGuid::operator class NtmsDbGuid &(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::NtmsDbUIDestination(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::NtmsDbUIDestination(void) |
public: __thiscall NtmsPropMetaInfo::NtmsPropMetaInfo(long,char const *) |
public: __thiscall NtmsTransaction::NtmsTransaction(class NtmsTransaction const &) |
public: char * __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::StrGuid(char *)const |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::PathName_n(void) |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::Revision(void) |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SerialNumber_n(void) |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::Product(void) |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::Vendor(void) |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::PathName_n(void) |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::Revision(void) |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SerialNumber_n(void) |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::Product(void) |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::Vendor(void) |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbError::messageString(void)const |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbObjTypeDef::TypeName(void)const |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbObjTypeDef::TypeNameAbbrev(void)const |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbObject::Description_n(void) |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbObject::LastErrorString(void)const |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbObject::Name_n(void) |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::Barcode_n(void) |
public: char const * __thiscall NtmsDbTypeGuid::id(void)const |
public: class NtmsDatabase & __thiscall NtmsDatabase::operator=(class NtmsDatabase const &) |
public: class NtmsDatabase * __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::Database(void) |
public: class NtmsDatabase * __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::Handle(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbChanger & __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::operator=(class NtmsDbChanger &) |
public: class NtmsDbChangerType & __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::operator=(class NtmsDbChangerType &) |
public: class NtmsDbComputer & __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::operator=(class NtmsDbComputer const &) |
public: class NtmsDbDataCtxt const & __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::operator=(class NtmsDbDataCtxt const &) |
public: class NtmsDbDrive & __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::operator=(class NtmsDbDrive &) |
public: class NtmsDbDriveType & __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::operator=(class NtmsDbDriveType &) |
public: class NtmsDbError & __thiscall NtmsDbError::operator=(class NtmsDbError const &) |
public: class NtmsDbError & __thiscall NtmsDbError::operator=(unsigned long) |
public: class NtmsDbError & __thiscall NtmsDbObject::Error(void) |
public: class NtmsDbError const & __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::Error(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbFile & __thiscall NtmsDbFile::operator=(class NtmsDbFile const &) |
public: class NtmsDbGuid & __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::operator=(char const *) |
public: class NtmsDbGuid & __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::operator=(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: class NtmsDbGuid & __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::operator=(struct _GUID const &) |
public: class NtmsDbGuid & __thiscall NtmsDbLinkedGuid::operator=(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: class NtmsDbGuid & __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::NewRelationGuid(void) |
public: class NtmsDbGuid & __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::PreviousRelationGuid(void) |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::ChangerType(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::Library_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::MediaRoot_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::Computer_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::DriveType(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::Library_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SavedPartitionId_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::Library_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::Library_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::AssocWorkItem_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::DriveId_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::Library_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::PartitionId_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::PhysMediaId_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SlotId_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::CleanerSlot_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::Computer_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::DefCleanerSlot_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::MediaPoolId_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::Partition(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::Parent_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbObject::ObjectGuid(void) |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbObject::ObjectId(void) |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::Arg1(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::Arg2(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::Logicalmedia_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::Physicalmedia_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::HomeSlotId_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::LibCurrentMedia_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::MountedPartition(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::PhysLocId_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::PoolMember_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::ObjectGuid(long)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const & __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::Library_n(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::MediaType(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbGuid const __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::MediaType(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbIEDoor & __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::operator=(class NtmsDbIEDoor const &) |
public: class NtmsDbIEPort & __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::operator=(class NtmsDbIEPort const &) |
public: class NtmsDbLibWorkItem & __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::operator=(class NtmsDbLibWorkItem const &) |
public: class NtmsDbLibrary & __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::operator=(class NtmsDbLibrary const &) |
public: class NtmsDbLinkedGuid & __thiscall NtmsDbLinkedGuid::operator=(class NtmsDbLinkedGuid const &) |
public: class NtmsDbList & __thiscall NtmsDbList::operator+(class NtmsDbListItem *) |
public: class NtmsDbList & __thiscall NtmsDbList::operator+=(class NtmsDbListItem &) |
public: class NtmsDbList & __thiscall NtmsDbList::operator+=(class NtmsDbListItem *) |
public: class NtmsDbList & __thiscall NtmsDbList::operator-(class NtmsDbListItem *) |
public: class NtmsDbList & __thiscall NtmsDbList::operator-(long) |
public: class NtmsDbList & __thiscall NtmsDbList::operator-=(class NtmsDbListItem &) |
public: class NtmsDbList & __thiscall NtmsDbList::operator-=(class NtmsDbListItem *) |
public: class NtmsDbList & __thiscall NtmsDbList::operator-=(long) |
public: class NtmsDbList & __thiscall NtmsDbList::operator=(class NtmsDbList const &) |
public: class NtmsDbList::Map & __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::operator=(class NtmsDbList::Map const &) |
public: class NtmsDbList::Map * __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::Next(void) |
public: class NtmsDbListItem & __thiscall NtmsDbListItem::operator=(class NtmsDbListItem const &) |
public: class NtmsDbListItem * __thiscall NtmsDbList::operator[](long)const |
public: class NtmsDbLogicalMedia & __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::operator=(class NtmsDbLogicalMedia const &) |
public: class NtmsDbMediaPool & __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::operator=(class NtmsDbMediaPool const &) |
public: class NtmsDbMediaType & __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::operator=(class NtmsDbMediaType const &) |
public: class NtmsDbObjTypeDef & __thiscall NtmsDbObjTypeDef::operator=(class NtmsDbObjTypeDef const &) |
public: class NtmsDbObject & __thiscall NtmsDbObject::operator=(class NtmsDbObject const &) |
public: class NtmsDbOpRequest & __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::operator=(class NtmsDbOpRequest const &) |
public: class NtmsDbPartition & __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::operator=(class NtmsDbPartition const &) |
public: class NtmsDbPhysicalMedia & __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::operator=(class NtmsDbPhysicalMedia &) |
public: class NtmsDbPropBinary & __thiscall NtmsDbPropBinary::operator=(class NtmsDbPropBinary const &) |
public: class NtmsDbPropChar & __thiscall NtmsDbPropChar::operator=(class NtmsDbPropChar const &) |
public: class NtmsDbPropDataType & __thiscall NtmsDbPropDataType::operator=(class NtmsDbPropDataType &) |
public: class NtmsDbPropDataType & __thiscall NtmsDbPropDataType::operator=(short) |
public: class NtmsDbPropDataType const & __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::Type(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbPropDataType const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Type(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbPropDataType const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::GetPropertyType(long) |
public: class NtmsDbPropDataType const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::PropertyType(void) |
public: class NtmsDbPropDouble & __thiscall NtmsDbPropDouble::operator=(class NtmsDbPropDouble const &) |
public: class NtmsDbPropGuid & __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::operator=(class NtmsDbPropGuid const &) |
public: class NtmsDbPropHeader & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Header(void) |
public: class NtmsDbPropHeader const & __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::operator=(class NtmsDbPropHeader const &) |
public: class NtmsDbPropLargeInt & __thiscall NtmsDbPropLargeInt::operator=(class NtmsDbPropLargeInt const &) |
public: class NtmsDbPropLong & __thiscall NtmsDbPropLong::operator=(class NtmsDbPropLong const &) |
public: class NtmsDbPropRecordClass & __thiscall NtmsDbPropRecordClass::operator=(class NtmsDbPropRecordClass const &) |
public: class NtmsDbPropRelation & __thiscall NtmsDbPropRelation::operator=(class NtmsDbPropRelation &) |
public: class NtmsDbPropShort & __thiscall NtmsDbPropShort::operator=(class NtmsDbPropShort const &) |
public: class NtmsDbPropTimeDate & __thiscall NtmsDbPropTimeDate::operator=(class NtmsDbPropTimeDate const &) |
public: class NtmsDbProperty & __thiscall NtmsDbProperty::operator=(class NtmsDbProperty const &) |
public: class NtmsDbPropertyValue const & __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::operator=(char const *) |
public: class NtmsDbPropertyValue const & __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::operator=(double) |
public: class NtmsDbPropertyValue const & __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::operator=(float) |
public: class NtmsDbPropertyValue const & __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::operator=(int) |
public: class NtmsDbPropertyValue const & __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::operator=(long) |
public: class NtmsDbPropertyValue const & __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::operator=(short) |
public: class NtmsDbPropertyValue const & __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::operator=(unsigned int) |
public: class NtmsDbPropertyValue const & __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::operator=(unsigned long) |
public: class NtmsDbPropertyValue const & __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::operator=(unsigned short) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordKey & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::operator=(class NtmsDbRecordKey const &) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordKey & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::operator=(class NtmsDbRecordType &) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordKey & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::operator=(short) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordKey & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::operator=(unsigned long) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordKeyList & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKeyList::operator=(class NtmsDbRecordKeyList const &) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordKeyList * __thiscall NtmsDbPropRelation::List(void) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::GetProperty(long) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbObject::GetProperty(long) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp * __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::operator[](long) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(char const *) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(class NtmsDbRecordProp const &) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(double) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(float) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(int) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(long) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(short) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(struct _SYSTEMTIME) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(union _LARGE_INTEGER) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(unsigned int) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(unsigned long) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(unsigned short *) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::operator=(unsigned short) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordProp const * __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::operator[](long)const |
public: class NtmsDbRecordPropList const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::operator=(class NtmsDbRecordPropList const &) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordRev & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordRev::operator=(class NtmsDbRecordRev const &) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordType & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordType::operator=(class NtmsDbRecordType const &) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordType * __thiscall NtmsDbObjTypeDef::Type(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbRecordType const & __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::RelationType(void)const |
public: class NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey * __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKeyList::operator[](long)const |
public: class NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey const & __thiscall NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey::operator=(class NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey const &) |
public: class NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey const & __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::ObjectKey(long)const |
public: class NtmsDbSelectionSet & __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::operator=(class NtmsDbSelectionSet const &) |
public: class NtmsDbStorageSlot & __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::operator=(class NtmsDbStorageSlot const &) |
public: class NtmsDbString & __thiscall NtmsDbString::operator+=(char const *) |
public: class NtmsDbString & __thiscall NtmsDbString::operator+=(class NtmsDbString &) |
public: class NtmsDbString & __thiscall NtmsDbString::operator=(char const *) |
public: class NtmsDbString & __thiscall NtmsDbString::operator=(class NtmsDbString &) |
public: class NtmsDbString & __thiscall NtmsDbString::operator=(unsigned short const *) |
public: class NtmsDbTypeGuid & __thiscall NtmsDbTypeGuid::operator=(class NtmsDbTypeGuid const &) |
public: class NtmsDbTypeGuid & __thiscall NtmsDbTypeGuid::operator=(struct _GUID const &) |
public: class NtmsDbUIDestination & __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::operator=(class NtmsDbUIDestination const &) |
public: class NtmsPropInfo & __thiscall NtmsPropInfo::operator=(class NtmsPropInfo const &) |
public: class NtmsPropInfo * __thiscall NtmsDbObjTypeDef::PropInfo(void)const |
public: class NtmsPropMetaInfo & __thiscall NtmsPropMetaInfo::operator=(class NtmsPropMetaInfo const &) |
public: class NtmsTransaction & __thiscall NtmsTransaction::operator=(class NtmsTransaction const &) |
public: class NtmsTransaction * __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::Transaction(void) |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::IsValid(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::RetryNeeded(class NtmsDbError &) |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbError::IsSuccess(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::Null(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::operator!=(class NtmsDbGuid const &)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::operator!=(struct _GUID const &)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::operator==(class NtmsDbGuid const &)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::operator==(struct _GUID const &)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::Protected(void) |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbList::Dynamic(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::Full(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbObject::IsModified(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbObject::IsNew(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbObject::IsValid(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetModified(long) |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbPropDataType::operator!=(class NtmsDbPropDataType &) |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbPropDataType::operator!=(short) |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbPropDataType::operator==(class NtmsDbPropDataType &) |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbPropDataType::operator==(short) |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::HasChanged(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::HasNewRelation(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::HasPreviousRelation(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::HasRelatedProperty(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::operator!=(class NtmsDbPropHeader const &)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::operator==(class NtmsDbPropHeader const &)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::IsNew(void) |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::IsValid(void) |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::operator!=(class NtmsDbRecordKey const &)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::operator==(class NtmsDbRecordKey const &)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Dynamic(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::IsBufferValid(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::IsModified(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::IsNull(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::IsValid(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::IsValid(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::Quantity(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordRev::operator!=(class NtmsDbRecordRev const &) |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordRev::operator==(class NtmsDbRecordRev const &) |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordType::IsValid(void)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey::operator!=(class NtmsDbGuid const &)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey::operator==(class NtmsDbGuid const &)const |
public: int __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::IsValid(void)const |
public: int const __thiscall NtmsDbError::Error(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::Library_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::PathName_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::ScsiBus_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::ScsiLun_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::ScsiPort_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::ScsiTarget_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SerialNumber_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::LibReqCleanTime(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::MediaRoot_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::OpReqCleanTime(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::Computer_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::LastCleanedTs_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::Library_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::PathName_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SavedPartitionId_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::ScsiBus_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::ScsiLun_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::ScsiPort_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::ScsiTarget_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SerialNumber_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::Library_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::Library_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::AssocWorkItem_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::DriveId_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::Library_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::PartitionId_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::PhysMediaId_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SlotId_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::TimeCompleted_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::TimeQueued_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::CleanerSlot_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::Computer_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::DefCleanerSlot_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbList::Count(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::Find(class NtmsDbListItem *)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::Get(long,class NtmsDbListItem * &)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::Place(long)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::Put(long,class NtmsDbListItem &) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::Size(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::MediaPoolId_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::MediaType_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::Parent_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::Count(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::Description_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::Name_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::Logicalmedia_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::Physicalmedia_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::Barcode_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::HomeSlotId_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::LibCurrentMedia_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::OperationErrorCode_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::PhysLocId_IsNotNull(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::PoolMember_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::RelationProperty(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::Count(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbPropRelation::KeyCount(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::PropCode(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::Count(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::Library_IsNotNull(void)const |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::DecReference(void) |
public: long __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::IncReference(void) |
public: long const __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::NextSequence(void)const |
public: long const __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::PhysMediaErrorCode_n(void)const |
public: short __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::GenerateHash(void) |
public: short __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::PropCode(void)const |
public: short __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::Size(void)const |
public: short __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::Table(void)const |
public: short __thiscall NtmsDbRecordType::Code(void)const |
public: short const __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::NeedsCleaning(void)const |
public: short const __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::AutoRecovery(void)const |
public: short const __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::BarCodeReader(void)const |
public: short const __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::FixedOffline(void)const |
public: short const __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SupportDrvClean(void)const |
public: short const __thiscall NtmsDbObject::Enabled(void)const |
public: short const __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::PartitionNumber(void)const |
public: short const __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Code(void)const |
public: static class ChangeRegistration * NtmsDbDataCtxt::m_ChangeTable |
public: static class ChangeRegistration * __stdcall NtmsDbDataCtxt::EnableNotification(void (__stdcall*)(int,class NtmsDbGuid const &,int,void *),void *) |
public: static class NtmsDbGuid const & __stdcall NtmsDbGuid::NullGuid(void) |
public: static class NtmsDbObjTypeDef & __stdcall NtmsDbObjTypeDef::ObjTypeDef(unsigned long) |
public: static class NtmsDbObjTypeDef * NtmsDbObjTypeDef::ObjectTypes |
public: static class NtmsDbPropDataType NtmsDbRecordPropList::NoType |
public: static class NtmsDbRecordProp & __stdcall NtmsDbRecordPropList::GetNull(void) |
public: static class NtmsDbRecordProp NtmsDbRecordProp::NullProp |
public: static class NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey::NullKey |
public: static int __stdcall NtmsDbDataCtxt::FindObType(class NtmsDbRecordKey &) |
public: static int __stdcall NtmsDbDataCtxt::FindObType(short) |
public: static unsigned long __stdcall NtmsDbDataCtxt::AcquireChangeMutex(unsigned long) |
public: static void __stdcall NtmsDbDataCtxt::BumpActivityCounter(void) |
public: static void __stdcall NtmsDbDataCtxt::DisableNotification(class ChangeRegistration *) |
public: static void __stdcall NtmsDbDataCtxt::ReleaseChangeMutex(void) |
public: static void __stdcall NtmsDbDataCtxt::SetActivityCounter(unsigned long *) |
public: static void __stdcall NtmsDbDataCtxt::Shutdown(void) |
public: struct _GUID const & __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::_id(void)const |
public: struct _SYSTEMTIME __thiscall NtmsDbObject::CreateTs(void)const |
public: struct _SYSTEMTIME __thiscall NtmsDbObject::ModifyTs(void)const |
public: struct _SYSTEMTIME const __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::LastCleanedTs_n(void)const |
public: struct _SYSTEMTIME const __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::TimeCompleted_n(void)const |
public: struct _SYSTEMTIME const __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::TimeQueued_n(void)const |
public: struct _SYSTEMTIME const __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::TimeSubmitted(void)const |
public: union _LARGE_INTEGER & __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::Capacity(void) |
public: unsigned char * __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::StrGuid(unsigned char *)const |
public: unsigned char const * __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::OmidLabelId_n(void)const |
public: unsigned int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Load(unsigned char *,unsigned long &) |
public: unsigned int __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Store(unsigned char *) |
public: unsigned int __thiscall NtmsDbString::Length(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDatabase::AccessAllowed(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetChangerType(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetInstanceNameW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetLibrary(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetNumber(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetPathName(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetPathNameW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetRevision(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetRevisionW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetScsiBus(unsigned short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetScsiLun(unsigned short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetScsiPort(unsigned short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetScsiTarget(unsigned short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetSerialNumber(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetSerialNumberW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::SetDeviceType(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::SetProduct(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::SetProductW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::SetVendor(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::SetVendorW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::AddUIDestination(unsigned long,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::Drives(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::GetUIDestinations(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,unsigned long,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::LibReqFlags(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::Librarys(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::MediaPoolPolicy(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::NumUIDestinations(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::OpReqFlags(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::RemoveUIDestination(unsigned long,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::SetLibReqCleanTime(long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::SetLibReqFlags(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::SetMediaPoolPolicy(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::SetMediaRoot(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::SetOpReqCleanTime(long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::SetOpReqFlags(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::CommitTransaction(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::Connect(unsigned short const *,unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::Disconnect(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::ExportDatabase(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::ImportDatabase(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::LastErrorCode(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::MinimizeResources(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::RollbackTransaction(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::StartTransaction(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetComputer(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetDeferDelay(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetDriveLetter(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetDriveNumber(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetDriveState(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetDriveType(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetInstanceNameW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetLastCleanedTs(struct _SYSTEMTIME) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetLibrary(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetNeedsCleaning(short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetPathName(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetPathNameW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetRevision(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetRevisionW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetSavedPartitionId(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetScsiBus(unsigned short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetScsiLun(unsigned short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetScsiPort(unsigned short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetScsiTarget(unsigned short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetSerialNumber(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetSerialNumberW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetUseCount(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::SetDriveType(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::SetNumberOfHeads(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::SetProduct(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::SetProductW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::SetVendor(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::SetVendorW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbFile::FileStatus(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbFile::State(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::SetIEDoorNumber(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::SetIEDoorState(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::SetLibrary(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::SetMaxOpenSecs(unsigned short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::SetExtendState(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::SetFullState(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::SetIEPortNumber(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::SetLibrary(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::SetMaxExtendSecs(unsigned short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::ErrorCode(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::Priority(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetApplication(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetAssocWorkItem(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetComputer(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetDriveId(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetErrorCode(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetLibrary(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetOperationCode(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetOperationOption(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetPartitionId(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetPhysMediaId(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetPriority(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetProtected(int) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetSlotId(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetState(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetTimeCompleted(struct _SYSTEMTIME) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetTimeQueued(struct _SYSTEMTIME) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetUser(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::AddMediaType(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::AddUIDestination(unsigned long,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::Changers(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::Drives(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::GetUIDestinations(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,unsigned long,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::IEDoors(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::IEPorts(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::LibCurrentMedia(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::LibWorkItems(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::MediaTypes(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::NumChangers(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::NumDoors(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::NumDrives(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::NumLibWorkItems(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::NumMedia(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::NumMediaTypes(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::NumPorts(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::NumSlots(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::NumUIDestinations(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::RemoveMediaType(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::RemoveUIDestination(unsigned long,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetAutoRecovery(short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetBarCodeReader(short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetCleanerSlot(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetCleansRemaining(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetComputer(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetDefCleanerSlot(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetFirstChangerNumber(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetFirstDriveNumber(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetFirstPortNumber(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetFirstSlotNumber(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetFixedOffline(short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetFlags(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetInventoryMethod(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetLibraryType(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetSupportDrvClean(short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::StorageSlots(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::SetMediaPoolId(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::Folders(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::LogicalPoolMember(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::NumFolders(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::NumLogicalMedia(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::NumPhysicalMedia(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::PoolMember(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::SetAllocationPolicy(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::SetDeallocationPolicy(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::SetMaxAllocates(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::SetMediaType(class NtmsDbGuid) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::SetMpoolType(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::SetParent(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::SetDeviceType(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::SetMediaType(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::SetNextSequence(long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::SetNumberOfSides(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::SetWriteCharacteristics(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObjTypeDef::ObjectCode(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObjTypeDef::SuperType(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::ExplicitAddRelation(long,short,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::ExplicitRemoveRelation(long,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::GetAttribute(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,char const *,void *,unsigned long *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::GetSecurityDescriptor(void *,unsigned long &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::LastError(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::ObjectType(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::ReportSpecificError(unsigned long)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetAdminControlSecurity(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetAttribute(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,char const *,void *,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetDescription(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetDescriptionW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetEnabled(short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetName(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetNameW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetObjectId(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetObjectId(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetOperational(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetSecurityDescriptor(void *,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::WriteAttribute(class NtmsDbPropertyValue &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::countRelatedObjects(long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::getRelatedObjects(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &,long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::Arg1Type(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::Arg2Type(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::Request(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::SetApplication(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::SetArg1(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::SetArg1Type(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::SetArg2(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::SetArg2Type(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::SetComputer(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::SetMessage(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::SetMessageA(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::SetRequest(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::SetState(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::SetTimeSubmitted(struct _SYSTEMTIME) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::SetUser(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::State(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::GetAllocOption(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetAllocOption(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetAllocateCount(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetCapacity(union _LARGE_INTEGER) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetLifeCycleState(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetLogicalmedia(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetMountCount(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetOmidLabelId(unsigned char const *,unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetOmidLabelInfo(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetOmidLabelType(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetPartitionNumber(short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetPhysicalmedia(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetSide(unsigned short) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::DensityCode(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::MediaTypeCode(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::NumPartitions(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::Partitions(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,class NtmsDbSelectionSet &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetBarcode(char const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetBarcodeState(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetBarcodeW(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetDensityCode(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetHomeSlotId(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetInventoryState(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetLibCurrentMedia(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetMediaType(class NtmsDbGuid) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetMediaTypeCode(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetMountedPartition(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetPhysLocId(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetPhysLocType(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetPhysMediaErrorCode(long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetPhysMediaState(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetPoolMember(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetSequenceNumber(unsigned short const *) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::LastStatus(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::Type(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKey::Index(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Count(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::DataSize(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Size(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::PropertySpace(void) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::Status(void)const |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::SetLibrary(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::SetSlotNumber(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::SetSlotState(unsigned long) |
public: unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::SetComputer(unsigned short * const) |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::Number(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::DeviceType(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::DeferDelay(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::DriveNumber(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::DriveState(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::UseCount(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::DriveType(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::NumberOfHeads(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::IEDoorNumber(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::IEDoorState(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::ExtendState(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::FullState(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::IEPortNumber(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::OperationCode(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::OperationOption(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::State(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::CleansRemaining(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::FirstChangerNumber(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::FirstDriveNumber(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::FirstPortNumber(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::FirstSlotNumber(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::Flags(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::InventoryMethod(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::LibraryType(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::AllocationPolicy(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::DeallocationPolicy(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::MaxAllocates(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::MpoolType(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::DeviceType(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::MediaType(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::NumberOfSides(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::WriteCharacteristics(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbObject::Operational(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::AllocateCount(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::LifeCycleState(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::MountCount(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::OmidLabelIdLength(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::BarcodeState(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::InventoryState(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::PhysLocType(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::PhysMediaState(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::SlotNumber(void)const |
public: unsigned long const __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::SlotState(void)const |
public: unsigned short * __thiscall NtmsDbFile::Filename(void) |
public: unsigned short * __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::StrGuidW(unsigned short *)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::InstanceNameW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::PathNameW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::RevisionW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SerialNumberW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::ProductW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::VendorW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::InstanceNameW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::PathNameW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::RevisionW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SerialNumberW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::ProductW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::VendorW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::Application(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::Computer(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::User(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbObject::DescriptionW(void) |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbObject::DescriptionW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbObject::NameW(void) |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbObject::NameW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::Application(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::Computer(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::Message(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::User(void)const |
public: unsigned short const * __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::BarcodeW(void)const |
public: unsigned short const __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::ScsiBus_n(void)const |
public: unsigned short const __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::ScsiLun_n(void)const |
public: unsigned short const __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::ScsiPort_n(void)const |
public: unsigned short const __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::ScsiTarget_n(void)const |
public: unsigned short const __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::ScsiBus_n(void)const |
public: unsigned short const __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::ScsiLun_n(void)const |
public: unsigned short const __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::ScsiPort_n(void)const |
public: unsigned short const __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::ScsiTarget_n(void)const |
public: unsigned short const __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::MaxOpenSecs(void)const |
public: unsigned short const __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::MaxExtendSecs(void)const |
public: unsigned short const __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::Side(void)const |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::~NtmsDbChanger(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::~NtmsDbChangerType(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::~NtmsDbComputer(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::~NtmsDbDrive(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::~NtmsDbDriveType(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::~NtmsDbIEDoor(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::~NtmsDbIEPort(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::~NtmsDbLibWorkItem(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::~NtmsDbLibrary(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbList::~NtmsDbList(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::~NtmsDbLogicalMedia(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::~NtmsDbMediaPool(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbMediaType::~NtmsDbMediaType(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbObject::~NtmsDbObject(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::~NtmsDbOpRequest(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::~NtmsDbPartition(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::~NtmsDbPhysicalMedia(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::~NtmsDbPropertyValue(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKeyList::~NtmsDbRecordKeyList(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::~NtmsDbSelectionSet(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::~NtmsDbStorageSlot(void) |
public: virtual __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::~NtmsDbUIDestination(void) |
public: virtual class NtmsDbRecordProp const & __thiscall NtmsDbPropertyValue::operator=(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: virtual long __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::Count(void)const |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::Remove(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::Fetch(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::Insert(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::Refresh(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::Remove(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::RemoveRegardless(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::Update(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbObject::UpdateRegardless(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
public: virtual unsigned long __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::DeleteObjects(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *) |
public: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbList::Destruct(class NtmsDbListItem *) |
public: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::ComputeProps(enum NtmsDbObject::ObjectOperationType) |
public: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::ComputeProps(enum NtmsDbObject::ObjectOperationType,long) |
public: virtual void __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::Reset(void) |
public: void * __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::ExtensionPrivateData(void) |
public: void * __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::GetData(int *)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDatabase::SetNotificationHandler(void (__stdcall*)(int,short,class NtmsDbGuid const &,int)) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::GetPathNameA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::GetPathNameW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::GetRevisionA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::GetRevisionW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::GetSerialNumberA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::GetSerialNumberW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetLibrary_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetPathName_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetScsiBus_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetScsiLun_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetScsiPort_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetScsiTarget_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChanger::SetSerialNumber_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::GetProductA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::GetProductW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::GetVendorA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbChangerType::GetVendorW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbComputer::SetMediaRoot_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::EnterConnCritSection(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::LeaveConnCritSection(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDataCtxt::`default constructor closure'(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::GetDriveLetter(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::GetDriveLetterA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::GetPathNameA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::GetPathNameW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::GetRevisionA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::GetRevisionW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::GetSerialNumberA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::GetSerialNumberW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetComputer_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetDriveLetter_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetLastCleanedTs_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetLibrary_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetPathName_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetSavedPartitionId_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetScsiBus_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetScsiLun_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetScsiPort_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetScsiTarget_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDrive::SetSerialNumber_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::GetProductA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::GetProductW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::GetVendorA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbDriveType::GetVendorW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbFile::SetFileStatus(unsigned long) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbFile::SetState(unsigned long) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::New(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::Print(void)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbGuid::Win32Guid(struct _GUID &)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbIEDoor::SetLibrary_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbIEPort::SetLibrary_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::GetApplicationA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::GetApplicationW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::GetComputerA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::GetComputerW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::GetUserA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::GetUserW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetAssocWorkItem_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetDriveId_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetLibrary_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetPartitionId_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetPhysMediaId_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetSlotId_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetTimeCompleted_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibWorkItem::SetTimeQueued_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetCleanerSlot_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetComputer_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLibrary::SetDefCleanerSlot_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbList::Clear(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::Remove(long) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::Set(long,class NtmsDbListItem *) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::SetNext(class NtmsDbList::Map *) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::SetSize(long) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbList::Map::Validate(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbList::Reset(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbList::SetDynamic(int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbList::`default constructor closure'(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbList::operator<<(class NtmsDbListItem &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbList::operator>>(class NtmsDbListItem * &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::SetMediaPoolId_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbLogicalMedia::SetPartition(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbMediaPool::SetParent_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbObjTypeDef::Register(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::GetDescriptionA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::GetDescriptionW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::GetNameA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::GetNameW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetDefaultValue(class NtmsDbProperty *) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetDescription_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbObject::SetName_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::GetApplicationA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::GetApplicationW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::GetComputerA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::GetComputerW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::GetMessageA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::GetMessageW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::GetUserA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbOpRequest::GetUserW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::GetOmidLabelInfoA(char *,int)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::GetOmidLabelInfoW(unsigned short *,int)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::GetOmidLabelTypeA(char *,int)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::GetOmidLabelTypeW(unsigned short *,int)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetLogicalmedia_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPartition::SetPhysicalmedia_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::GetBarcodeA(char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::GetBarcodeW(unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::GetSequenceNumberA(char *,int)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::GetSequenceNumberW(unsigned short *,int)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetBarcode_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetHomeSlotId_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetLibCurrentMedia_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetOperationErrorCode_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetPhysLocId_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPhysicalMedia::SetPoolMember_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropBinary::ConvertToString(char *)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropChar::ConvertToString(char *)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropDouble::ConvertToString(char *)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::ConvertToString(char *)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropGuid::SetUpToDate(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::DecCount(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::IncCount(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::SetCount(long) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::SetPropCode(short) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropHeader::SetSize(short) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropLargeInt::ConvertToString(char *)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropLong::ConvertToString(char *)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropRecordClass::SetKey(class NtmsDbRecordKey &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropRelation::ConvertToString(char *)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropRelation::operator<<(class NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropRelation::operator>>(class NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey * &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropShort::ConvertToString(char *)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbPropTimeDate::ConvertToString(char *)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbProperty::SetDefault(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKeyList::operator<<(class NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey const &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordKeyList::operator>>(class NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey * &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::ClearModified(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::ConvertToString(char *)const |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::CopyData(void *,long) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Init(short) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Init(short,char *,int,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Init(short,class NtmsDbGuid &,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Init(short,class NtmsDbLinkedGuid &,class NtmsDbRecordType *,short) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Init(short,class NtmsDbRecordKeyList *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Init(short,long *,int,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Init(short,short *,int,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Init(short,struct _SYSTEMTIME *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Init(short,union _LARGE_INTEGER *,int,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Init(short,unsigned char *,int,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Init(short,unsigned long *,int,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Init(short,unsigned short *,int,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::Init(short,void *,int,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::SetData(void *) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::SetDefault(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::SetDynamic(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::SetLength(long) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::SetModified(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordProp::SetNull(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NewPropBinary(long,unsigned char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NewPropChar(long,char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NewPropChar(long,unsigned char *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NewPropGuid(long,class NtmsDbGuid &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NewPropGuid(long,class NtmsDbLinkedGuid &,class NtmsDbRecordType *,long) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NewPropLargeInt(long,union _LARGE_INTEGER *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NewPropLong(long,long *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NewPropLong(long,unsigned long *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NewPropRelation(long) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NewPropRelation(long,class NtmsDbRecordKeyList *) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NewPropShort(long,short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NewPropShort(long,unsigned short *,int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::NewPropTimeDate(long,struct _SYSTEMTIME *) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::Reset(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::operator>>(class NtmsDbPropChar * &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::operator>>(class NtmsDbPropGuid * &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::operator>>(class NtmsDbPropLargeInt * &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::operator>>(class NtmsDbPropLong * &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::operator>>(class NtmsDbPropRelation * &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::operator>>(class NtmsDbPropShort * &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordPropList::operator>>(class NtmsDbRecordProp * &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordRev::operator++(int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordRev::operator++(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbRecordType::operator=(short) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::Select(class NtmsDbDataCtxt *,unsigned long) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::SetDynamic(int) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::SetObjectGuid(long,class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::operator<<(class NtmsDbGuid const &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbSelectionSet::operator<<(class NtmsDbRecordUniqueKey const &) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbStorageSlot::SetLibrary_Null(void) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbString::SetString(unsigned short const *,unsigned long) |
public: void __thiscall NtmsDbUIDestination::GetComputer(unsigned short *,int) |
unsigned long __stdcall NtmsDbInstall(void) |
unsigned long __stdcall NtmsDbRemove(void) |
unsigned long __stdcall NtmsDbShutdown(void) |
void __stdcall ObjectChange(int,short,class NtmsDbGuid const &,int) |
Imported Functions List
The following functions are imported by this dll:- ADVAPI32.dll:
AddAccessAllowedAce AddAce AllocateAndInitializeSid DeregisterEventSource FreeSid GetLengthSid GetSecurityDescriptorLength InitializeAcl InitializeSecurityDescriptor IsValidSecurityDescriptor MakeSelfRelativeSD RegCloseKey RegOpenKeyW RegQueryValueExW RegSetValueExW RegisterEventSourceW ReportEventW SetSecurityDescriptorDacl SetSecurityDescriptorGroup SetSecurityDescriptorOwner - KERNEL32.dll:
CloseHandle CreateDirectoryW CreateEventW CreateFileW CreateMutexW CreateThread DeleteFileW DisableThreadLibraryCalls ExitThread FlushFileBuffers FreeLibrary GetComputerNameW GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId GetCurrentThreadId GetFileSize GetSystemDirectoryW GetSystemTime GetSystemTimeAsFileTime GetTickCount GetVersionExW InitializeCriticalSection InterlockedDecrement InterlockedIncrement LoadLibraryExW LockFileEx MoveFileExW QueryPerformanceCounter ReadFile ReleaseMutex ResetEvent SetEndOfFile SetEvent SetFilePointer SetThreadPriority SetUnhandledExceptionFilter Sleep TerminateProcess UnhandledExceptionFilter UnlockFileEx VerifyVersionInfoA WaitForSingleObject WriteFile ntdll!RtlDeleteCriticalSection ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection ntdll!RtlGetLastWin32Error ntdll!RtlLeaveCriticalSection ntdll!VerSetConditionMask - msvcrt.dll:
__dllonexit _adjust_fdiv _except_handler3 _initterm _local_unwind2 _mbctombb _onexit _ultow _wcsicmp free isprint malloc mbstowcs memmove printf sprintf sscanf strncpy swprintf void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int) void __cdecl operator delete(void *) wcscat wcscmp wcscpy wcslen wcsncpy wcstombs - ole32.dll:
CoCreateGuid - USER32.dll:
LoadStringW PostThreadMessageW wsprintfW