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Windows XP DLL File Information - comres.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows XP, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description:  
File Version: 2001.12.4414.700  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: COM Services  
DLL popularity Low - 15 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file.
File Size: 773 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 1
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 1

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 512 Bytes 0.1% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00002000 0 Bytes 0.0% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00003000 790,016 Bytes 99.7% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x000c4000 512 Bytes 0.1% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

comres.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when comres.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, comres.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 38 125,798 Bytes 15.9%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 34 301,620 Bytes 38.1%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 118 68,022 Bytes 8.6%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 5 1,086 Bytes 0.1%
Strings 1,271 133,870 Bytes 16.9%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 3 134,889 Bytes 17.0%
Total 1,469 765,285 Bytes 96.6%

Icons in this file

There are 38 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:

Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)

In the following section, you can find the captions of dialog-boxes stored in this DLL. The list is currently limited to 200 dialogs.
ID Dialog Caption
ENUMDLGBOX Select Computer
331 Setup Error
601 Assert failure in COM+
757 Configure Partitions for New Set
758 Configure Users for New Set
759 General Properties on New Set
760 Add/Remove Partitions in Set
761 Add/Remove Users
762 General Properties for New Partition
765 Update Default Partition
1021 Policy Package Setup
1022 Building Policy Package
1101 Default Properties
1102 Default Protocols
1103 Properties for COM Internet Services
1104 Add Port Range
1105 General
1106 Service Setup
1108 Alias Component
1109 Add Directory Service Application Partition
1110 Browse As
1111 Microsoft COM+ Component Install Wizard for Partitions
1112 Dependent Services
1113 Endpoint Properties
1114 Select DCOM protocol
1116 Pooling && Recycling
1117 General
1118 Advanced
1119 General
1120 Security
1121 General
1122 Microsoft COM+ Component Install Wizard
1123 Microsoft COM+ Component Install Wizard
1124 Microsoft COM+ Component Install Wizard
1125 General
1126 General
1127 Security
1128 Overwrite Files?
1129 Security
1131 Add Computer
1132 General
1133 Proxy
1135 Errors Occurred
1137 Application Wizard
1138 Create Empty Application
1139 Advanced
1140 Select Application Files
1141 Installation Options
1142 Set Application Identity
1143 Identity
1144 Options
1145 Activation
1146 Move component(s)
1147 Advanced
1149 caption
1150 caption
1151 Queuing
1152 Security
1153 Security
1154 Activation
1156 Queuing
1157 Export Application
1158 Concurrency
1159 Microsoft COM+ Component Install Wizard
1160 General
1161 Options
1162 Transactions
1163 Publisher Properties
1164 Add/Edit property
1165 Options
1166 Event Classes
1167 Interfaces and Methods
1168 Dump
1169 General
1170 New Application Partition
1171 Copy application(s)
1172 General
1173 Properties
1174 Implementation
1175 Advanced
1176 General
1177 Location
1178 Identity
1179 Endpoints
1182 Assign Default Partition
1185 New Partition Set
1186 Add Partitions to Partition Set
1188 Partition Install Wizard
1189 Partition Install Wizard
1190 Select Application Files
1191 Installation Options
1192 Security
1193 Default COM Security
1194 Export Partition
1195 Security
2521 General
2522 Transactions
2523 Trace
2524 Statistics
2525 Advanced
2526 Configuration
2530 Transaction Properties
2659 Security Configuration
2674 Tracing Options

String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)

String ID String Text
101 Manages the configuration and tracking of Component Object Model (COM)+-based components. If the service is stopped, most COM+-based components will not function properly. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
102 Administrator
103 Any Application
104 QC Trusted User
105 Reader
106 Server Application
108 Activator
111 Upgrading COM+ (%1 of %2 applications)
112 Unknown User
113 Members of this role are allowed to modify the configuration of COM+ applications and components in this partition.
114 Members of this role are allowed to activate components in this partition.
116 COM+ System Application
121 Component Services
122 AutoRefresh after compile of active project
123 Refresh all components now
124 Refreshes registration entries for all COM components
131 Setting up Component Load Balancing.
132 Setting up MS DTC.
133 Removing Component Load Balancing from the cluster.
134 Removing MS DTC from the cluster.
135 ERROR: Not implemented.
136 ERROR: Internal error parsing arguments.
137 ERROR: This setup program must be run on a system which is part of a cluster.
138 ERROR: Unable to open the cluster.
139 ERROR: Unable to create the COM+ cluster group.
140 Setting up:
141 ERROR: Adding private properties for:
142 ERROR: Unable to set the registry key:
143 for replication:
144 Usage: ComClust [flags]
145 Flags:
146 Add current machine to a new cluster
147 Remove current machine from the cluster
148 Join this machine to a cluster
149 GetLastError returns:
150 Continue? [Yes/No]
153 ERROR: Unable to create the cluster resource:
154 ERROR: The cluster resource cannot be removed because it is online:
155 WARNING: This machine is not a Component Load Balancing server.
156 The CLB resource will not be added to the COM+ cluster group.
157 COM+ -- CLB
158 Generic Service
159 COM+
171 Invalid datastore version on destination
172 Invalid datastore version on source
173 Could not start administration SDK server
174 Error connecting to destination
175 Error connecting to source
176 RemoveAllRemoteComponents failed
177 RemoveAllNonSysPackages failed
178 ReplicatePackages failed
179 One or more remote components on source are set to run on destination
180 MTSComputerToComputer cannot be called when IIS is installed
181 Error occurred in RemoveAllRemoteComputers
182 Error occurred during ReplicateRemoteComponents
183 Error occurred during ReplicateMyComputerProps
184 Cannot run replication utility on Windows 95
185 Destination machine name is the same as the source machine name!
186 Unable to connect to destination server
187 Unable to connect to source server
188 STATUS [%3]: Exporting application '%1' to '%2'
190 ERROR [%4]: An error occurred copying files to '%3' while exporting application '%2' . The error code was %1. Make sure all the component files in this application are accessible.
191 ERROR [%3]: An unexpected error occurred exporting application '%2'. The error code was %1.
193 ERROR [%2]: An error occurred creating a share to '%3'. Make sure the folder is not open in another application, including the Windows Explorer. The error code was %1. Check the Event Viewer on that computer for further messages.
194 ERROR [%2] : An error occurred accessing the COM+ System application on this computer. COM+ may not be installed correctly. The error code was %1. There may be further messages in the Event Viewer on this computer or on your local computer.
195 STATUS [%3]: Creating source share '%1' for folder '%2'
196 STATUS [%1]: Preparing to replicate from source computer.
198 STATUS [%3]: Creating target share '%1' for folder '%2'.
200 ERROR [%2]: An error occurred copying exported application files from the source to the target. The error code was %1. Make sure the target folder mentioned in the previous status message is not open in another process, including the Windows Explorer.
201 STATUS [%1]: Preparing to replicate to target computer.
202 STATUS [%2]: Installing application from '%1'.
203 ERROR [%3] : An unexpected error occurred installing application from '%2'. The error code was %1.
204 STATUS [%1]: Removing the computer list.
205 STATUS [%2]: Copying computer list from '%1'.
206 STATUS [%2]: Copying local computer properties from '%1'.
207 STATUS [%2]: Deleting application '%1' on target computer.
208 ERROR [%3]: An error occurred deleting application '%2'. The error code was %1.
209 STATUS [%2]: Copying all exported application files from the source computer to '%1' on the target.
211 STATUS [%1]: Removing old replica files in '%2'.
212 ERROR [%2]: An error occurred removing and renaming replica folders. The error code was %1. Make sure that none of the folders mentioned in the 3 previous status messages is open in another application, including the Windows Explorer. Check the Event Viewer on that computer for further messages.
213 ERROR [%3]: An error occurred removing the temporary network share '%2'. The error code was %1. Check the Event Viewer on that computer for further messages.
214 STATUS [%2]: Removing the source share '%1'.
215 STATUS [%2]: Removing the target share '%1'.
216 ERROR [%3]: An error occurred will examining '%2' for applications to install. The error code was %1. Make sure this folder is not open in another application, including the Windows explorer."
217 Make sure the folder is not open in another application, including the Windows Explorer.
218 ERROR : The COM version on '%1' is not compatible with the version on your local computer.
219 STATUS [%1]: Renaming '%2' to '%3'.
220 ERROR [%3]: An error occurred creating or emptying the folder '%1'. Make sure the folder is not open in another application, including the Windows Explorer. The error code was %2. Check the Event Viewer on that computer for further messages.
221 ERROR [%1]: An unexpected error occurred replicating the identity for the application '%2' with ID '%3'. The identity of the application may not be a valid account on the target computer. The application has been disabled. (The error code was %4.)
222 ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred accessing computer properties. The error code was %1. Additional debugging information: '%3'.
223 ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred accessing the computer list. The error code was %1. Additional debugging information: '%3'.
224 ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred deleting applications. The error code was %1. Additional debugging information: '%3'.
225 ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred clearing the computer list. The error code was %1. Additional debugging information: '%3'.
226 ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred accessing the catalog. The error code was %1. Additional debugging information: '%3'.
228 ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred deleting partitions. The error code was %1. Additional debugging information: '%3'.
229 ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred deleting partitions sets. The error code was %1. Additional debugging information: '%3'.
230 STATUS [%2]: Deleting partition '%1' on target computer.
231 STATUS [%2]: Deleting partitionset '%1' on target computer.
232 ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred adding partitions. The error code was %1. Additional debugging information: '%3'.
233 ERROR [%2] : An unexpected error occurred adding partition sets. The error code was %1. Additional debugging information: '%3'.
234 STATUS [%1] : Adding partition '%2' on target computer.
235 STATUS [%1] : Adding partition set '%2' on target computer.
236 ERROR [%1]: Unable to find the application '%2' with id '%3' on the target computer.
237 ERROR [%1]: The application '%2' is an NT Service. Its identity information has not been replicated. The service has been configured to run as LocalSystem, and has been disabled.
238 STATUS [%1]: Setting identity for app '%2'.
239 WARNING: COM+ Partitions are not supported on one or more target machines. COMREPL will only be able to replicate applications in the global partition between the source machine and these target machines. Please enter YES (upper case) to continue:
240 STATUS [%1] : Replicating Partition Users.
241 ERROR [%1] : An error occurred replicating the partition users collection. The error code was %2. Make sure that all of the users in the partition users collection exist or are valid on the target computer.
242 ERROR [%1] : An unexpected error occurred deleting partition users. The error code was %2.
251 Errors occurred - refer to the log file for details.
252 Replication succeeded.
253 COMREPL replicates one computer's COM+ Applications to a one or more target computers. COMREPL <source> <targetList> [/n [/v]] <source> Specifies the name of the source computer <targetList> Specifies the names of the target computers separated with blanks /n Don't issue confirmation prompts /v Echo log output to the console
254 WARNING: The entire catalog on %1 will be replaced with the catalog from %2 Replication is an irreversable action. Please enter YES (upper case) to continue:
255 Replication terminated.
256 ERROR: Could not create the replication server object. Error code was %1.
257 Replication started - logging to %1
258 ERROR: The source computer cannot be in the target computer list.
259 ERROR: Duplicate computer names in the target list.
260 ERROR: Unsupported option '%1'
261 ERROR: Missing source and/or target computer.
271 Error: Unable to initiate refresh (COM library).
272 Error: Unable to create COMAdminCatalog object.
273 Error: Refresh failed - hr = %x.
274 Refresh completed.
361 %1 %2 (line %3) Error Code = 0x%4 %5
362 %1 <Unknown exception!> Error Code = 0x%2 %3
363 %1 Setup Error
364 Microsoft Transaction Server
365 COM+ Internal Setup
367 Continuing Installation
368 Setup has detected an error in the installation of DTC on this clustered server.
369 Setup has just completed installation on the first node of this cluster. Please run setup on the other nodes in this cluster at this time. After setup has completed on all other nodes press "OK" to continue.
370 Setup was unable to contact the primary MTS node in the cluster to read configuration information. The primary MTS node in the cluster is the node on which MTS was installed first. Please make sure that this node is running then press Retry to continue.
371 Setup was unable to contact the domain controller for this network. This could be due to network traffic or other associated network problems. Setup must contact the domain controller before continuing.
375 Component Services Catalog Server Identity
377 COM+ Setup
378 Distributed Transaction Coordinator Setup
381 Setup Error Help
382 Currently there is no help for this error message. Please see %systemroot%\comsetup.log for more details.
392 COM+ Setup
393 Setup detected the same version of %1 on your machine. Do you want to re-install over it?
394 Unfortunately, COM+ setup does not support degrade installations.
407 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_INIT_COMPONENT setup message.
408 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS setup message.
409 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE setup message.
412 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION setup message.
413 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_QUERY_STATE setup message.
414 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_QUERY_IMAGE_EX setup message.
415 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE setup message.
416 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_CALC_DISK_SPACE setup message.
417 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_NEED_MEDIA setup message.
418 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT setup message.
419 Sub-component %1 raised an exception while processing the OC_CLEANUP setup message.
420 Component '%1' setup failed to queue an operation for completion on the next computer restart. This is most likely due to a problem with the registry. Please ensure you have registry write permission and the registry is not corrupt.
421 Setup failed while attempting to copy file '%1' to '%2'. Please ensure that '%1' exists and that '%2' is not in use by some other process.
422 Setup failed while attempting to move file '%1' to '%2'. Please ensure that '%1' exists and that '%2' is not in use by some other process.
423 Setup failed to set the file attributes '%1' on the file '%2'.
424 Failed to move file from '%1' to '%2' with %3.
425 Failed to find file '%1'.
426 Failed to get the registry value '%2', '%1'.
427 Failed to set the registry value '%2', '%1'.
428 Failed to load the library '%1'.
429 Failed to register the type library '%1'.
430 Failed to get function address from '%1' for '%2()'.
431 Failed to execute function '%1()' in '%2'.
432 Setup was unable to open the service control manager.
433 Setup could not obtain a handle to the '%1' service.
434 Failed to query service status for '%1'.
435 Failed to start service '%1'.
436 Setup timed out waiting for service '%1' to start.
437 The service control manager was unable to stop the '%1' service.
438 Setup timed out waiting for service '%1' to stop.
439 Setup was unable to obtain the name of the domain controller.
440 Setup was unable to add the computer '%1' to the domain '%2'.
441 The group name '%1' exceeds the maximum group length of '%2' characters.
442 Setup could not create the group '%1' on the server '%2'.
443 Setup could not set the user account information for '%1' on the server '%2'.
444 Setup could not create the user account '%1' on the server '%2'.
445 Setup failed because the user who launched the process does not have administrative privileges. Please log in as an administrator and try again.
446 Setup failed to calculate the disk space requirements for the files specified section '%1' of the COM+ inf file.
447 Setup failed to create all of the registry and INI entries specified in section '%1' of the COM+ inf file.
448 Setup failed to install at least one of the services specified in section '%1' of the COM+ inf file.
449 Setup failed to queue the file operations from section '%1' of the COM+ inf file.
450 Setup was associate the directory ID '%1' with the directory '%2'.
451 Setup was unable to obtain the current system version.
452 Setup could not allocate and initialize a SID. There may be a problem with security settings or the computer may be out of memory.
453 Setup could not lookup the SID for the account '%1'.
454 Setup was unable to save the link '%1' to the target file '%2'.
455 Setup failed while trying to run '%1'. Make sure that the executable exists.
458 Setup was unable to create an instance of the '%1' interface from the coclass '%2'
459 A call to QueryInterface for the interface '%1' failed with a '%2' interface pointer
460 Setup failed to initialize the COM+ catalog. COM+ will not operate correctly without the catalog.
461 Setup was unable to get the '%1' collection.
462 Setup was unable to get the key of the '%1' object.
463 Set was unable to get an object count from the '%1' collection.
464 Setup was unable to get item %1 from the '%2' collection.
465 Setup was unable to get the name of the '%1' object.
466 Setup was unable to populate the '%1' collection.

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: