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Windows XP DLL File Information - netid.dll

The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows XP, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.


General Information

File Description: System Control Panel Applet; Network ID Page  
File Version: 5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2108)  
Company: Microsoft Corporation  
Product Name: Microsoft Windows Operating System  
DLL popularity Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file.
File Size: 136 KB
Total Number of Exported Functions: 2
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: 2

Section Headers

Name Virtual Address Raw Data Size % of File Characteristics Section Contains...
.text 0x00001000 65,024 Bytes 46.7% Read, Execute Code
.data 0x00011000 512 Bytes 0.4% Write, Read Initialized Data
.rsrc 0x00012000 66,560 Bytes 47.8% Read Initialized Data
.reloc 0x00023000 6,144 Bytes 4.4% Read, Discardable Initialized Data

Static Linking

netid.dll is statically linked to the following files:


This means that when netid.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, netid.dll won't be loaded.


General Resources Information

Resource Type Number of Items Total Size % of File
Icons 2 30,218 Bytes 21.7%
Animated Icons 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Animated Cursors 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Bitmaps 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
AVI Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Dialog-Boxes 7 6,644 Bytes 4.8%
HTML Related Files 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Menus 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Strings 90 25,976 Bytes 18.7%
Type Libraries 0 0 Bytes 0.0%
Manifest 1 668 Bytes 0.5%
All Others 1 932 Bytes 0.7%
Total 101 64,438 Bytes 46.3%

Icons in this file

There are 2 icons stored in this DLL file. You can view all these icons in the following small thumbnail:

Cursors in this file

No cursors found in this file


Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)

In the following section, you can find the captions of dialog-boxes stored in this DLL. The list is currently limited to 200 dialogs.
ID Dialog Caption
103 Computer Name Changes
104 DNS Suffix and NetBIOS Computer Name
106 Computer Name Changes
112 Computer Name
114 Computer Name
1020 Computer Name
3209 (window title goes here)

String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)

String ID String Text
1 * Unknown *
3 The following error occurred while attempting to read domain membership information:
4 Computer Name Changes
5 Workgroup:
6 Domain:
7 The domain name "%1" does not conform to Internet Domain Name Service specifications, although it is a legal Microsoft name. You must use Microsoft DNS server for non-standard names.
8 The domain name "%1" is not properly formatted. Periods (.) are used to separate domains. Each domain is limited to %2!d! characters. Example:
9 The DNS name "%1" is too long. The name may not be longer than %2!d! bytes.
10 The new computer name "%1" is too long. The name may not be longer than %2!d! bytes.
11 The new computer name entered is not properly formatted. Standard names may contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-), but no spaces or periods (.). The name may not consist entirely of digits.
12 The following error occurred validating the name "%1".
13 The following error occurred attempting to join the domain "%1":
14 The following error occurred attempting to change the computer name to "%1":
15 The following error occurred attempting to change the computer name to "%1": (The domain "%2" was joined under the old computer name "%3")
16 The following error occurred attempting to change the Primary Domain DNS name of this computer to "%1":
17 The following error occurred attempting to unjoin the domain "%1":
18 The following error occurred attempting to join the workgroup "%1":
19 The following error occurred attempting to rename the computer to "%1":
20 This computer was disjoined from the domain "%1", but the computer account could not be disabled. You should contact your network administrator with this information.
22 Welcome to the %1 workgroup.
23 Welcome to the %1 domain.
24 You must restart this computer for the changes to take effect.
25 You can change the name and the membership of this computer. Changes may affect access to network resources.
26 You can change the name of this computer. You must install networking before you can change this computer's domain membership.
27 Enter the name and password of an account with permission to rename this computer in the domain.
28 The NetBIOS name of the computer is limited to %1!d! bytes. The NetBIOS name will be shortened to "%2".
29 The computer name "%1" contains one or more non-standard characters. Standard characters include letters (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), and hyphens (-). Using a non-standard name will prevent other users from finding your computer on the network, unless your network is using the Microsoft DNS Server. Do you want to use this non-standard name?
30 The computer name "%1" contains one or more characters that could not be converted to a NetBIOS name. The error was:
31 The NetBIOS name of the computer contains characters which are not allowed. Characters which are not allowed in NetBIOS names include * = + [ ] \ | ; : " , < > / and ?
32 The following error occurred modifying the computer description.
202 system32
224 An error with no description has occurred.
225 The system is low on memory. Close some programs, then click Retry. Click Cancel to attempt to continue.
226 Low Memory Error
227 The operation failed. (0x%1!08X!)
1021 Note: Only Administrators can change the identification of this computer.
1022 Note: The identification of the computer cannot be changed because:
1023 - The computer is a domain controller.
1024 - The Certification Authority Service is installed on this computer.
1025 - Networking is not installed or is not properly configured.
1029 The new computer name "%1" is a number. The name may not be a number.
1030 The new computer name "%1" contains characters which are not allowed. Characters which are not allowed include ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = + [ ] { } \ | ; : ' " , < > / and ?
1031 The first domain of the domain name "%1" is a number. The first domain may not be a number.
1032 The domain name "%1" contains characters which are not allowed. Standard DNS names may contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens, but no spaces. Periods (.) are used to separate domains. Example:
1033 The new computer name may not be the same as the Workgroup name.
1034 The new computer name may not be the same as the Domain name.
1035 - Active Directory is being installed or removed on this computer.
1036 - This computer has not been restarted since Active Directory was installed or removed.
1037 To rename this computer, click Change.
1038 - The computer is a domain controller undergoing upgrade. Please complete the Active Directory Installation Wizard.
1039 The Active Directory Installation Wizard is currently running. You must complete or exit the wizard before you can change the computer name or domain.
1040 - The Active Directory Installation Wizard is currently running. Please complete or exit the wizard.
1041 The computer is a domain controller undergoing upgrade. You must complete the Active Directory Installation Wizard before you can change the computer name or domain.
1042 The Certification Authority Service is installed on this computer. You must remove that service before you can change the computer name or domain.
1043 Active Directory is being installed or removed on this computer. The computer name or domain information cannot be changed.
1044 This computer has not been restarted since Active Directory was installed or removed. The computer name or domain information cannot be changed.
1045 Networking is not installed or is not properly configured. The computer name or domain information cannot be changed.
1046 The following error occurred attempting to change the DNS suffix synchronization flag:
1047 Enter the name and password of an account with permission to remove this computer from the domain.
1048 The NetBIOS computer name "%1" is a number. The name may not be a number. You must have at least one non-numeric character within the first %2!d! bytes of the computer name.
1049 The Workgroup name "%1" is too long. The name may not be longer than %2!d! bytes.
1050 The computer cannot be joined to the domain "%1" because there is not enough disk space on either the computer or a domain controller of the domain.
1051 The join operation was not successful. The error was:
1052 Enter the name and password of an account with permission to join the domain.
1053 The computer failed to join the domain "%1". Please contact your domain administrator and indicate that the computer failed to update the dnsHostName and/or servicePrincipalName (SPN) attribute in its Active Directory computer account. Once the problem is resolved, you may join the computer to the "%1" domain.
1054 The computer failed to join the domain "%1". Please do one of the following: -- Configure the computer to update its primary DNS suffix when domain membership changes. -- Configure the computer's primary DNS suffix to match the Active Directory domain DNS name or any other allowed primary DNS suffix. For the list of the allowed DNS suffixes contact your domain administrator. -- Contact your domain administrator to allow computers that are members of the "%1" domain to have "%2" as their primary DNS suffix. Once the recommended configuration is performed, you may join the computer to the "%1" domain.
1055 The attempt to rename the computer to "%1" failed. Please contact your domain administrator and indicate that the computer failed to update the dnsHostName and/or servicePrincipalName (SPN) attribute in its Active Directory computer account.
1056 The attempt to rename the computer to "%1" failed. Please do one of the following: -- Configure the computer's primary DNS suffix to match the Active Directory domain DNS name or any other allowed primary DNS suffix. For the list of the allowed DNS suffixes contact your domain administrator. -- Contact your domain administrator to allow computers that are members of the "%2" domain to have "%3" as their primary DNS suffix.
1057 The computer joined domain "%2" using the old computer name "%3". The attempt to change the computer name to "%1" failed. Please contact your domain administrator and indicate that the computer failed to update the dnsHostName and/or servicePrincipalName (SPN) attribute in its Active Directory computer account. Once the problem is resolved, you may rename the computer.
1058 The computer joined domain "%2" using the old computer name "%3". The attempt to change the computer name to "%1" failed. Please do one of the following: -- Configure the computer's primary DNS suffix to match the Active Directory domain DNS name or any other allowed primary DNS suffix. For the list of the allowed DNS suffixes contact your domain administrator. -- Contact your domain administrator to allow computers that are members of the "%2" domain to have "%4" as their primary DNS suffix. Once the recommended configuration is performed, you may rename the computer.
1059 Domain controllers cannot be moved from one domain to another, they must first be demoted. Renaming this domain controller may cause it to become temporarily unavailable to users and computers. For information on renaming domain controllers, including alternate renaming methods, see Help and Support. To continue renaming this domain controller, click OK.
3201 (no addresses found)
3202 . (the root zone)
3203 The error was: "%1" (error code 0x%2!08X! %3)
3204 The following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate a domain controller for domain %1: %2 The query was for the SRV record for %3 Common causes of this error include the following: - The DNS servers used by this computer contain incorrect root hints. This computer is configured to use DNS servers with following IP addresses: %4 - One or more of the following zones contains incorrect delegation: %5 For information about correcting this problem, click Help.
3206 The following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate a domain controller for domain %1: %2 The query was for the SRV record for %3 The DNS servers used by this computer for name resolution are not responding. This computer is configured to use DNS servers with the following IP addresses: %4 Verify that this computer is connected to the network, that these are the correct DNS server IP addresses, and that at least one of the DNS servers is running. For more information on how to correct this problem, click Help.
3210 &Details >>
3211 A domain controller for the domain %1 could not be contacted. Ensure that the domain name is typed correctly. If the name is correct, click Details for troubleshooting information.
3213 No diagnostic information is available.
3214 The domain name %1 might be a NetBIOS domain name. If this is the case, verify that the domain name is properly registered with WINS. If you are certain that the name is not a NetBIOS domain name, then the following information can help you troubleshoot your DNS configuration.
3215 The following error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate a domain controller for domain %1: %2 The query was for the SRV record for %3 Common causes of this error include the following: - The DNS SRV record is not registered in DNS. - One or more of the following zones do not include delegation to its child zone: %4 For information about correcting this problem, click Help.
3216 (no domain controllers found)
3217 DNS was successfully queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate a domain controller for domain %1: The query was for the SRV record for %2 The following domain controllers were identified by the query: %3 Common causes of this error include: - Host (A) records that map the name of the domain controller to its IP addresses are missing or contain incorrect addresses. - Domain controllers registered in DNS are not connected to the network or are not running. For information about correcting this problem, click Help.
3218 DNS was successfully queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate a domain controller for domain %1: The query was for the SRV record for %2 However, no domain controllers were identified in the query results. This might be because the domain controllers have been registered with the incorrect record type. For information about correcting this problem, click Help.
3219 An error occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate a domain controller for domain %1. %2 The query was for the SRV record for %3 For more information, click Help.
3220 << &Details
3222 Domain Controller Not Found
3223 Note: This information is intended for a network administrator. If you are not your network's administrator, notify the administrator that you received this information, which has been recorded in the file %1.
3224 Note: This information is intended for a network administrator. If you are not your network's administrator, notify the administrator that you received this information.

COM Classes/Interfaces

There is no type library in this file with COM classes/interfaces information


Exported Functions List

The following functions are exported by this dll:
CreateNetIDPropertyPage ShowDcNotFoundErrorDialog


Imported Functions List

The following functions are imported by this dll: