Windows XP DLL File Information - comrepl.dll |
The following DLL report was generated by automatic DLL script that scanned and loaded all DLL files in the system32 directory of Windows XP, extracted the information from them, and then saved it into HTML reports. If you want to view a report of another DLL, go to the main page of this Web site.
General Information
File Description: | |
File Version: | 2001.12.4414.700 |
Company: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product Name: | COM Services |
DLL popularity | Very Low - There is no any other DLL in system32 directory that is statically linked to this file. |
File Size: | 95 KB |
Total Number of Exported Functions: | 4 |
Total Number of Exported Functions With Names: | 4 |
Section Headers
Name | Virtual Address | Raw Data Size | % of File | Characteristics | Section Contains... |
.text | 0x00001000 | 85,504 Bytes | 87.4% | Read, Execute | Code |
.data | 0x00016000 | 512 Bytes | 0.5% | Write, Read | Initialized Data |
.rsrc | 0x00019000 | 5,632 Bytes | 5.8% | Read | Initialized Data |
.reloc | 0x0001b000 | 5,120 Bytes | 5.2% | Read, Discardable | Initialized Data |
Static Linking
comrepl.dll is statically linked to the following files:USER32.dll
This means that when comrepl.dll is loaded, the above files are automatically loaded too. If one of these files is corrupted or missing, comrepl.dll won't be loaded.
General Resources Information
Resource Type | Number of Items | Total Size | % of File |
Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Icons | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Animated Cursors | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Bitmaps | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
AVI Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Dialog-Boxes | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
HTML Related Files | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Menus | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Strings | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
Type Libraries | 1 | 3,728 Bytes | 3.8% |
Manifest | 0 | 0 Bytes | 0.0% |
All Others | 2 | 1,559 Bytes | 1.6% |
Total | 3 | 5,287 Bytes | 5.4% |
Icons in this file
No icons found in this file
Cursors in this file
No cursors found in this file
Dialog-boxes list (up to 200 dialogs)
No dialog resources in this file.
String resources in this dll (up to 200 strings)
No string resources in this file.
COM Classes/Interfaces
Name | Type | Description |
ICOMReplicate | Dispatch | ICOMReplicate Interface |
ICOMReplicate2 | Dispatch | ICOMReplicate2 Interface |
ICOMReplicateCatalog | Dispatch | ICOMReplicateCatalog Interface |
ReplicateCatalog | CoClass | ReplicateCatalog Class |
Exported Functions List
The following functions are exported by this dll:DllCanUnloadNow | DllGetClassObject | DllRegisterServer | DllUnregisterServer |
Imported Functions List
The following functions are imported by this dll:- USER32.dll:
CharNextW CloseDesktop CloseWindowStation DialogBoxParamW EndDialog GetClientRect GetDesktopWindow GetProcessWindowStation GetThreadDesktop GetWindowRect LoadStringW MapWindowPoints OpenDesktopW OpenWindowStationW SetDlgItemTextW SetProcessWindowStation SetThreadDesktop SetWindowPos wsprintfA wsprintfW - KERNEL32.dll:
CloseHandle CopyFileW CreateDirectoryW CreateFileW CreateMutexW CreateProcessW DebugBreak DeleteFileW DisableThreadLibraryCalls ExpandEnvironmentStringsW FindClose FindFirstFileW FindNextFileW FindResourceW FlushFileBuffers FormatMessageW FreeLibrary GetComputerNameW GetConsoleOutputCP GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId GetCurrentThread GetCurrentThreadId GetExitCodeProcess GetLocalTime GetModuleFileNameA GetModuleFileNameW GetModuleHandleA GetModuleHandleW GetProcAddress GetShortPathNameW GetStdHandle GetSystemDirectoryW GetSystemTimeAsFileTime GetThreadContext GetTickCount GetVersionExA GetWindowsDirectoryW HeapDestroy InitializeCriticalSection InterlockedCompareExchange InterlockedDecrement InterlockedIncrement IsDebuggerPresent LoadLibraryExW LoadLibraryW LoadResource LocalFree LockResource MultiByteToWideChar QueryPerformanceCounter ReleaseMutex SetFileAttributesW SetFilePointer SetThreadUILanguage SetUnhandledExceptionFilter SizeofResource TerminateProcess UnhandledExceptionFilter VirtualQueryEx WaitForSingleObject WideCharToMultiByte WriteConsoleW WriteFile lstrcat lstrcatW lstrcmpW lstrcmpiW lstrcpy lstrcpyW lstrcpynW lstrlen lstrlenW ntdll!RtlDeleteCriticalSection ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection ntdll!RtlGetLastWin32Error ntdll!RtlLeaveCriticalSection - ole32.dll:
CLSIDFromString CoCreateGuid CoCreateInstance CoCreateInstanceEx CoGetObjectContext CoSetProxyBlanket CoTaskMemAlloc CoTaskMemFree CoTaskMemRealloc StringFromCLSID StringFromGUID2 - OLEAUT32.dll:
LoadRegTypeLib LoadTypeLib RegisterTypeLib SysAllocString SysAllocStringLen SysFreeString SysStringLen VarUI4FromStr VariantClear - ADVAPI32.dll:
DeregisterEventSource RegCloseKey RegCreateKeyExW RegDeleteKeyW RegDeleteValueW RegEnumKeyExW RegEnumValueW RegOpenKeyExW RegQueryInfoKeyW RegQueryValueExW RegSetValueExW RegisterEventSourceW ReportEventW - msvcrt.dll:
__CxxFrameHandler __dllonexit _adjust_fdiv _except_handler3 _initterm _onexit _purecall _vsnwprintf _waccess _wcsicmp _wsetlocale _wstrdate _wstrtime free malloc printf realloc swprintf void __cdecl terminate(void) wcscat wcschr wcscpy wcslen wcsrchr - COMRes.dll:
COMResModuleInstance - VERSION.dll:
VerQueryValueW - ntdll.dll: