Windows XP DLL File Information - shdocvw.dll |
The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows XP, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.
General Information
File Description: | Shell Doc Object and Control Library |
File Version: | 6.00.2900.5512 (xpsp.080413-2105) |
Company: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product Name: | Microsoft Windows Operating System |
DLL popularity | Very Low - 3 other DLL files in system32 directory are statically linked to this file. |
File Size: | 1,464 KB |
Total Number of Exported Functions: | 134 |
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: | 28 |
Section Headers
Name | Virtual Address | Raw Data Size | % of File | Characteristics | Section Contains... |
.text | 0x00001000 | 886,272 Bytes | 59.1% | Read, Execute | Code |
.data | 0x000da000 | 6,144 Bytes | 0.4% | Write, Read | Initialized Data |
.rsrc | 0x000dc000 | 560,128 Bytes | 37.4% | Read | Initialized Data |
.reloc | 0x00165000 | 45,568 Bytes | 3.0% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
Static Linking
shdocvw.dll is statically linked to the following files:ADVAPI32.dll
This means that when shdocvw.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, shdocvw.dll won't be loaded.
List of files that are statically linked to shdocvw.dll
This means that when one of the above files is loaded, shdocvw.dll will be loaded too. (The opposite of the previous 'Static Linking' section)
General Resources Information
Resource Type | Number of Items | Total Size | % of File |
Icons | 35 | 216,572 Bytes | 14.4% |
Animated Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Cursors | 1 | 328 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Bitmaps | 23 | 238,750 Bytes | 15.9% |
AVI Files | 2 | 18,224 Bytes | 1.2% |
Dialog-Boxes | 2 | 356 Bytes | 0.0% |
HTML Related Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Menus | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Strings | 16 | 674 Bytes | 0.0% |
Type Libraries | 1 | 41,376 Bytes | 2.8% |
Manifest | 1 | 670 Bytes | 0.0% |
All Others | 2 | 33,694 Bytes | 2.2% |
Total | 83 | 550,644 Bytes | 36.7% |
Icons in this file
There are 35 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:
Cursors in this file
There are 1 cursors stored in this DLL file. You can view all these cursors in the following small thumbnail:
Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)
No dialog resources in this file.
String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)
String ID | String Text |
848 | URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol |
849 | URL:HyperText Transfer Protocol with Privacy |
850 | URL:File Transfer Protocol |
851 | URL:Gopher Protocol |
852 | URL:Telnet Protocol |
853 | URL:RLogin Protocol |
854 | URL:TN3270 Protocol |
855 | URL:MailTo Protocol |
856 | URL:News Protocol |
857 | URL:File Protocol |
858 | Internet Shortcut |
859 | The Internet |
860 | URL Exec Hook |
861 | &Open |
862 | Open in S&ame Window |
863 | Windows Explorer Command |
COM Classes/Interfaces
Name | Type | Description |
CScriptErrorList | CoClass | |
DShellNameSpaceEvents | Dispatch | |
DShellWindowsEvents | Dispatch | Event interface for IShellWindows |
DWebBrowserEvents | Dispatch | Web Browser Control Events (old) |
DWebBrowserEvents2 | Dispatch | Web Browser Control events interface |
IScriptErrorList | Dispatch | Script Error List Interface |
ISearch | Dispatch | Enumerated Search |
ISearchAssistantOC | Dispatch | ISearchAssistantOC Interface |
ISearchAssistantOC2 | Dispatch | ISearchAssistantOC2 Interface |
ISearchAssistantOC3 | Dispatch | ISearchAssistantOC3 Interface |
ISearches | Dispatch | Searches Enum |
IShellFavoritesNameSpace | Dispatch | IShellFavoritesNameSpace Interface |
IShellNameSpace | Dispatch | IShellNameSpace Interface |
IShellUIHelper | Dispatch | Shell UI Helper Control Interface |
IShellWindows | Dispatch | Definition of interface IShellWindows |
IWebBrowser | Dispatch | Web Browser interface |
IWebBrowser2 | Dispatch | Web Browser Interface for IE4. |
