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Windows XP DLL File Information - wldap32.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows XP, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: Win32 LDAP API DLL  
File Version: 5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2113)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System  
DLL popularity Medium - 22 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file.
File Size: 168 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 324
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 245

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 131,072 Bytes 76.2% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00021000 30,720 Bytes 17.9% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00029000 4,096 Bytes 2.4% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x0002a000 5,120 Bytes 3.0% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

wldap32.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when wldap32.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, wldap32.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 60 2,468 Bytes 1.4%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
All Others 1 896 Bytes 0.5%
Total 61 3,364 Bytes 2.0%

Icons in this file

No icons found in this file


Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)

No dialog resources in this file.


String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)

String ID String Text
1000 Success
1001 Operations Error
1002 Protocol Error
1003 Time Limit Exceeded
1004 Size Limit Exceeded
1005 Compare False
1006 Compare True
1007 Authentication Method Not Supported
1008 Strong Authentication Required
1009 Referral (v2)
1010 Referral
1011 Administration Limit Exceeded
1012 Unavailable Critical Extension
1013 Confidentiality Required
1016 No Such Attribute
1017 Undefined Type
1018 Inappropriate Matching
1019 Constraint Violation
1020 Attribute Or Value Exists
1021 Invalid Syntax
1032 No Such Object
1033 Alias Problem
1034 Invalid DN Syntax
1035 Is Leaf
1036 Alias Dereference Problem
1048 Inappropriate Authentication
1049 Invalid Credentials
1050 Insufficient Rights
1051 Busy
1052 Unavailable
1053 Unwilling To Perform
1054 Loop Detected
1060 Sort Control Missing
1061 Index range error
1064 Naming Violation
1065 Object Class Violation
1066 Not allowed on Non-leaf
1067 Not allowed on RDN
1068 Already Exists
1069 No Object Class Mods
1070 Results Too Large
1071 Affects Multiple DSAs
1080 Other
1081 Server Down
1082 Local Error
1083 Encoding Error
1084 Decoding Error
1085 Timeout
1086 Auth Unknown
1087 Filter Error
1088 User Cancelled
1089 Parameter Error
1090 No Memory
1091 Can't connect to the LDAP server
1092 Operation not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol
1093 Specified control was not found in message
1094 No result present in message
1095 More results returned
1096 Loop while handling referrals
1097 Referral hop limit exceeded

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
LdapGetLastError LdapMapErrorToWin32 LdapUTF8ToUnicode LdapUnicodeToUTF8
ber_alloc_t ber_bvdup ber_bvecfree ber_bvfree
ber_first_element ber_flatten ber_free ber_init
ber_next_element ber_peek_tag ber_printf ber_scanf
ber_skip_tag cldap_open cldap_openA cldap_openW
ldap_abandon ldap_add ldap_addA ldap_addW
ldap_add_ext ldap_add_extA ldap_add_extW ldap_add_ext_s
ldap_add_ext_sA ldap_add_ext_sW ldap_add_s ldap_add_sA
ldap_add_sW ldap_bind ldap_bindA ldap_bindW
ldap_bind_s ldap_bind_sA ldap_bind_sW ldap_check_filterA
ldap_check_filterW ldap_cleanup ldap_close_extended_op ldap_compare
ldap_compareA ldap_compareW ldap_compare_ext ldap_compare_extA
ldap_compare_extW ldap_compare_ext_s ldap_compare_ext_sA ldap_compare_ext_sW
ldap_compare_s ldap_compare_sA ldap_compare_sW ldap_conn_from_msg
ldap_connect ldap_control_free ldap_control_freeA ldap_control_freeW
ldap_controls_free ldap_controls_freeA ldap_controls_freeW ldap_count_entries
ldap_count_references ldap_count_values ldap_count_valuesA ldap_count_valuesW
ldap_count_values_len ldap_create_page_control ldap_create_page_controlA ldap_create_page_controlW
ldap_create_sort_control ldap_create_sort_controlA ldap_create_sort_controlW ldap_create_vlv_controlA
ldap_create_vlv_controlW ldap_delete ldap_deleteA ldap_deleteW
ldap_delete_ext ldap_delete_extA ldap_delete_extW ldap_delete_ext_s
ldap_delete_ext_sA ldap_delete_ext_sW ldap_delete_s ldap_delete_sA
ldap_delete_sW ldap_dn2ufn ldap_dn2ufnA ldap_dn2ufnW
ldap_encode_sort_controlA ldap_encode_sort_controlW ldap_err2string ldap_err2stringA
ldap_err2stringW ldap_escape_filter_element ldap_escape_filter_elementA ldap_escape_filter_elementW
ldap_explode_dn ldap_explode_dnA ldap_explode_dnW ldap_extended_operation
ldap_extended_operationA ldap_extended_operationW ldap_extended_operation_sA ldap_extended_operation_sW
ldap_first_attribute ldap_first_attributeA ldap_first_attributeW ldap_first_entry
ldap_first_reference ldap_free_controls ldap_free_controlsA ldap_free_controlsW
ldap_get_dn ldap_get_dnA ldap_get_dnW ldap_get_next_page
ldap_get_next_page_s ldap_get_option ldap_get_optionA ldap_get_optionW
ldap_get_paged_count ldap_get_values ldap_get_valuesA ldap_get_valuesW
ldap_get_values_len ldap_get_values_lenA ldap_get_values_lenW ldap_init
ldap_initA ldap_initW ldap_memfree ldap_memfreeA
ldap_memfreeW ldap_modify ldap_modifyA ldap_modifyW
ldap_modify_ext ldap_modify_extA ldap_modify_extW ldap_modify_ext_s
ldap_modify_ext_sA ldap_modify_ext_sW ldap_modify_s ldap_modify_sA
ldap_modify_sW ldap_modrdn ldap_modrdn2 ldap_modrdn2A
ldap_modrdn2W ldap_modrdn2_s ldap_modrdn2_sA ldap_modrdn2_sW
ldap_modrdnA ldap_modrdnW ldap_modrdn_s ldap_modrdn_sA
ldap_modrdn_sW ldap_msgfree ldap_next_attribute ldap_next_attributeA
ldap_next_attributeW ldap_next_entry ldap_next_reference ldap_open
ldap_openA ldap_openW ldap_parse_extended_resultA ldap_parse_extended_resultW
ldap_parse_page_control ldap_parse_page_controlA ldap_parse_page_controlW ldap_parse_reference
ldap_parse_referenceA ldap_parse_referenceW ldap_parse_result ldap_parse_resultA
ldap_parse_resultW ldap_parse_sort_control ldap_parse_sort_controlA ldap_parse_sort_controlW
ldap_parse_vlv_controlA ldap_parse_vlv_controlW ldap_perror ldap_rename_ext
ldap_rename_extA ldap_rename_extW ldap_rename_ext_s ldap_rename_ext_sA
ldap_rename_ext_sW ldap_result ldap_result2error ldap_sasl_bindA
ldap_sasl_bindW ldap_sasl_bind_sA ldap_sasl_bind_sW ldap_search
ldap_searchA ldap_searchW ldap_search_abandon_page ldap_search_ext
ldap_search_extA ldap_search_extW ldap_search_ext_s ldap_search_ext_sA
ldap_search_ext_sW ldap_search_init_page ldap_search_init_pageA ldap_search_init_pageW
ldap_search_s ldap_search_sA ldap_search_sW ldap_search_st
ldap_search_stA ldap_search_stW ldap_set_dbg_flags ldap_set_dbg_routine
ldap_set_option ldap_set_optionA ldap_set_optionW ldap_simple_bind
ldap_simple_bindA ldap_simple_bindW ldap_simple_bind_s ldap_simple_bind_sA
ldap_simple_bind_sW ldap_sslinit ldap_sslinitA ldap_sslinitW
ldap_start_tls_sA ldap_start_tls_sW ldap_startup ldap_stop_tls_s
ldap_ufn2dn ldap_ufn2dnA ldap_ufn2dnW ldap_unbind
ldap_unbind_s ldap_value_free ldap_value_freeA ldap_value_freeW


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: