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Windows XP DLL File Information - mapi32.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows XP, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT  
File Version: 1.0.2536.0 (XPClient.010817-1148)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 109 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 248
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 189

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 33,280 Bytes 29.7% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x0000a000 512 Bytes 0.5% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x0000b000 72,192 Bytes 64.4% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x0001d000 5,120 Bytes 4.6% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

mapi32.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when mapi32.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, mapi32.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 4 5,330 Bytes 4.8%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 5 14,908 Bytes 13.3%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 11 10,252 Bytes 9.1%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 1 678 Bytes 0.6%
Strings 286 36,180 Bytes 32.3%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 3 1,341 Bytes 1.2%
Total 310 68,689 Bytes 61.3%

Icons in this file

There are 4 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:

Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)

In the following section, you can find the captions of dialog-boxes stored in this DLL. The list is currently limited to 200 dialogs.
ID Dialog Caption
600 Address
800 Deliver Messages
1307 Paragraph
1309 About Microsoft Exchange
2345 Microsoft Exchange Setup Wizard
2346 Microsoft Exchange Message File Migration
5200 Choose Profile

String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)

String ID String Text
0 MAPI 1.0
1 Available
2 Off-line
3 Failure
4 Unknown
5 On-line
6 Uploading messages...
7 Downloading messages...
8 Flushing Inbound Queue...
9 Flushing Outbound Queue...
10 MAPI 1.0 Address Book
11 MAPI 1.0 Spooler
12 Top of Personal Folders
13 Deleted Items
14 Deleted Items folder
15 Inbox
16 Inbox folder
17 Outbox
18 Outbox folder
19 Sent Items
20 Sent Items folder
23 Search Root
24 Other Address
25 Send Options for this Message
26 Send Options for this Name
27 Message was read on:
28 Read:
29 Message was not read by:
30 Not read:
32 Delivery was successful
33 Delivery failed for unknown reasons
34 Delivered:
35 Undeliverable:
36 System Administrator
37 No transport provider was available for delivery to this recipient.
38 Microsoft Exchange Setup Wizard
39 Microsoft Exchange
40 Startup
41 Browse for Personal Folders
42 Browse for Personal Address Book
43 *.pst
44 *.pab
46 PST Files (*.pst)
47 PAB Files (*.pab)
48 All files (*.*)
49 MS Exchange Settings
50 mailbox.pab
51 mailbox.pst
52 %s %d
53 Enter password for profile '%s'
54 Add Service To Profile
55 The service you have just added will not start until you choose Exit and Log Off on the File menu, and then restart Microsoft Exchange.
56 Remove Service From Profile
57 The service you have just removed will not stop until you choose Exit and Log Off from the File menu, and then restart Microsoft Exchange.
58 General
59 Microsoft Exchange
60 Address Book
61 Attached Files
62 Personal Folders
63 MS Personal Information Store
64 Internal MAPI error: An unsupported interface was requested of an object property. Contact your administrator.
65 Internal MAPI error: The object does not support the GetContentsTable method. Contact your administrator.
66 The item could not be found.
67 The item is not recognized by any available MAPI service.
68 No personal address book has been added to this MAPI profile. Use the Services command on the Tools menu to add and configure the Personal Address Book information service.
69 Internal MAPI error: Either no default address book directory is available, or the directory property for the default address book could not be retrieved. Contact your administrator.
70 Internal MAPI error: The address book search order has not been configured. Use the Mail And Fax icon to set the search order.
71 No address lists could be obtained from the address book. Be sure that at least one information service that includes address book functionality has been installed and configured.
72 The address book search order could not be saved.
73 Internal MAPI error: The address book has no directories that contain names. Contact your administrator.
74 Internal MAPI error: The object does not support GetHierarchyTable. The object is not the address book root type. Contact your administrator.
75 The requested information store could not be found in the active profile.
76 MAPI was unable to load the information service %s. Be sure the service is correctly installed and configured.
77 Internal MAPI error: The information store service provider could not be added to the active MAPI profile. Contact your administrator.
78 The information store could not be opened.
79 Internal MAPI error: No address book service providers could be found in the active MAPI profile. Contact your administrator.
80 Internal MAPI error: No message transport service is found in the active profile. Contact your administrator.
81 No message transport service or address book service could be found in the active profile. Use the Services command on the Tools menu to add services.
82 Internal MAPI error: The profile is corrupt. Information is missing for one or more services, and a new profile should be created. Contact your administrator.
83 The %s service is incompatible with the current MAPI service provider interface. Contact the vendor for an updated service provider.
84 Name, e-mail address, and address type are required to create this entry.
85 Internal MAPI error: Information about one or more recipients of the message could not be obtained from the address book. Contact your administrator.
86 Internal MAPI error: The data for options which have been set for one or more service providers cannot be retrieved.
87 Internal MAPI error: An internal MAPI error while loading dialog functions has prevented display of the MAPI common dialog boxes. If the error persists, reinstall Microsoft Exchange.
88 The information service cannot be configured. Either the information service does not possess properties required for configuration, or the MAPI configuration file entry point could not be determined.
89 Internal MAPI error: The profile does not contain the requested service. Contact your administrator.
90 Internal MAPI error: A table stored in memory could not be accessed. Contact your administrator.
91 Access to the requested profile section has been denied.
92 Internal MAPI error: The registration to be rescinded could not be found. Contact your administrator.
93 Internal MAPI error: There is a communication problem between this application and the service provider. Restart the application.
94 The information service did not respond to the status request. Retry the operation. If the problem persists, restart the application and then try again. If these measures fail, contact the information service vendor.
95 Internal MAPI error: MAPI has not been installed correctly. Contact your administrator.
96 No information service provided a user identity, so a substitute identity was created for this operation.
97 Internal MAPI error: The profile section could not be modified to use the new default information store. Contact your administrator.
98 Internal MAPI error: The profile section for the existing default information store cannot be updated. Contact your administrator.
99 The .DLL file for the information service could not be found.
100 The .DLL file for the information service could not be loaded.
101 The MAPI Spooler has shut down unexpectedly. Close all mail-enabled applications before attempting to log on again.
102 The MAPI Spooler could not be started. Close and then restart all mail-enabled applications.
103 An internal MAPI error has caused this logon attempt to fail.
104 This recipient has no options specified.
105 This message store cannot be specified as the default message store.
106 This information service has already been added to your profile and cannot be specified twice.
107 The transport service is currently busy. Try again later.
108 The message is missing some required properties. Contact your administrator.
109 Internal MAPI error: An in-memory stream could not be processed. Contact your administrator.
110 The standard folders could not be created in the location for delivering new mail. Use the Delivery property page to select the new mail delivery location again, and then click Apply.
111 The personal distribution list(s) this message is addressed to must contain recipients. Add at least one recipient to each list.
112 The time limit for logging on was reached while waiting for system resources. Try again.
113 This information service is not installed on your computer. To install it, use the Mail And Fax icon in the Control Panel.
114 The information service could not complete the requested operation. The state of a MAPI resource could not be validated.
115 No additional send options are available for this message.
116 The registry file was not found for the service account. The file may be corrupt or you may be out of disk space. Contact your administrator
117 The registry file for the service account could not be loaded
118 MAPI was unable to load registry data because the service account has not been assigned the Restore Files and Directories privilege. Use the User Manager to assign this privilege
119 The operating system error code is %ld
120 Internal MAPI error: This restriction cannot be applied to outgoing message recipient tables. Contact your administrator.
121 The message contains a reference to a file that could not be found. Be sure the path to the linked file is correct.
122 Internal MAPI error: This method is not supported on outgoing messages. Contact your administrator.
123 Internal MAPI error: The recipient table could not be updated. Contact your administrator.
124 Internal MAPI error: Outgoing message recipient tables cannot be sorted in the specified order. Contact your administrator.
125 Microsoft Windows Messaging Subsystem
126 Internal MAPI error: The list of properties in a MAPI profile section could not be obtained. Contact your administrator.
128 Internal MAPI error: This MAPI profile section is read-only and cannot be changed. Contact your administrator.
129 Internal MAPI error: Values for some or all of the requested MAPI profile properties are unavailable. Contact your administrator.
130 The profile name contains characters that are not valid. Type a valid profile name.
131 The password contains characters that are not valid. Type a valid password.
132 A profile with this name already exists. Type a different profile name.
133 Internal MAPI error: No profile by that name could be found. Contact your administrator.
134 No profiles have been created. To create a new profile, use the Mail icon in the Control Panel.
135 Internal MAPI error: This profile's security object cannot be accessed, and may be damaged. Contact your administrator.
136 Internal MAPI error: The profile section could not be found. Contact your administrator.
137 The profile name is not valid. Enter a valid profile name.
138 Unknown FATAL error.
139 Internal MAPI error: Dialog could not be created. Contact your administrator.
140 Internal MAPI error: Invalid WMCommand. Contact your administrator.
141 This profile name is not valid. Select a different profile name.
142 Internal MAPI error: Dialog window could not be created. Contact your administrator.
143 Internal MAPI error: Default services could not be created. Contact your administrator.
144 Internal MAPI error: Default services could not be configured. Contact your administrator.
145 One or more information services you selected could not be configured using the properties you have set. Try again.
146 Internal MAPI error: The properties of %s could not be saved into the profile. Contact your administrator.
147 A service provider could not be loaded. Contact your administrator.
148 Internal MAPI error: Dialog resources could not be loaded. Contact your administrator.
149 The .DLL file for this service is either damaged or could not be found.
150 The attempt to log on to the messaging system failed.
151 The profile could not be created. Try again.
152 The password you have typed is incorrect. Retype the password.
153 You have reached the limit of three incorrect entries for a Microsoft Mail password. To reinitiate message file (*.MMF) migration, start Microsoft Exchange and choose Import from the File menu.
154 The attempt to copy messages from the message (.MMF) file to a personal folder (.PST) file has failed. Contact your administrator.
155 The profile name you have typed already exists. Type a different profile name.
156 There is not enough free memory to run this program. Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
157 Internal MAPI error: A directory for default information service providers could not be created. Contact your administrator.
158 An error occurred that prevented the personal address book from being added to the profile. Contact your administrator.
159 An error occurred while configuring the personal address book (.PAB) file.
160 An error has prevented this file from being configured as the personal address book. Select another personal address book (.PAB) file.
161 An error prevented the personal folders information service from being added to the profile. Try again. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.
162 An error occurred while configuring the personal folder (.PST) file.
163 An error has prevented this file from being configured as a set of personal folders. Select another personal folder (.PST) file.
164 There is no personal folder in the profile to migrate your MMF file to. Configure a personal folder in your profile to migrate.
165 If you choose to cancel now, you can configure Microsoft Exchange at any time by double-clicking the Microsoft Exchange icon. Are you sure you want to cancel the setup of Microsoft Exchange?
166 Internal MAPI error: The information service cannot be added to the profile using the Inbox Setup Wizard. Contact your administrator.
167 The MAPI configuration file MAPISVC.INF is not found in the System subdirectory of the Windows directory. Reinstall Microsoft Exchange.
168 Another instance of the Microsoft Exchange Setup Wizard is running. Finish configuring the other profile before adding a new one.
170 There are no more bookmarks available.
171 The table sorting process does not support grouping.
172 Untitled Attachment
173 This attachment is a MAPI 1.0 embedded message and is not supported by this mail system.
174 MAPI 1.0 embedded message
175 MAPI 1.0 storage
176 Unknown attachment
177 TNEF v1.0 Embedded Message
178 This attachment is an OLE 2.0 linked object and is not supported by this mail system.
180 Success
181 There is not enough free memory to run this program. Quit one or more programs, and then try again.
182 A resource is busy or you lack sufficient access rights or permissions.
183 Internal MAPI error: An invalid parameter was passed to a MAPI function. Contact your administrator.
184 Internal MAPI error: An unsupported interface was requested of a MAPI object. Contact your administrator.
185 The item could not be found.
186 An unexpected error has occurred.
187 Internal MAPI error: The call was successful, but some errors were returned. Contact your administrator.
188 Internal MAPI error: The call is not supported in this implementation. Contact your administrator.
189 Internal error: The message was not in the outgoing queue. Contact your administrator.
190 The message is already being sent.
191 Not found
192 Logon failed. Access has been denied.
193 Corrupt message store
194 Internal MAPI error: An invalid value was supplied for a property. Contact your administrator.
195 Internal MAPI error: The object is not valid. Contact your administrator.
196 The action cannot be completed because there is insufficient disk space.
197 A disk error has occurred.
198 Internal MAPI error: An interface is not supported. Contact your administrator.
199 Internal MAPI error: A parameter is not valid. Contact your administrator.
200 Internal MAPI error: Undefined flags were passed to a function. Contact your administrator.
201 Send Options for this Recipient
202 Internet
2519 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
2520 Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties. Known violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
BMAPIAddress BMAPIDetails BMAPIFindNext
BMAPIGetAddress BMAPIGetReadMail BMAPIReadMail
BMAPIResolveName BMAPISaveMail BMAPISendMail
BuildDisplayTable@40 CbOfEncoded@4 CchOfEncoding@4
ChangeIdleRoutine@28 CloseIMsgSession@4 CreateIProp@24
CreateTable@36 DeinitMapiUtil@0 DeregisterIdleRoutine@4
DllCanUnloadNow DllGetClassObject EnableIdleRoutine@8
EncodeID@12 FBadColumnSet@4 FBadEntryList@4
FBadProp@4 FBadPropTag@4 FBadRestriction@4
FBadRglpNameID@8 FBadRglpszA@8 FBadRglpszW@8
FBadRow@4 FBadRowSet@4 FBadSortOrderSet@4
FBinFromHex@8 FDecodeID@12 FEqualNames@8
FGetComponentPath FGetComponentPath@20 FPropCompareProp@12
FPropContainsProp@12 FPropExists@8 FixMAPI
FixMAPI@0 FreePadrlist@4 FreeProws@4
FtAdcFt@20 FtAddFt@16 FtDivFtBogus@20
FtMulDw@12 FtMulDwDw@8 FtNegFt@8
FtSubFt@16 FtgRegisterIdleRoutine@20 GetAttribIMsgOnIStg@12
GetOutlookVersion GetOutlookVersion@0 GetTnefStreamCodepage
GetTnefStreamCodepage@12 HexFromBin@12 HrAddColumns@16
HrAddColumnsEx@20 HrAllocAdviseSink@12 HrComposeEID@28
HrComposeMsgID@24 HrDecomposeEID@28 HrDecomposeMsgID@24
HrDispatchNotifications@4 HrEntryIDFromSz@12 HrGetOmiProvidersFlags
HrGetOmiProvidersFlags@8 HrGetOneProp@12 HrIStorageFromStream@16
HrQueryAllRows@24 HrSetOmiProvidersFlagsInvalid HrSetOmiProvidersFlagsInvalid@4
HrSetOneProp@8 HrSzFromEntryID@12 HrThisThreadAdviseSink@8
HrValidateIPMSubtree@20 HrValidateParameters@8 InstallFilterHook@4
IsBadBoundedStringPtr@8 LAUNCHWIZARD LPropCompareProp@8
LaunchWizard@20 LpValFindProp@12 MAPIAddress
MAPIAdminProfiles MAPIAdminProfiles@8 MAPIAllocateBuffer
MAPIAllocateBuffer@8 MAPIAllocateMore MAPIAllocateMore@12
MAPIDeinitIdle@0 MAPIDeleteMail MAPIDetails
MAPIFindNext MAPIFreeBuffer MAPIFreeBuffer@4
MAPIGetDefaultMalloc@0 MAPIInitIdle@4 MAPIInitialize
MAPIInitialize@4 MAPILogoff MAPILogon
MAPILogonEx MAPILogonEx@20 MAPIOpenFormMgr
MAPIOpenFormMgr@8 MAPIOpenLocalFormContainer MAPIOpenLocalFormContainer@4
MAPIReadMail MAPIResolveName MAPISaveMail
MAPISendDocuments MAPISendMail MAPIUninitialize
MAPIUninitialize@0 MNLS_CompareStringW@24 MNLS_IsBadStringPtrW@8
MNLS_MultiByteToWideChar@24 MNLS_WideCharToMultiByte@32 MNLS_lstrcmpW@8
MNLS_lstrcpyW@8 MNLS_lstrlenW@4 MapStorageSCode@4
OpenIMsgOnIStg@44 OpenIMsgSession@12 OpenStreamOnFile
OpenStreamOnFile@24 OpenTnefStream OpenTnefStream@28
OpenTnefStreamEx OpenTnefStreamEx@32 PRProviderInit
PpropFindProp@12 PropCopyMore@16 RTFSync
RTFSync@12 ScBinFromHexBounded@12 ScCopyNotifications@16
ScCopyProps@16 ScCountNotifications@12 ScCountProps@12
ScCreateConversationIndex@16 ScDupPropset@16 ScGenerateMuid@4
ScInitMapiUtil@4 ScLocalPathFromUNC@12 ScMAPIXFromCMC
ScMAPIXFromSMAPI ScRelocNotifications@20 ScRelocProps@20
ScUNCFromLocalPath@12 SetAttribIMsgOnIStg@16 SwapPlong@8
SwapPword@8 SzFindCh@8 SzFindLastCh@8
SzFindSz@8 UFromSz@4 UNKOBJ_COFree@8
UNKOBJ_Free@8 UNKOBJ_FreeRows@8 UNKOBJ_ScAllocate@12
UNKOBJ_ScAllocateMore@16 UNKOBJ_ScCOAllocate@12 UNKOBJ_ScCOReallocate@12
UNKOBJ_ScSzFromIdsAlloc@20 UlAddRef@4 UlFromSzHex@4
UlPropSize@4 UlRelease@4 WrapCompressedRTFStream
WrapCompressedRTFStream@12 WrapProgress@20 WrapStoreEntryID@24
__CPPValidateParameters@8 __ValidateParameters@8 cmc_act_on
cmc_free cmc_list cmc_logoff
cmc_logon cmc_look_up cmc_query_configuration
cmc_read cmc_send cmc_send_documents


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: