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Windows XP DLL File Information - dmdskres.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows XP, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Disk Management Snap-in Resources  
File Version: 2600.0.503.0  
Company: Microsoft Corp.  
Product Name: Logical Disk Manager for Windows NT  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 116 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 0
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 64

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.data 0x00001000 0 Bytes 0.0% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00002000 117,248 Bytes 98.7% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x0001f000 512 Bytes 0.4% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

No static linking in this file.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 15 16,110 Bytes 13.6%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 11 8,364 Bytes 7.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 44 26,188 Bytes 22.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 528 57,526 Bytes 48.4%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 1 888 Bytes 0.7%
Total 599 109,076 Bytes 91.8%

Icons in this file

There are 15 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:

Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)

In the following section, you can find the captions of dialog-boxes stored in this DLL. The list is currently limited to 200 dialogs.
ID Dialog Caption
105 Disk Management
139 Scaling
165 Add Mirror
172 Format:
324 Convert to Dynamic Disk
340 Repair Basic Volume
341 Disks to Convert
342 Reconnect
345 Rescanning Disks
347 Appearance
348 General
349 Volumes
351 Import Foreign Disks
353 New Partition Wizard
355 New Partition Wizard
356 New Partition Wizard
357 New Partition Wizard
358 New Partition Wizard
359 New Partition Wizard
361 Add New Drive Letter or Path
363 Change Drive Letter and Path
364 Initialize and Convert Disk Wizard
365 Initialize and Convert Disk Wizard
368 Initialize and Convert Disk Wizard
369 Initialize and Convert Disk Wizard
375 New Volume Wizard
376 New Volume Wizard
380 New Volume Wizard
381 New Volume Wizard
382 New Volume Wizard
383 Repair RAID-5 Volume
384 Extend Volume Wizard
386 Extend Volume Wizard
390 Disks
391 Foreign Disk Volumes
396 Convert Details
397 Browse for Drive Path
398 Drive Paths
403 Initialize Disk
404 Initialize Disk
405 Initialize and Convert Disk Wizard
406 Upgrade Warning

String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)

String ID String Text
1000 DiskManagement.Control
1001 DiskManagement.PropertyPage
1002 General
1003 Disk Management
1005 Snap-in
1800 T&op Contains view choices for the upper section of this window
1801 Botto&m Contains view choices for the lower section of this window
1802 S&ettings... Sets color, pattern, and scale settings for the graphical view
1803 &Drive Paths... Displays all drive paths
1810 &Disk List Displays a list of disks in the upper section of this window
1811 &Volume List Displays a list of volumes in the upper section of this window
1812 &Graphical View Displays a graphical view in the upper section of this window
1820 &Di&sk List Displays a list of disks in the lower section of this window
1821 &Volume List Displays a list of volumes in the lower section of this window
1822 &Graphical View Displays a graphical view in the lower section of this window
1823 Hidde&n Hides the lower section of this window
1900 Logical Disk Manager
2001 &New Volume...
2002 Creates a volume on this dynamic disk
2003 &New Partition...
2004 Creates a primary or extended partition or logical drive on this basic disk
2005 &New Logical Drive...
2006 An extended partition is a portion of a Master Boot Record (MBR) basic disk that can contain logical drives. Use an extended partition if you want to have more than four volumes on your MBR basic disk.
2007 &Convert to Dynamic Disk...
2008 Converts this disk to a dynamic disk; partitions and volumes on the disk are also converted
2013 &Change Drive Letter and Paths...
2014 Reassigns a volume's drive letter and drive path
2015 &Mark Partition as Active
2016 Mark the partition as the active partition
2017 &Format...
2018 Formats the volume or partition
2019 &Help
2020 Downward hatch
2021 &Delete Volume...
2022 Deletes this volume
2024 A logical drive is a volume you create within an extended partition on a Master Boot Record (MBR) basic disk.
2025 E&xtend Volume...
2026 Extends this volume onto one or more disks
2027 &Add Mirror...
2028 Adds a mirror image to this volume
2029 Repair &Volume...
2030 Regenerates this mirrored or RAID-5 volume on another disk
2031 Re&synchronize Mirror...
2032 Resynchronizes a mirrored volume
2033 &Remove Mirror...
2034 Removes one part of a mirrored volume
2035 &Properties
2036 Displays the property sheet for the volume
2039 &Open
2040 Open
2041 &Explore
2042 Explore
2043 &Break Mirrored Volume...
2044 Breaks a mirrored volume into two simple volumes
2045 &Convert to Basic Disk
2046 Ceverts an empty dynamic disk to a basic disk
2047 Cancel &Format
2048 Cancels the format operation
2049 Crosshatch
2050 Crosshatch at 45 degrees
2051 Upward hatch
2052 Horizontal hatch
2053 Vertical hatch
2054 Solid
2055 Re&generate Parity
2056 Regenerates parity for a RAID-5 volume
2057 &Rescan Disks
2058 Rescans all disks
2059 &Eject
2060 Ejects the disk
2062 A primary partition is a volume you create using free space on a basic disk. On a removable disk you can only create a single primary partition. You may not create an extended partition. The drive letter for this partition is preassigned.
2063 &Reactivate Volume
2064 Reactivates a disabled volume
2065 Sec&ure System Partition
2066 Secures the system partition
2067 &Unsecure System Partition
2068 Unsecures the system partition
2069 Re&activate Volume
2079 &Properties
2080 Displays the disk property sheet
2081 Re&move Disk
2082 Removes the disk from system configuration
2083 &Import Foreign Disks...
2084 Imports foreign dynamic disks so they can be used on this system
2085 &Mark Partition as Inactive
2086 Makes this partition inactive
2087 &Initialize Disk
2088 Initialize this disk so that Logical Disk Manager can access it
2089 &Mark Volume as Active
2090 Marks this volume's partition as active
2091 C&onvert to MBR Disk
2092 Converts the partition style to MBR (Master Boot Record)
2093 C&onvert to GPT Disk
2094 Converts the partition style to GPT (GUI Partition Table)
2516 Default
2518 1024
2519 2048
2520 4096
2521 8192
2529 Primary partition
2532 Extended partition
2534 Create Logical Drive
2535 Logical drive
2540 Are you sure you want to restrict system partition access to System Administrators group? This operation will not take effect until the computer is restarted.
2541 Are you sure you want to allow all users access to the system partition? This operation will not take effect until the computer is restarted.
2542 A change has been made to the system that requires that you restart the computer. Do you want to restart the computer now?
2543 primary partition
2544 extended partition
2545 logical drive
4000 Add Mirror
4001 Adding a mirror to an existing volume provides data redundancy by maintaining multiple copies of a volume's data on different disks.
4002 Adding a mirror to an existing volume provides data redundancy by maintaining multiple copies of a volume's data on different disks.
4003 Select a location for a mirror of %s.
4004 Disk,
4005 Disk,
4006 Remove Mirror
4007 Removing a mirror from this volume removes one copy of the volume's data. The volume will no longer contain redundant data.
4008 Select a disk from which to remove a mirror of %s.
4009 Disk,
4010 Initialize to MBR:
4011 Convert:
4012 Select a location for a mirror of the volume.
4013 Initialize to GPT:
4014 &Remove Mirror
4015 Select a disk from which to remove a mirror of the volume.
4016 Initialize:
5001 Disk,Type,Capacity,Unallocated Space,Status,Device Type,Partition Style,
5002 Volume,Layout,Type,File System,Status,Capacity,Free Space,% Free ,Fault Tolerance,Overhead,
5004 You must select a disk.
5014 Simple
5015 Spanned
5016 Mirror
5017 Striped
5018 RAID-5
5019 Dynamic disk and volume management provided to Microsoft by VERITAS Software Corporation.
5020 Microsoft and VERITAS Software
5021 1.00
6000 Unknown
6001 Offline
6002 Online
6003 Missing
6004 Unknown
6005 Basic
6006 Dynamic
6007 Removable
6008 CD-ROM
6009 Disk
6010 Unknown
6011 Unallocated Space
6012 Free Space
6013 Primary Partition
6014 Logical Drive
6015 Extended Partition
6017 CD-ROM
6018 Removable
6019 The disk space is not allocated to any partition, logical drive or volume.
6020 A primary partition is a volume you create using free space on a basic disk. Windows and other operating systems can start from a primary partition. You can create up to four primary partitions or three primary partitions and an extended partition.
6021 A simple volume is made up of free space on a single dynamic disk. Create a simple volume if you have enough free disk space for your volume on one disk. You can extend a simple volume by adding free space from the same disk or another disk.
6022 A spanned volume is made up of disk space on more than one dynamic disk. Create a spanned volume if you need a volume that is too large for a single disk. You can extend a spanned volume by adding free space from another disk.
6023 A mirrored volume duplicates your data on two dynamic disks. Create a mirrored volume if you want to keep two separate copies of all your information to prevent data loss.
6024 A striped volume stores data in stripes on two or more dynamic disks. A striped volume gives you faster access to your data than a simple or spanned volume.
6025 A RAID-5 volume stores data in stripes on three or more dynamic disks. It provides a way of recovering data if part of the data is lost.
6027 Audio CD
6028 Not Initialized
6029 free space
6030 A primary partition is a volume you create using free space on a basic disk. Windows and other operating systems can start from a primary partition. You can create up to 128 primary partitions on a GPT basic disk. On a Master Boot Record (MBR) basic disk, you can create up to four primary partitions or three primary partitions and an extended partition.
6502 Unknown
6503 Healthy
6504 Failed
6505 Failed Redundancy
6508 Resynching
6509 Regenerating
6510 Initializing
6511 Unknown
6514 Not Applicable
6515 Master Boot Record (MBR)
6516 GUID Partition Table (GPT)
7503 Connect To Logical Disk Manager Server
7504 Logical Disk Manager Server is not yet ready to accept connections Do you want to continue to wait?
40004 Cannot mirror more than two disks.
40005 Cannot span more than one disk for a simple volume
40007 The label contains characters that are not valid. Specify a different label.
40008 WARNING: Formatting will erase all data on this volume. To format the volume, click OK. To quit, click Cancel.
40009 The drive letter %c: is already mapped to a network share or a local path. In order to see the volume after the operation, you must remove current mapping. Do you want to continue?
40010 All data on this volume will be lost. Do you want to continue?
40011 Delete %s
40013 Logical Disk Manager cannot get the local computer name.
40014 Convert Disk to Dynamic
40015 File systems on any of the disks to be converted will be dismounted. Do you want to continue this operation?
40016 Windows cannot find the Help file. Install Diskmgmt.chm in the Help folder located in your Windows folder.
40017 The operation was canceled due to an internal error.
40018 The operation timed out.
40019 The folder you specified is not empty. A volume can be mounted only at an empty folder.
40020 A volume cannot be mounted at a root directory.
53235 WARNING: This operation will make the volume available for use but the data on it may be corrupted or stale. If you have another disk that contains part of this volume, reconnect it to this machine and reactivate the volume from that disk. If you choose to continue with this reactivate, it is recommended that chkdsk be run on this volume before using it. If chkdsk fails or finds an excessive number of errors, you may need to reformat the volume and restore its contents from backup. Do you want to continue?
53236 A basic disk is a physical disk that contains primary partitions, extended partitions, and logical drives. You can use any version of Windows or MS-DOS to gain access to partitions on basic disks. 64-bit Windows supports GUID Partition Table (GPT) basic disks. GPT basic disks contain primary partitions, and can be accessed only by 64-bit Windows 2000. To continue, click Next.
53238 Select Partition Type
53239 There are three types of partitions: primary, extended, and logical.
53240 Specify Partition Size
53241 Choose a partition size that is between the maximum and minimum sizes.

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:

This dll doesn't export any function


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll:

No imported functions in this file.