IWebBrowserApp | Dispatch | Web Browser Application Interface. |
InternetExplorer | CoClass | Internet Explorer Application. |
SearchAssistantOC | CoClass | Internet Explorer SearchAssistantOC Class |
ShellBrowserWindow | CoClass | Shell Browser Window. |
ShellNameSpace | CoClass | Internet Explorer ShellNameSpace Class |
ShellSearchAssistantOC | CoClass | Shell SearchAssistantOC Class |
ShellShellNameSpace | CoClass | Shell ShellNameSpace Class |
ShellUIHelper | CoClass | |
ShellWindows | CoClass | ShellDispatch Load in Shell Context |
WebBrowser | CoClass | WebBrowser Control |
WebBrowser_V1 | CoClass | WebBrowser Control |
_SearchAssistantEvents | Dispatch |
Exported Functions List
The following functions are exported by this dll:AddUrlToFavorites | DllCanUnloadNow | DllGetClassObject | DllGetVersion |
DllInstall | DllRegisterServer | DllRegisterWindowClasses | DllUnregisterServer |
DoAddToFavDlg | DoAddToFavDlgW | DoFileDownload | DoFileDownloadEx |
DoOrganizeFavDlg | DoOrganizeFavDlgW | DoPrivacyDlg | HlinkFindFrame |
HlinkFrameNavigate | HlinkFrameNavigateNHL | IEWriteErrorLog | ImportPrivacySettings |
OpenURL | SHAddSubscribeFavorite | SHGetIDispatchForFolder | SetQueryNetSessionCount |
SetShellOfflineState | SoftwareUpdateMessageBox | URLQualifyA | URLQualifyW |
Imported Functions List
The following functions are imported by this dll:- ADVAPI32.dll:
CopySid EqualSid GetLengthSid GetTokenInformation IsValidSid OpenProcessToken RegCloseKey RegCreateKeyExA RegDeleteKeyA RegEnumValueA RegOpenKeyExA RegOpenKeyExW RegQueryValueExA RegQueryValueExW RegSetValueExA - CRYPT32.dll:
CertCloseStore CryptMsgClose CryptMsgGetParam CryptQueryObject - CRYPTUI.dll:
CryptUIDlgViewSignerInfoW - GDI32.dll:
BitBlt CloseEnhMetaFile CloseMetaFile CreateCompatibleBitmap CreateCompatibleDC CreateDCA CreateEnhMetaFileA CreatePalette CreateRectRgnIndirect DeleteDC DeleteMetaFile DeleteObject GetDeviceCaps GetPaletteEntries GetStockObject GetTextCharset GetTextExtentPoint32W GetTextExtentPointW IntersectClipRect LPtoDP LineTo MoveToEx RealizePalette Rectangle RestoreDC SaveDC SelectObject SelectPalette SetBkColor SetBkMode SetMapMode SetPaletteEntries SetTextColor SetViewportOrgEx SetWindowExtEx SetWindowOrgEx StretchBlt - KERNEL32.dll:
CloseHandle CompareFileTime CreateDirectoryA CreateEventA CreateFileA CreateMutexA CreateThread DisableThreadLibraryCalls DosDateTimeToFileTime ExitProcess FileTimeToLocalFileTime FileTimeToSystemTime FindClose FlushInstructionCache FreeLibrary GetACP GetCommandLineW GetCurrentDirectoryA GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId GetCurrentThreadId GetDriveTypeW GetExitCodeThread GetFileSize GetLocalTime GetLocaleInfoW GetModuleHandleA GetModuleHandleW GetProcAddress GetProcessHeap GetShortPathNameA GetSystemDefaultLCID GetSystemDirectoryA GetSystemInfo GetSystemTime GetSystemTimeAsFileTime GetTempPathA GetTickCount GetUserDefaultLCID GetVersionExA GlobalAlloc GlobalFlags GlobalFree GlobalLock GlobalReAlloc GlobalSize GlobalUnlock HeapDestroy InitializeCriticalSection InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount InterlockedCompareExchange InterlockedDecrement InterlockedExchange InterlockedIncrement IsDBCSLeadByte LoadLibraryA LoadLibraryExA LoadLibraryW LocalAlloc LocalFileTimeToFileTime LocalFree LocalReAlloc LocalSize MulDiv MultiByteToWideChar OpenMutexA OpenMutexW OpenProcess QueryPerformanceCounter RaiseException ReadFile ReleaseMutex ReleaseSemaphore ResetEvent SetCurrentDirectoryA SetErrorMode SetEvent SetFilePointer SetUnhandledExceptionFilter Sleep SystemTimeToFileTime TerminateProcess TerminateThread TlsAlloc TlsFree TlsGetValue TlsSetValue UnhandledExceptionFilter VirtualAlloc VirtualFree WaitForSingleObject WideCharToMultiByte WriteFile lstrcmp lstrcmpi lstrcpyn lstrcpynW lstrlen lstrlenW ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap ntdll!RtlDeleteCriticalSection ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection ntdll!RtlFreeHeap ntdll!RtlGetLastWin32Error ntdll!RtlLeaveCriticalSection ntdll!RtlRestoreLastWin32Error - msvcrt.dll:
__dllonexit _adjust_fdiv _except_handler3 _ftol _initterm _ltow _onexit _vsnprintf _vsnwprintf _wcsnicmp free malloc memmove realloc wcslen wcsrchr - SHLWAPI.dll:
AssocCreate AssocGetPerceivedType AssocIsDangerous AssocQueryKeyW AssocQueryStringW ChrCmpIW GetAcceptLanguagesW HashData PathAddBackslashW PathAppendW PathCanonicalizeW PathCombineA PathCombineW PathCommonPrefixW PathCompactPathExW PathCompactPathW PathCreateFromUrlA PathCreateFromUrlW PathFileExistsW PathFindExtensionA PathFindExtensionW PathFindFileNameA PathFindFileNameW PathGetArgsW PathGetDriveNumberW PathIsContentTypeW PathIsDirectoryW PathIsFileSpecW PathIsNetworkPathW PathIsPrefixW PathIsRelativeW PathIsUNCServerShareW PathIsUNCW PathIsURLA PathIsURLW PathParseIconLocationW PathQuoteSpacesW PathRemoveBackslashW PathRemoveBlanksW PathRemoveExtensionA PathRemoveExtensionW PathRemoveFileSpecA PathRemoveFileSpecW PathRenameExtensionW PathSearchAndQualifyW PathStripToRootW PathUndecorateW PathUnquoteSpacesW SHAutoComplete SHCreateShellPalette SHCreateStreamOnFileW SHCreateThread SHDeleteEmptyKeyA SHDeleteKeyA SHDeleteKeyW SHDeleteValueA SHDeleteValueW SHFreeShared SHGetValueA SHGetValueW SHLockShared SHOpenRegStream2W SHQueryValueExA SHQueryValueExW SHRegCloseUSKey SHRegDeleteUSValueW SHRegDuplicateHKey SHRegEnumUSValueW SHRegGetBoolUSValueW SHRegGetUSValueW SHRegGetValueW SHRegOpenUSKeyW SHRegSetUSValueW SHSetValueA SHSetValueW SHSkipJunction SHStrDupW SHUnlockShared StrCSpnW StrCatBuffA StrCatBuffW StrChrIA StrChrIW StrChrW StrCmpCW StrCmpICA StrCmpICW StrCmpIW StrCmpNIA StrCmpNIW StrCmpNW StrCmpW StrCpyNW StrDupA StrDupW StrFormatByteSizeW StrFormatKBSizeW StrFromTimeIntervalW StrPBrkW StrRChrW StrRetToBufW StrRetToStrW StrSpnW StrStrIA StrStrIW StrStrW StrToIntExA StrToIntExW StrToIntW StrTrimA StrTrimW UrlApplySchemeW UrlCanonicalizeA UrlCanonicalizeW UrlCombineW UrlCreateFromPathW UrlEscapeW UrlGetLocationW UrlGetPartW UrlHashW UrlIsNoHistoryW UrlIsW UrlUnescapeA UrlUnescapeW wnsprintfA wnsprintfW wvnsprintfA wvnsprintfW - USER32.dll:
AdjustWindowRect AdjustWindowRectEx BeginDeferWindowPos BeginPaint CallNextHookEx ChangeClipboardChain CharLowerBuffA CharNextA CharNextW CheckDlgButton CheckMenuItem CheckMenuRadioItem CheckRadioButton ChildWindowFromPoint ChildWindowFromPointEx CopyRect CreateMenu CreatePopupMenu DdeClientTransaction DdeConnect DdeCreateDataHandle DdeDisconnect DdeFreeDataHandle DdeFreeStringHandle DdeGetData DdeNameService DdeUninitialize DeferWindowPos DestroyAcceleratorTable DestroyCursor DestroyWindow DrawFocusRect DrawIconEx DrawTextExW EnableMenuItem EnableWindow EndDeferWindowPos EndDialog EndPaint EnumWindows EqualRect FillRect GetActiveWindow GetAsyncKeyState GetCapture GetClientRect GetCursorPos GetDC GetDesktopWindow GetDlgCtrlID GetDlgItem GetDoubleClickTime GetFocus GetForegroundWindow GetKeyState GetLastActivePopup GetMenuDefaultItem GetMenuItemCount GetMenuItemID GetMenuState GetMessagePos GetNextDlgTabItem GetParent GetShellWindow GetSubMenu GetSysColor GetSysColorBrush GetSystemMenu GetSystemMetrics GetWindow GetWindowDC GetWindowLongA GetWindowPlacement GetWindowRect GetWindowThreadProcessId InflateRect InsertMenuA InsertMenuW IntersectRect InvalidateRect IsChild IsDlgButtonChecked IsHungAppWindow IsIconic IsRectEmpty IsWindow IsWindowEnabled IsWindowVisible KillTimer LoadMenuA LoadMenuW LoadStringA MapWindowPoints MessageBeep MoveWindow MsgWaitForMultipleObjects OffsetRect PostQuitMessage PtInRect RedrawWindow RegisterClipboardFormatA RegisterClipboardFormatW ReleaseCapture ReleaseDC RemoveMenu ScreenToClient SendMessageTimeoutA SendMessageW SetCapture SetClipboardViewer SetCursor SetFocus SetForegroundWindow SetMenuDefaultItem SetParent SetRect SetRectEmpty SetTimer SetWindowLongA SetWindowPlacement SetWindowPos SetWindowRgn SetWindowTextW ShowWindow ShowWindowAsync SystemParametersInfoA TrackMouseEvent TranslateMessage UnhookWindowsHookEx UnionRect UpdateWindow WaitMessage wsprintfW